Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2460: final battle

"Goering, what are you trying to do? How dare you disrespect God!"

"Don't think we are afraid of you, we are here to seek justice today."


In the distant temple, it didn't take too long for a quarrel to be heard. He knew that Goering's hot temper could no longer be held back.

He looked left and right and found that everyone's eyes turned to the inside of the temple, and many people's consciousness was also detecting in that direction, but without exception, they were blocked by the defensive barrier of the temple and could not detect the situation inside. .

Lu Yangxue's secret method of divine consciousness was taught by the Blazing Demon God, and it was different from theirs. If he wanted to, he could detect the content of the conversation, but Lu Yang didn't choose to detect it. He was afraid that Karu had some special treasure to discover. he.


Lu Yang used the avatar to create a avatar that stayed in place. He took this opportunity to become a phoenix, but the phoenix was only the size of a child's palm. At the same time, he imprisoned all his power to Bandars. Inside the fort, make sure that from the outside, he is a wild flamingo of the first grade.

Fluttering his wings, Lu Yang flew into the living room of the temple. When he looked inside, he found that the current state of the two parties was more serious than what he heard outside.

The head of the troll clan, Goering, and the clan chiefs of the other five races, along with a dozen quasi-gods under their respective commanders, had already stood up and were confronting an aging jackal-headed orc sitting on a chair opposite.

This jackal-headed orc is Karu. The hair on his body has fallen off a lot, revealing the shriveled muscles on his body. He looks like an old man on the verge of death, but his eyes are extremely sharp, stopping more than a dozen quasi-gods in front of him. He stared at Goering and the others and said, "The sons step back, I will talk to them personally."

"Father, are you going to take action?" The strongest quasi-god son at the head asked excitedly, and all the other quasi-god sons showed excitement.

"I haven't been active for a long time." Karu stood up, his huge body was more than three meters high, a black sword appeared in his right hand, and he looked at Goering and the others with a grin, and said, "I only give you two choices, or Surrender, or die!"

"Who are you frightening, we are ready to die when we come, and even if we die, we will pull your whole family." Goering sneered, took out a horn and blew it.





With the sound of the horn, a dense and rhythmic drum sound suddenly sounded outside the whole city, which made the faces of Karu and all his sons change greatly.

"Death War Horn!" Karu stared at Goering and the clan chiefs beside him, and said in shock, "You dare to let your entire clan fight me to the death? Aren't you afraid of being exterminated by me?"

The sound of the horns matched the drums outside the city, and the mournful sound of the horns outside the city, all of which proved that Goering and the others brought not only the merchant team, but also the soldiers of their entire clan. .

"It's better to continue being bullied by you, it's better to die like this." A gray orc with a body like a bloated meat ball showed his butcher's knife and roared: "My Laen family, Dalama, asks to duel with you!"





Goering and the others roared in unison, which made the Blazing Demon God hidden in Lu Yang's body smile, and said, "These orcs are quite smart, and use the Ryan tribe to counter Karu."

It was the first time that Lu Yang saw the meatball-like race and asked, "Is it very strong?"

The Blazing Demon God said: "The biggest feature of this race is its strong ability to resist beatings and recover. When I was a lower god, I fought with a lower **** patriarch of the Ryan family. Even if I burn him with divine fire, this race can resist. If you live for a long time, if it is just a physical attack, Karu will definitely not kill him in the short term."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "If Karu agrees to a duel, then the warriors of the races such as Goering will fight, and their race will be finished."

The Blazing Demon God said: "But he must accept the duel. The duel of the orcs is supreme, and it is a symbol of dignity. If Karu avoids, his reputation for fearing battles will spread throughout the orcs, and the jackal-headed orcs will never be able to lift them up. Start being a man."

Lu Yang was a little interested. He wanted to know how this Karu would choose, but at this moment, a terrifying divine might burst out from Karu. That kind of unique ability of God made all the strong people present. He closed his mouth and could only resist with all his strength.

"Dalama, Goering..." Karu's voice was low, but everyone could hear it clearly, a long sword appeared in his right hand, and he said with a grinning smile: "If you want to challenge me, you have to pass first. Do you see the powerhouse I recruited for this level? If Dalamar can beat the Great Hammer, I will accept his challenge."

Goering and the others looked in the direction of Karu's finger, and a ferocious orc strongman with a heavy hammer was sitting there. He was a mercenary recruited by Karu.

There are several other demigods sitting next to them, each of which is extremely powerful. At this time, they are all ready to fight.

"Dalama is still used to kill them? I'll do it." A black orc quasi-god behind Goering held an iron rod and charged towards the giant hammer.

Several other quasi-gods also launched an attack at the same time. For a time, the seats on the side of the mercenary group were in a mess, and several demigod-level mercenaries were involved.

Lu Yang said with a smile, "That's why I didn't reveal my full strength. If I were below, although I could get close to Karu, I'm afraid Karu would be used as cannon fodder now."

In a battle of this scale, there is one **** and more than 100 quasi-gods on both sides. If Lu Yang dares to reveal his strength, even if he has the means of immortality and nirvana, he will not be able to leave alive.

The Blazing Demon God said, "Why not talk about treacherousness or look at humans? Orcs can use Dalama to deal with Karu, which is already the limit."

on the scene.

Goering and the others were still facing Karu, and Dalama said with a sneer: "Kalu, you are a low-level god, don't you dare to fight me, a quasi-god? Aren't you afraid of being laughed at by all the orcs?"

"Hahahaha..." Goering and the others burst into laughter.

Karu was unmoved, and stopped the impulse of the quasi-god sons, saying: "Order, the first to the first legion will defend the city wall, and the fifth legion will kill all the aliens in the city, leaving no one behind."

"Yes." Karu's five sons nodded together, each giving orders, and for a while, shrill horns sounded all over the city.

Karu stared at Goering and the others and said, "Since you are ready to seek death, don't blame me for being disrespectful, but I want to see how you quasi-gods fight against me, a lower god. "

Black light flickers.

Karu charged towards Goering with a black long sword. At the same time, his spirit locked on Goering and other six patriarchs, and they were oppressed and unable to move.

As if he was dying, Dalama stood in front of Goering and blocked Karu's long sword with his bloated stomach.

If a strong person below the quasi-god blocked in this way, he would definitely die on the spot, but the quasi-god was different. The difference between the quasi-god and the lower **** was only a godhead, commonly known as the domain.

For example, the God of Power, his Godhead is power. When it is released, it becomes a gravitational field. All creatures in his domain will instantly feel the coercion of his power, causing them to move slowly.

Karu's godhead is speed, and the jackal-headed orc's unparalleled speed allows him to release the field, as if he has released a blinking technique, and can appear in front of any enemy at any time.

It's a pity that a human shield quasi-god like Dalama is not afraid of Karu, he is here to resist, so he can block the attack for Goering.

"Kalwu, today is your day of death." A strange blood-red short spear appeared in Goering's hand, and at the moment when Karu stabbed Darama, his blood-red short spear slammed into Karu's. on the body.


Karu let out a scream, looked at the short spear nailed to his body, and shouted in horror: "Blood Spirit Spear, isn't this thing Picard's personal weapon? How could it be on you?"

"This was given to me by my father to protect the clan." Gorin roared, holding two short axes, and at the same time his mind controlled the Blood Spirit Spear to attack Karu.

Although Lu Yang didn't know what the Blood Spirit Spear was, he could see that Karu was injured, maybe not seriously, but he was indeed injured.

"You all have to die, all of you have to die." Karu went crazy, his body suddenly transformed into countless phantoms, and at the same time launched an attack on Green, Dalama, and dozens of quasi-gods.

The quasi-god on Goering's side became completely passive, but at this time, Karu's sons also participated in the attack.

Originally, Goering and the others were the one with the most people, but now they were suppressed and a one-to-two situation emerged.

Goering is the most difficult. He has to face the afterimages of six Karu at the same time. If it wasn't for the fact that Goring was a troll, and his shooting speed and reaction speed were extremely fast, he would not be able to stop Karu's attack at ~ Everyone persevere, Karu's blood is exhausted, and we won't be able to hold on for too long. We must win. ' growled Goering.

"The big deal will perish together. If we can't win, our clansmen will also be slaughtered by him." Dalama, who had been chopped all over, shouted frantically.


The quasi-gods on Goering’s side shouted and prepared to fight to the death, and Karu also became crazy, fighting the enemy to the death.

At this time, the area at the gate of the temple also began to fight, and Lu Yang's clone was blown up. He looked back and looked outside, where a large number of trolls and orcs of various races were fighting against the jackal-headed clan.

Lu Yang understood that none of the businessmen brought in by Goering and the others were real businessmen, all of them were high-level powerhouses.

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