Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2461: 2nd massacre

The war on the city wall also started. Through the scan of his consciousness, Lu Yang knew that there were at least one million soldiers of all ethnic groups participating in the war. Suddenly, a plan was formed in Lu Yang's mind, but it was only when he wanted to implement it. , but hesitated for a moment.

The Blazing Demon God sensed Lu Yang's abnormality and said solemnly: "Your mentality has fluctuated again? Tell me the reason, if you continue like this, you may be attacked by extraterrestrial demons using your negative emotions. At that time, I will help you. Hard work."

Lu Yang smiled and said, "I thought of a poisonous plan, but I just need a little effort to convince myself."

"What poison plan?" The Blazing Demon God asked.

There was a cruel smile on the corner of Lu Yang's mouth, and he said, "Since the main force of the surrounding clans are in the Jackal-headed Orc King City, their own clan must be empty. You say, how about I go to massacre the city now?"

The Blazing Demon God took a deep breath and said in horror: "In our world, there has never been such a precedent. We also slaughtered the city, but we only slaughtered their clansmen after defeating the enemy head-on, absolutely not. Will use this kind of sneak attack, you, you..."

"It's too despicable, isn't it." Lu Yang was still laughing, but with a little helplessness, he said, "Our five thousand years of history, the tactics given to us by our ancestors religion, there are such examples, this is the fastest improvement Our strength and the way to defeat the enemy are a little hard for you to accept, and I am somewhat morally condemned when I accept it."

The Blazing Demon God sighed and said, "I won't ask you to do anything, I will support all your decisions, but you will find a way to pass the level of your inner demon."

Lu Yang nodded. He knew that the Blazing Demon God supported him in doing so. He glanced at the battle below, and it would take at least two days to decide the winner.

The war between the lower gods and the quasi-gods is absolutely impossible to complete within a few hours. It will take a long time. If the quasi-gods and the quasi-gods have special treasures in their hands, the fighting time will be even longer. Long.

Lu Yang left a Firebird clone on the spot. He jumped into the sky and flew at full speed towards the east of the Jackal-headed Orc King City, which is the main city of trolls.

Although he didn't know the exact location of the opponent's main city, the footprints on the ground and the temperature left behind showed another form in Lu Yang's eyes.

When the trolls came, a group of people must have come, so, in Lu Yang's eyes, it was a flame drifting toward the jackal-headed orc king city from a distance.

Lu Yang followed the flames and walked back. Although the temperature was dropping and the flames were dissipating, he was able to easily see a huge wooden camp two hours later.

The camp is very huge, with a radius of dozens of square kilometers. The interior is full of tents. Most of the trolls in it have entered a sleep state. Only on the watchtower around the camp, there are dozens of trolls watching. Inside the camp, there are a few more. Hundreds of trolls patrolling.

The only brightly lit place was the sacrificial shrine in the center of the camp. There was only one quasi-god-rank powerhouse, three demigod-rank powerhouses, and more than twenty monarch-rank powerhouses, kneeling around the sacrifice pit and muttering something.

Lu Yang flew to the back of a low mountain not far away. With a wave of his hand, he opened the transmission channel of Bandarsburg. Zhuojiu, Bai Shi and others led more than 40,000 brothers and walked out neatly from it.

"Boss, who are you hitting?" Zhuojiu asked.

Lu Yang signaled them not to worry. After more than 40,000 brothers came out of Bandarsburg, he looked at Zhuojiu and the others and said with a solemn expression: "Behind this low mountain is the camp of the troll clan. , there are only ordinary members of the troll clan, their strength will not exceed the third rank, and the number is about 500,000."

"Where are the warriors of their clan?" the white lion asked curiously.

Lu Yang said: "Together with other races, we are besieging the main city of the jackal-headed orcs, so what we are facing now is almost a group of ordinary trolls with no fighting ability."

Zhou Tianming understood that this was another massacre, and said with a grim expression, "Let me do it."

The white lion said, "Count me in."

Xia Yuwei said, "Boss, we support you."

Turbid wine said: "We must do this for the sake of the clan."

A smile appeared on Lu Yang's face. He was satisfied that he had such a group of good brothers and said, "Then let's do it together."

Malthus flew out from the body of the turbid wine with a golden light, looked at Lu Yang with a dignified expression and said: "You should know the evil spirit of eternal sin, this is the most terrifying kind of demons outside the realm, I do not object to your slaughter, after all , their clansmen have also slaughtered human beings, it is appropriate to be retaliation by you, but you have to be prepared, all orders are given by you, and I also perceive that you still have a benevolent heart, so you will If you have the mentality of eternal sin, you will definitely be attacked by the evil spirit of eternal sin in the future, if you can't get past this level, you will be controlled by him for the rest of your life, but you know what you do."

Everyone took a deep breath.

Lu Yang stopped everyone from persuading him and said, "I will overcome it. In the past, Genghis Khan was able to slaughter the city for his race, and today I can also slaughter the city for my race, no matter what the price! Listen to everyone! I order!"

Zhuojiu, Bai Shi, Xia Yuwei and others stood in awe.

Lu Yang said loudly, "Slaughter the city!"

Zhuojiu, Bai Shi, and the others couldn't help clenching their fists. They looked back at their respective warriors, only to find that their eyes were already firm.

Unlike Zhuojiu and Baishi who have entered the monarch rank, and Lu Yang, a powerhouse who has become a demigod and is about to become a quasi-god, most of the more than 40,000 brothers are still at the spiritual rank.

Invasion of another world, they may die at any time, even ordinary trolls in another world, the minimum strength is second-order, the normal is third-order and fourth-order, under this kind of pressure, UU reading In their eyes, there is no difference between warrior trolls and ordinary trolls, only the difference between living enemies and dead enemies.

"Boss, give the order, my girlfriend has been killed by trolls, I don't want my family to be killed by trolls next time another world invades," a warrior shouted.

"Give me an order, I want to avenge my relatives."


Lu Yang nodded and commanded loudly with cold eyes: "The first army, go around to the back to attack, the second army, attack the front, the third army and the fourth army attack the left and right respectively, and all who resist will be killed. Fall, and all who surrender are bound."

Zhuojiu, Bai Shi, Xia Yuwei and others immediately led the four legions around the excavation slope, hiding in the darkness, and rushing towards the four directions quickly.

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