Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2462: Murder by magic

Inside the troll tribe's camp, the central area of ​​the sacrifice pit.

The head priest is called Balha. He is the youngest and the weakest among the priests and guards. Balha has always been opposed to this sneak attack.

On the one hand, they did not know whether their lower god-level patriarch was dead or not, and on the other hand, when the lower gods left, they took away a large number of elites in the clan.

The troll race itself has been weakened, and now Goering has to take the only remaining elite of the entire clan to fight with the jackal-headed orcs who have the lower gods.

Even if there are other five races acting together, the other party has a lower god, and the jackal-headed orcs themselves are very powerful, and there is no quasi-god to participate in the war, so Balha is not optimistic about this battle at all.

"Even if we win the battle, we still have a tragic victory. If other races around us know the situation here and bring an army to attack, what should our race do?" Balha was worried.

"We will definitely win this battle, don't disturb the morale of the army." Acting Patriarch Lin Duo stared at Balha angrily, and said with a grim expression: "If you dare to say something like this again, I will kill you with my own hands to sacrifice to our god. "

Balha was speechless. He no longer wanted to deal with Lin Duo, an idiot. He was as simple-minded as Goering, and he immediately closed his eyes and prayed, pretending not to hear.

Lin Duo put down the hatchet in his hand and continued to pray, but just as they were praying, Lu Yang, Zhuojiu and others had already arrived at the four gates of the camp.

"Prisoning Hades, it depends on the ability of you and your team." Lu Yang said.

Prison Pluto was one of the captains of Lu Yang's shooter team. He nodded and led a team to a place 200 meters away from the camp.

"There is only one chance, and none of the enemies can be allowed to cry out," said Pluto.

The more than 50 team members under their command nodded in succession. They were holding the third-order tiger king bow, and the tip of the arrow was poisoned by the scorpion man.

"No. 1 aiming completed."

"Target No. 2 is complete."

"No. 3 is aiming."


When the last shooter finished aiming, the Pluto King bent his bow and aimed his arrow at his target and said, "Let's go~!"

A swish sounded, and in the next second, more than 40 trolls in the camp were shot with arrows, and the poison instantly penetrated into their bodies. No one snorted, and they fell to the ground and died.

At the same time, Han Yu and Sun Yu from the left and right doors also completed the sniper kill with the team, and the Void Warrior from the back door Xia Yuwei also completed the assassination.

"Go in and set fire to it~!" Lu Yang gave an order through his divine sense.

The four legions rushed into the camp from four sides at the same time. In an instant, flames shot into the sky and shouts of killing were heard everywhere. The trolls in the camp woke up from their dreams, but when they rushed out of the tent, they faced It is the ruthless sword of the warriors of the Jagged Brotherhood.

"Where is the **** who dares to sneak attack on my troll camp, and the leader will stand up for me." Lin Duo, the acting patriarch of the troll clan, roared wildly, leading all the high-level powerhouses out of the temple of priests, but the flames and shouts were everywhere. The sound of killing made him not know where to rescue him, so he could only find the enemy's leader in this way.

"Are you looking for me?" Lu Yang flew over from a distance with a flash of fire and landed 50 meters in front of Lin Duo.

"Fire Demon? Flame Race?" Lin Duo had a blank look on his face, but the next second, he saw something similar to an orc rushing towards him, and another something similar to a demon rushing over, far away. There is also a Chaos Beast creature rushing over.

"Damn, how many races are attacking us?" Lin Duo was stunned.

Balha stood behind Lin Duo and said solemnly: "There is only one race, the humans on earth!"

"Humans on Earth?" Balha carefully distinguished, only to find that these creatures similar to Chaos Beasts, Fire Demons and Demons are not the same as the original race creatures, he frowned and said: "How come humans? into our world?"

Lu Yang smiled and said, "We are here, revenge is here!"

"It's just you?" Lin Duo laughed wildly, pointed at Lu Yang with a short axe, and said, "A demigod who wants to fight with me? what?"


A group of trolls, demigods and monarchs behind Lin Duo shouted, and everyone's face showed a look of rage, as if they were insulted by the counterattack of humans.

"How do you know if you don't try? Huo Yun and Mei Cheng, kill their monarchs for me. This quasi-god is handed over to me to deal with, and you are responsible for the rest of the lower gods." Lu Yang said loudly.

Zhuojiu, Bai Shi and others naturally knew they were referring to them. The five rushed towards the three demigods, and the monarchs such as Huo Yun and Mei Cheng rushed towards the trolls.

The powerhouses on both sides quickly formed a group. Although the Jagged Brotherhood was still at the disadvantage of the masters, Zhuojiu, Baishi, Zhou Tianming and Kuaibansheng all had artifacts in their hands, and they were all special monarchs. Fighting with the opponent's demigod can also last for a while.

Although Lin Duo's IQ is not high, he has a lot of experience in the battlefield. He could see the dynamics on the field at a glance, and looked at Lu Yang with a grin and said, "It seems that the strength of your subordinates is not very good, let me kill you, and then kill them again. Your subordinates have completely ruined the last hope of your humanity."

Lu Yang sneered and said, "Although the new exercises I learned are reserved for the lower gods, I also want to try to see if they can be used against you."

He turned into a demon body, activated his immortality and immortality skills, and rushed towards Lin Duo, the flames in his hands suddenly condensed into high-intensity rays.

"God Destroyer"

The golden-red flame beam shot violently from Lu Yang's hand, heading straight for Lin Duo's face.

Originally, when Lin Duo saw that Lu Yang was a flame creature, he knew that Lu Yang would release flame spells to attack him. Therefore, when he ran towards Lu Yang, he was constantly disguised. It was extremely accurate, even predicting the position of Lin Duo's movement, and hitting the point where he moved.

Lin Duo couldn't dodge at high speed, so he quickly raised the two hatchets in his hand to resist, and in an instant, the golden-red flame beam hit the hatchet.

These two axes are made of quasi-god-rank dragon-horned beast horns. They are not as hard as ordinary seventh-rank weapons. They can't leave scars on them.

Just when Lin Duo thought he could rely on these two weapons to block Lu Yang's attack, there was a loud bang, Lin Duo couldn't hold the two short axes under the huge impact, and his fingers and wrists were fractured on the spot. Yes, two weapons were also shot out!


Under the severe pain, Lin Duo roared, his legs moved at a high speed to escape, and at the same time, he used the divine power in his body to quickly recover the injuries of his fingers and wrists.

How could Lu Yang give him that chance, he shot out golden red beams from his hands one after another, no matter how fast Lin Duo's movement was, in the end, he was hit in the knee by a beam of divine annihilation. In an instant, Lin Duo's this His legs shattered, and he fell to the ground with only one leg left.

"Impossible? I am a quasi-god, how could I lose to a demigod?" Lin Duo was extremely unwilling. After thousands of years of cultivation, he was promoted to a quasi-god, but he finally lost to a demigod, not to mention, He is still a flame-type demigod who is not good at moving speed.

Lu Yang came to him, cut off his head with the axe of the dragon horn beast, and said: "Don't be reconciled, you died under the law skills, and my body is the body of the devil, your movement speed is In my eyes, it's not that fast."

"I'm not reconciled~!" Lin Duo yelled.

Even if the head is cut Quasi God will not die in a short time, but will not live for too long, because the exercises they practice are from the God of War series, mainly cultivating It's the body, not the soul.

Just now, if Lu Yang is willing, a single divine sense can make Lin Duo fall asleep. In the current situation, as long as it is not a lower god, Lu Yang is not afraid of all enemies. He just wants to test the power of the ancient gods. Unexpectedly, the quasi-god holding a weapon made of a seventh-order animal horn could not resist even his ancient **** style.

"It's really boring." Lu Yang condensed a golden-red light beam in his hands and aimed at the troll demigod who was fighting with Zhuojiu and others.

The continuous whizzing sounded, and the three demigods fell in response. He said loudly: "End the battle as soon as possible, there are still many races we have to fight."

Zhuojiu, Bai Shi and the others were fighting vigorously. Unexpectedly, the enemy they were desperately trying to kill would be solved by their boss with one move. They scratched their heads in frustration, and turned to vent their anger on the other trolls. .

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