Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2471: Nightmare lower god

Falling in love with you, the violent fire method of rebirth

What is most afraid of as a strong person is the current situation, the feeling of powerlessness in the face of absolute power.

Lu Yang couldn't escape now. While the dozen or so rock demons madly kicked the three lower-level **** dark dragons with their feet, their Qi Qi locked on him.

If Lu Yang dared to run, the opponent's height of 300 meters might be kicked over, causing a hurricane that Lu Yang at the current stage could not accept.

After all, Lu Yang was at most 300 meters high, and the dozen or so rock demons grew to 300 meters high.

Lu Yang could only watch the three dark dragons being kicked to the brink of death before the sixteen rock demons stopped their big feet.


The headed rock demon raised his fists and laughed loudly, and even the other rock demons followed suit. For a time, the crazy laughter of the rock demons echoed on the plain.

"Shut up, aren't you afraid of attracting the attention of the Lord God?" A sharp voice suddenly sounded. In the area of ​​the crater, a miniature rock demon with a height of only about one meter five jumped out of nowhere and pointed at the group The rock devil sprayed wildly.

The sixteen rock demons, like children who did something wrong, quickly stopped their roaring, and they all drilled back to the **** of the volcano, hiding their heads with red rocks.

The three rock demons headed by them did not have a restricted area, but one person grabbed the neck of a dark dragon and walked towards the crater.

When passing by Lu Yang, the rock demon in the middle squatted down and looked down at Lu Yang like a mountain. He suddenly showed a simple and honest smile and said, "Thank you little brother, we felt the ultimate happiness today."

"Uh..." Lu Yang couldn't understand the fun of the Rock Demon, and said, "I should thank you all for saving my life."

"You're welcome, the dragon clan is the eternal enemy of our rock demon clan. Our ancestors ordered that we must step on the giant dragon when we see it." The miniature rock demon in the crater suddenly appeared in front of Lu Yang.

The difference between a one-meter-five-meter rock demon and a three-hundred-meter-high rock demon was too big for Lu Yang to accept it for a while.

The Blazing Demon God said: "Don't look at them like this. The miniature rock demons are the child form of the group of rock demons. After they are promoted to quasi-gods, they will also become the 300-meter form."

Lu Yang asked, "What should I do next?"

Blazing Demon God said: "I can't help you on the road behind. You have to find a way to survive by yourself. There is an enchantment in the crater. If I speak in your body, they will perceive me."

"Come in with me, the master wants to see you." The miniature rock demon said suddenly.

"Okay." Lu Yang nodded with a pun, and followed the miniature rock demon to the crater.

As soon as he reached the top of the mountain, the rock demon grabbed his arm and jumped down, but the next second, Lu Yang found that there was a layer of enchantment in the crater.

The light flickered.

Lu Yang passed through the barrier and appeared in a huge underground space. This place seemed to be another world. The soil on the ground was black, there were glowing flowers and plants, there were trees more than ten meters high, and caves There are also dense luminous gems on the top, like stars, but if you look closely, these luminous gems are not cluttered, but with regular formations.

The light of the gem shone on Lu Yang's body, as if he wanted to see through all of Lu Yang's secrets. In Lu Yang's consciousness, even maintaining a flame form was an insult to sincerity, and he had to reveal his original form before he was treated to himself. And the greatest respect for this dungeon.

"Return to human form~!" Lu Yang muttered to himself, the flame on his body gradually weakened, he changed from a demon body back to a fire demon form, and then degenerated from a fire demon form to a human form. In the end, he changed from Bandar to the form of a fire demon. In the Fort space, he found a set of clothes and wore it on his body, and continued to walk forward in the appearance of a human.

The miniature rock demon was right beside Lu Yang. Seeing what happened to Lu Yang, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he continued to lead the way forward.

"What a strange creature."

"Never seen?"

"New race?"


All kinds of strange creatures along the way, when they saw new people coming, they gathered curiously. Some of them were birdmen with three heads, some were weird people with multiple arms, and their faces were even more strange, all of which Lu Yang had never seen before. .

"Let's all go away, God wants to meet this new friend, don't disturb his state," said the miniature rock demon.

The surrounding monsters no longer followed, but all watched from a distance.

Lu Yang followed the miniature rock demon straight forward, and came to a blue open space not far away, where there were eight flame gems, surrounding the eight corners of an eight-pointed star magic circle, and in the middle of the magic circle. , Sitting on a strange creature similar to soil and water element, Lu Yang can't describe his appearance and body, but the energy fluctuations emanating from the other party is a lower god!

"Friends of mankind, you are welcome." The lower **** smiled and said to Lu Yang, "Can you tell me your name?"

Lu Yang seemed to be controlled by the gem formation in the sky, and said honestly: "My name is Lu Yang, I am not from this planet, I am from the earth, thank you for your life-saving grace."

"You don't need to thank me, it's me who should thank you, because of those three dark dragons, our world can last for hundreds of years." The lower god's voice was very soft, and said: "My name is Du Lei, and I am the nightmare of disappearance. Clan, can you tell me how you got here."

Lu Yang said: "I was sent to your world by a deity who claims to be the God King of the Flame Race. I am his believer and he taught me fire Du Lei's hollow pupils burst out suddenly. Out of black and gold, he stared at Lu Yang and said, "What's his name? "

"I don't know, I only know that his name is Blazing Demon God!" Lu Yang said.

"That's my old friend, he's still alive?" Du Lei asked excitedly.

Lu Yang showed a frenzied expression and said, "Of course he is alive, his divine power makes me feel fear, and everything I have is bestowed by him."

Suddenly, Lu Yang's expression became lonely, and he said, "But he was severely injured, unable to move his body, and has fallen into a deep sleep."

These words are all made up by Lu Yang. This level of honesty magic is not very useful to Lu Yang, but he has no way to resist. , In this case, Lu Yang might as well pretend to let this spell work, and then use nine truths and one lie to fool the lower **** of the Nightmare clan on the opposite side.

Now it seems that the effect is good, this lower **** named Du Lei has been fooled by Lu Yang, and the rest depends on how he can escape!

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