Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2472: monitor

Falling in love with you, the violent fire method of rebirth

After two hours.

Lu Yang "completely" described how he and the Blazing Demon God knew each other, and how he became a demigod together. Demon God is in a state of completely incapable of self-protection.

"My good brother must be rescued." Du Lei suddenly let out a thunderous roar, he stared at Lu Yang and said, "When I was going to set up the No Tears Camp, thanks to my good brother Help, if it weren't for him, I would have died long ago, you take me back, and I will help him take back everything that belongs to him."

The Blazing Demon God almost popped out of Lu Yang's consciousness, and Lu Yang almost couldn't hold it back. Lu Yang didn't bother to break through the three-legged cat's disguise, so he pretended to say helplessly, "I came here through the tunnel of time and space, You can only go back through the time-space tunnel, but now the biggest time-space tunnel is to accommodate a demigod to pass, and there is no way for a quasi-god, you are already a lower god, you can't pass."

"Can't make it through?" Du Lei hadn't contacted the news in this regard. He was shocked for a while, and said anxiously: "How is this possible?"

Lu Yang said: "If the lower gods can pass, we humans have been killed long ago, how can we come to your continent."

"How could this be." Du Lei looked unwilling, but he immediately understood that what Lu Yang said was true. If he could really send the lower gods to the past, Lu Yang would have died long ago, and the fragments of the Blazing Demon God would also be dead. It has been taken away long ago, and there is no chance for him at all, but not before does not mean not now, he frowned and asked, "Where is the nearest teleportation point?"

The miniature rock demon said respectfully: "In the shadow snake clan camp, it is said that the next time they enter the human world, the shadow snake clan will have a large number of clansmen."

Du Lei looked at Lu Yang with a charitable expression, and said, "You want him to feel lucky to meet me. The next time you attack the powerhouse, it will be the Blood Spirit Snake Clan. If they go, and you have no corresponding method. If you do, you humans will be wiped out."

Lu Yang was a little surprised and asked, "Is the blood spirit snake clan strong?"

The miniature rock demon suddenly shouted in a high-pitched and sharp tone: "You don't even know about the shadow snake clan, tell you, it is a terrifying race, the blood they spout contains strange toxins, which will turn any creature into Become a zombie-like puppet and obey the command of the blood snake."

"Not only that, every puppet exudes zombie toxins all the time, and any creature that comes close, even if it's a demon, will be instantly infected." A hairless, mouth full of fangs, with a huge meat ball on his back. The humanoid came to Lu Yang's side.

Du Lei said: "Let's be a guest here for a while. If you want to go back, the nearest road is also the blood snake camp. I'll go check it out. This is Token. During this time, he will accompany you to appreciate our tearless ones. camp, and hopefully you won't be one of us."

Lu Yang pretended to be grateful and asked, "Then I'll trouble you."

"It's my honor." Token made a gesture of invitation to Lu Yang, and in an instant, an invisible mental force poured into Lu Yang's body.

Lu Yang only felt that his whole body was being stared at, and glanced at Token in surprise, but he didn't say anything, and walked forward in the direction of Token's fingers.

Seeing that Lu Yang was far away, Du Lei lowered his head and said in an inaudible voice, "Go check it out and see if the lower gods really can't get through."

"Yes." The four voices appeared at the same time, and then disappeared at the same time.

The miniature rock man looked at Token, who had walked away, with some resentment, knelt on one knee and said to Du Lei: "My God, why don't you let me monitor Lu Yang, do you no longer trust me?"

Du Lei smiled and said lightly: "Jamith, your strength is strength, go to practice, what I need is you to fight head-on. This kind of surveillance and tracking work is more suitable for Token to do."

"It's my fault, my god." There was admiration in the miniature rock man's voice.

"Go down." Du Lei waved his hand.

Jamis stood up, and his height of less than 1.5 meters made him still look a bit funny. With legs made of rocks, he turned and walked in another direction.

Du Lei's eyes were fixed on Lu Yang. He was a little suspicious of Lu Yang's answer. He had absolute confidence in his strength. He was a Nightmare family, a race born to read other people's hearts. No one can lie in front of him, but the humans who came this time were endowed with divine power by the Fire God King. He was a little unconfident. Unconsciously, Du Lei's consciousness flew out of Lu Yang's body and caught up with him. Just walked to Lu Yang's side in a bluestone house not far away.

Lu Yang is the body of a demon. Although he couldn't perceive Du Lei's position, he felt more depressed and forcibly ignored the surrounding situation. He looked at the furnishings in the room.

This house is very simple, with only one bluestone bed, but for a strong man like him, there is little difference between sleeping and not sleeping. The huge mental power can keep them awake all the time, and the magic power in the body will continue to ease. Fatigue, always in the best condition.

"This is where you rest. I live next door to you. Please rest for a while. I'll show you around later." Token said.

"Alright." Lu Yang cupped his hands at Token, and after he went out, instead of summoning the Blazing Demon God, he knelt in front of the bed and started talking.

"Great Blazing Demon God, your humble servant has found your friend."

"He promised to send me back as soon as possible. This must be your arrangement. You have been fooling me and protecting the human race."

"You are my light in the darkness, and UU reading is the rut on my road ahead. I will follow your guidance and continue to search for soul fragments for you, so that you can gain the ability to act as soon as possible."

For three full hours, Lu Yang was praying, praising the Blazing Demon God over and over again, as if he was a mad believer. This made Token, who was watching in the next room, be influenced, and Du Lei, who was hiding beside Lu Yang, was also affected. It was confirmed that Lu Yang had caught his spell, and what he told him was true.

"I'm waiting for their news now. I hope the lower gods can pass. The origin of the Blazing Demon God, I really can't wait." Du Lei returned to his body excitedly.

Lu Yang suddenly felt that the oppressive atmosphere around him disappeared, but the surveillance was still there. Just as he was about to continue talking, Token walked in and said, "Let's go out for a walk."

"I was just looking for you." Lu Yang respectfully kowtowed towards the bed, as if he was worshipping the Blazing Demon God, then stood up and came to Token's side, saying, "Can you tell me if you believe me? , the characteristics of the blood snake clan? I will have a way to deal with it when I go back."

"Of course, let's talk as we walk." Token led Lu Yang out.

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