Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2473: Antidote

The Tearless Camp is very big. Originally, he thought it was a small place, because their gods were at the door. Normally, the gods of each race should be in the center of the city and enjoy the worship of all tribes. After walking for a while, and turning a corner, Lu Yang found that there was an underground town in front of him.

There are a lot of houses made of stone, and the rows are very neat and very beautiful. Walking on the streets of the town, all kinds of races that Lu Yang has never seen are living in their daily lives. They have no sense of Lu Yang's human form. Weird, and didn't observe Lu Yang too much, as if Lu Yang was just a new resident.

"I didn't expect you to be so big here?" Lu Yang said in amazement.

Token was very proud, and said as he walked: "The residents you see are all survivors of all races who have survived under the protection of our gods. We came here and call ourselves No Tears."

Lu Yang understood a little, and asked curiously, "Then why is your **** at the door? Shouldn't he be in the town?"

Token shook his head and said even more proudly: "Our camp without tears is different from other races. Our **** is not to enjoy worship, but to protect us. He swears to always guard the entrance of the camp of the no tears, to protect our safety."

Lu Yang thought to himself, isn't this an invitation to buy people's hearts? Back then, the Blazing Flame Demon God decided to keep the No Tears Camp. Du Lei, a lower god, would not have other races to kill them whether he was guarding the door or hiding in the town. Therefore, Du Lei was just pretending. , so that all survivors of the race who came to this camp would be willing to stay here.

"Your **** is really a good god." Lu Yang said.

Token was very satisfied with Lu Yang's answer, and excitedly pointed to a huge villa with a plaque of a pharmacy store not far away, and said, "Follow me there, aren't you worried about being attacked by the Blood Spirit Snake Clan? That The old Jones in the pharmacy has a special medicine for restraining the blood snakes."

Lu Yang's eyes lit up, and he followed Token quickly. As soon as he entered the door, he saw a black half-human half-snake with a pair of huge tentacles standing in front of a medicine table. His appearance was a little old. It looks like it's getting old.

"Old Jones~!" Token greeted the other party happily and said, "I brought a new friend here, trust me, you will be interested in him."

Snake man old Jones didn't look up, just raised his eyelids and glanced at Lu Yang, then put it down, and asked indifferently, "New here? What does it have to do with me? If you want to buy medicine, I won't be cheap for you. "

Token laughed and said: "It's not the same, he's a native of the earth, the aborigines of the planet that the new gods are invading with all their strength, and he came to our world through the old **** Blazing Flame God, you know the next batch to go Are there any races on Earth?"

"There are blood snakes?" Old Jones raised his head sharply and widened his eyes. Two snake-like eyes stared at Token.

"Don't use this state to treat me, I can't stand it." Token quickly took a step back and said with a laugh: "Yes, there are blood snakes, so he came to you for help, I don't know if you are willing No."

Old Jones stared at Lu Yang and asked, "How is your racial strength?"

Lu Yang told the truth: "I am a demigod. I have more than 40 monarchs under my command. It is expected that it will not take long to cultivate more than 40 monarchs, and there are thousands of kings."

"Weak and pitiful." Old Jones sneered and said: "With this little strength, I also want to compete with the Blood Spirit Snake Clan. They send a hundred-man regiment and they can destroy all your clansmen."

"Is it so powerful?" Lu Yang saw that Old Jones wanted to help, but the races in this world were still in the character state of ancient human beings. They needed to hold them and coax them in order to make them happy and then willingly help. .

Token pointed to Old Jones and said, "He is the most hated member of the Shadow Snake Clan of the Blood Spirit Snake Clan. The two races are similar in appearance. The difference is that one is good at using poison, and the other is better at melee attacks without fear of poison. ."

"Then why did the old Jones family get wiped out?" Lu Yang asked.

"It's not that the **** of the Blood Spirit Snake Clan took advantage of external forces." Old Jones punched the medicine table and roared: "With my strength, my medicine can completely overcome their toxins."

Lu Yang immediately pretended to be excited and said: "Master Jones, I hope you can sell me the potion, since the blood spirit snakes can use external force to destroy your race, then you can also use external force to destroy them, I am willing to I swear to the elemental elves, I will definitely bring the tribe in the future to help you slaughter the blood spirit snake clan."

"Do you have that strength?" Jones frowned, with a look of disbelief.

Lu Yang burst out with violent power and said, "The Blazing Demon God is recovering. Even if I don't have the ability to kill him in the future, I will definitely ask him to help you kill the Blood Spirit Snake Clan first."

"Well, this is okay." Jones didn't believe in Lu Yang, but he believed in the Blazing Flame God, the king of the god-king who was once aloof. For him, a creature whose strength was only at the monarch level, it was completely unimaginable. If the Blazing Demon God can come back, destroying the Blood Spirit Snake Race is just a matter of waving his hand.

"Okay, I'm willing to help you, but you also have to remember your oath." Jones said, staring at Lu Yang.

Lu Yang immediately recited the elemental incantation and said, "I swear by the ancient flame spirit that I will help Jones eliminate the blood spirit snake clan in the future."


The fire element elf suddenly appeared beside Lu Yang, jumping and cheering around him constantly, a larger flame element appeared, stared at Lu Yang and said, "I wrote down your spell!"

Jones looked at this scene in shock, and Token was also stunned. It was not that they swore with the elemental elves, but such a situation had never happened before. Moreover, if they swore with the elemental elves, they would all be threatened by the elemental elves. The oath, the punishment is quite terrifying, but Lu Yang's oath, the other party only said a word, which made them believe that Lu Yang was blessed by the Blazing Demon God, and then he would have the oath. Such a situation occurs.

"Wait for me." Jones turned around and entered the room. To Lu Yang's surprise, Jones shed a tear when he walked back.

Token sighed with emotion and said, "Although old Jones is only a monarch, he is the second elder of the shadow snake clan elders group, second only to the absolute powerhouse of the patriarch and the first elder, because he has been in his life all his life. Researching medicine, unfortunately, although he developed a method to restrain the poison of the blood spirit snake clan, he was annihilated, which hit him very hard, his disciples and grandchildren all died in that battle."

Lu Yang also sighed and said, "The situation on our earth is similar. There used to be more than 8 billion people. The race was invaded by the new gods, and there are not many people left. Many cities with a population of several million, in the blink of an eye It's hell."

When it comes to this topic, Lu Yang and Token are the most resonant, which makes Token more sympathetic to Lu Yang. It didn't take long for Jones to come out of the room and put a storage bag on the In front of Lu Yang, he said, "Find a well and pour it into it. All creatures that drink well water will not only be immune to the toxins of the blood snake, but also enhance their physical strength."

"Thank you." Lu Yang hurriedly took the storage bag and carefully asked how to use it.

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