Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2474: The hardest battle

Jones hated the blood spirit snake clan. He not only explained the proportion of the potion in detail, but also described the fighting skills of the main powerhouses in the blood spirit snake clan, as well as the fighting methods of their ordinary clansmen. He even went off to fight Lu Yang in person. Fighting gave Lu Yang a deeper understanding.

For ten hours, Jones told Lu Yang everything he knew about the Blood Spirit Snake Race, including eating habits, sleeping posture, and sight distance at night. The Tokens were impressed by him.

Coming out of Jones's room, Token smiled and said to Lu Yang, "I didn't expect you to know so much about combat, that you can even think of these details."

Lu Yang said as he walked: "I was forced out. I know too little about the creatures in your world. If you want to win every war, you need to put all your energy into it."

Token felt a little emotional for a while, raised his head and glanced at the star formation above, and said, "If my patriarch had been as careful as you, my race would not have been wiped out."

Lu Yang could see that Token was infected because of the old Jones affairs, and he also remembered his race. Moreover, he also discovered a problem, that is, all the creatures here have been under the influence of the starry sky formation for a long time. Come on, I won't tell lies anymore.

He decided to tentatively ask about the specific situation here, and asked, "How many strong people are there, and what are their strengths? Since there are blood spirit snakes around, how can you still protect Old Jones?"

Token showed a complacent expression and said: "Our strength is very strong, in addition to the Lord Du Lei, there are 68 quasi-gods, more than 200 demigods and more than 1,000 monarchs. There is nothing weaker below, so although our number is small, we are a force that cannot be underestimated, and the surrounding ethnic groups are very polite to us and will not take the initiative to cause conflict with us."

Lu Yang thought in his mind that it was no wonder that such high-level strength was incomparable to the jackal-headed orcs he killed, but they had no lower-level clansmen, just like duckweed without roots, they would go all out to protect themselves, but when they invaded , on the one hand, there is no reason and motivation, and on the other hand, it is extremely disunity.

It stands to reason that the strong people who come to the No Tears Camp usually just want to find a temporary shelter, but after a long time, they will definitely seek revenge, or go out to find a way to become stronger, he asked curiously. : "How did His Highness Du Lei let you all stay here?"

Token showed pious eyes, raised his palms up, and said respectfully: "He saved us, we will naturally repay with loyalty, and we will feel at ease when we are by his side."

If Lu Yang didn't know at this time that Du Lei, the main **** of the Nightmare Clan, used his unique spells and the starry sky circle above his head, he gradually controlled the minds of all those who came to seek refuge by boiling frogs in warm water. Just too stupid.

It's just that this spell seems to have limitations. Otherwise, he will be controlled by this spell as soon as he arrives. Suddenly, an idea arises in Lu Yang's heart. Since no one here can lie, he might as well ask Ducan , when sending him back to Earth, who will Du Lei let to follow.

Maybe this person Token doesn't know, but as long as he finds out who is most loyal to Du Lei, then this person will definitely follow him.

Lu Yang looked at Token with a smile and asked, "Can you tell me who among you is most loyal to His Highness Du Lei? I think they must have been greatly favored by His Highness Du Lei."

"Of course you can." Token didn't notice that Lu Yang was lying to him, and under the influence of the starry sky above his head, he honestly said: "There are three in total, the demon Ain and the talkative Grid. And Wildhammer Bernard, they are all quasi-gods. Over the years, the Tearless Camp has suffered countless crises, and each time the three of them rushed to the front."

Sure enough, Lu Yang said in his heart, pretending to be excited and asking, "Can you describe to me the appearance and heroic deeds of the three of them? I really want to know."

"Of course you can." Token also had a look of admiration on his face, and he told Lu Yang while walking around the street.

Among them, the demon is a humanoid monster with a height of three meters and is good at evil fire spells. The second Grid is a monster with two mouths up and down, an eye in the middle, and four arms, which will spit blood from the mouth. Chains confine the target.

The strongest is Wildhammer Ginge, which is a creature that looks like a boar. It is good at using two giant hammers of tens of thousands of pounds, and the material is seventh-order amethyst.

Lu Yang thought about how big his chances of winning would be if he fought against the three of them at the same time. The evil fire was ineffective against his body, and he was not afraid of the accompanying spiritual attacks. I am afraid that this demon is mainly a group attack, and the real threat to him is Grid's Scarlet Chains and Wildhammer Ginger's physical attacks.


A black strange bird flew over in the distance, hovering above the heads of the two and screamed.

After bowing respectfully to the black strange bird, Token said to Lu Yang, "I didn't expect it to be so fast. God said that the person he sent out has already found out, let's find him."

Lu Yang was also anxious to go back and said, "Let's go now."

Token nodded and led Lu Yang back to the entrance area of ​​the No Tears Camp. Just in time, he saw that Du Lei was sitting on the bluestone slab with his eyes closed, and three strong men were kneeling in front of him, who looked exactly like What Token just described, Ain of the Demon Clan, Greiner of the Talking Clan, and Ginger of the Wildhammer Clan.

"Are you looking for me?" Lu Yang asked proactively.

Du Lei slowly opened his eyes, looked at Lu Yang with a smile, stood up and walked to his side and said, "I have found the teleportation formation of the Blood Spirit Snake Clan, I can send someone to take you back in advance, but this Once, I'm afraid your clan will be in trouble."

Lu Yang asked, "What's wrong?"

Du Lei was a little emotional, staring at Lu Yang with his eyes shining and said: "The **** kings among the new gods are very angry that they have not conquered the human world for so long. Your worlds are sent by their own races, and there is not much connection, but this time, several lower gods have discussed joint actions, especially for your area, you have a great reputation in other worlds."

Lu Yang smiled miserably and said, "What kind of reputation do I have, but only relying on the blessing of the Blazing Demon God, can you tell me what races are attacking my area?"

Du Lei also didn't believe it was Lu Yang's ability, but at this time he coveted the origin soul of the Blazing Demon God, and was willing to tell more news to gain Lu Yang's trust, saying: "This time there will be seventeen lower gods at the same time. Send a divine race to attack your country, among which eleven lower divine attack divine races will attack other areas, and six lower divine divine races will attack 400,000 and attack your East China Sea area."

"I really look up to me." Lu Yang said speechlessly.

Du Lei also sighed and said: "The six lower gods each dispatched their strongest subordinate races, including the dragon beast clan, the three-faced clan, the ghost-faced clan and the god-beard clan, etc. You have to think about yourself."

Lu Yang shook his head and said, "I know what you mean, but I will fight to the death with my clansmen. It's just that I want to purchase some supplies to fight the enemy."

"Of course, you can buy at will from my shop here." Du Lei pointed to the three quasi-gods in front of him and said, "This is Ginger, Ain and Grid, they will accompany you to Earth and welcome you to the earth. Back to Blazing Fire God, if you want, you can leave with a thousand people, and the three of them will protect them together."

"Thank you, when are we leaving?" Lu Yang asked.

Du Lei said: "Tonight, I have half of the ancient artifact Void Blade in my hand. I can temporarily open the teleportation channel and send the three of them back with you."

Lu Yang was stunned for a moment. Even the Fiery Demon God has few treasures like ancient artifacts. Although Du Lei has incomplete ones, this kind of thing is coveted by all other world powerhouses, no matter who holds it. In the hands, they will be hidden and reserved for use at critical moments, and once they are discovered by others, they will be silenced.

Now Du Lei dared to tell himself so blatantly, obviously, he didn't want to live at all.

"I'm going to buy supplies now. I can buy as many as I can. Please help me with the three quasi-gods." Lu Yang said with a bowed body and a fist.

"Okay." Du Lei saw that Lu Yang was already looking at a dead man, and made a gesture of invitation to Lu Yang with a smile.

Lu Yang turned and pulled Token and ran towards the town. Du Lei stayed where he was and watched Lu Yang's back disappear. A black scepter appeared in his hand with a black and purple pearl on it.


The black-purple pearls sent out bursts of light waves, pouring into the bodies of Ain, Ginger, and Grid, and he whispered: "Remember my order, you must come back with the source fragments of the Blazing Demon God, UU read the book. No matter who gets in the way, they will all be killed, and you can't devour the original fragments of the Blazing Demon God."

"Great God, we will follow your order and bring back the source fragments of the Blazing Devil God. No matter who blocks the killing, we will never embezzle the source fragments of the Blazing Devil God." The three quasi-god-level powerhouses said together.

Obviously, the three of Jinge had lost their ego, and only had the instinct to fight. On the other side, Lu Yang felt more and more that he couldn't stay here and had to leave quickly, but he couldn't just leave.

When we were chatting just now, he heard Token say that there are high-level magic crystals here, which are all good choices for making magic circles. With so many divine races coming to attack, he relies on his existing strength to defend It's too difficult.

Token saw Lu Yang's anxious state of mind, and said with empathy: "Although I can't help you too much, I know that there are several strong races that were wiped out by the three-faced race, dragon orcs and other gods races, you Try going to them for help, maybe they'll give you something for free."

Lu Yang's eyes lit up and said, "Thank you, please take me there."

Token led Lu Yang to the easternmost side of the town!

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