Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2475: before returning

Falling in love with you, the violent fire method of rebirth

Ten minutes later.

Token and Lu Yang appeared on the square on the east side of the town. A big brass bell hung on a tree with a crooked neck. He picked up the bell hammer next to him and struck it hard.


The bell sounded melodious and long, and the residents living in the small town came out one after another, gathered in the square in the east of the city, and surrounded Token and Lu Yang.

"What happened?"

"Why is the rally bell ringing?"

"Is there something good?"


There are two big bells in the town, one is the rally bell in the east of the city, and the other is the desperate bell at the entrance of the No Tears Camp. The sounds of the two bells are different. Generally, when the rally bell rings, something good happens.

While introducing Lu Yang, Token told many of the powerful people in the gathering not to worry. They were all masters above the monarch rank, and the town was not very big. It took less than a minute for the bell to ring, and they all gathered.

"What the **** is going on, Token, everyone has gathered, hurry up and say." A burly man, three meters tall, with a strange beast head, roared impatiently.

"Yes, yes."

"Speak quickly."


Thousands of powerhouses were noisy again, which made Token very proud, glanced at Lu Yang, signaled him to be ready, and said loudly: "Today I want to tell you a good thing, that the Earth powerhouse beside me is. By."

"Earth people?" Thousands of people abruptly focused their attention on Lu Yang.

Token continued: "Everyone knows about the new gods attacking the earth, and they also know why they attacked the earth. That's right, the person you see in front of you is the human being blessed by the flame **** king. He Come to us for help, because the new **** is about to send more than a dozen races of the gods, such as dragon orcs, three-faced people, to attack them, there are those who have enmity with these races, or those who are willing to help this group of humans, you can donate actively."

As soon as the words fell, thousands of people below exploded. Whether it was the Blazing Demon God or the gods such as dragon orcs, they were the most important topic at the moment.

There is a saying in another world that the power of every race of the gods is built on the bones of countless races.

It just so happens that most of the thousands of tearless people here were annihilated by the dragon orcs, three-faced people, ghost-faced people and other races. The wealth of their race was plundered by these divine races, and these The race has the protection of gods, and they have lived for hundreds to tens of thousands of years without revenge and stealing their lives. The hatred in their hearts is incomprehensible to outsiders.

The three-meter-high powerhouse who had just asked about Token stepped forward to Lu Yang, stared at him condescendingly, and roared, "Tell me, why did you defeat the dragon orc."

Lu Yang activated the body of the demon god, and the divine flames rushed out of his body. The blazing high temperature forced the opponent back more than ten meters, and said, "I am a demigod, and I have hundreds of monarchs under my command to deal with any race that teleports to the past alone. , I can handle it, even if it is three or four, but if more than ten come together, I must have a great strategic depth, which requires a large number of magic circles to help delay the battle.

I implore you all to help me and sponsor me some magic crystals so that I can resist the opponent's offensive. As a price, I can bring back the bones of the enemy and give them to you. This time, when I returned to Earth, His Highness Du Lei also brought three quasi-gods. Ain, Grid, and Ginger accompany me back, witnesses to this war. "

In fact, Lu Yang doesn't have hundreds of monarchs. He only has dozens of monarchs' blood spirit guards and a large number of original soul crystals. Even if all of them are used to cultivate strong people, it is impossible to reach hundreds.

But under the starry sky formation in the No Tears Camp, Lu Yang found that he was the only one who could not be affected by the formation, that is, even if he deceived others, he would not be detected by the starry sky formation, so he was welcome.

The strong man who was forced back by Lu Yang looked at Lu Yang in shock. He thought and thought, and growled, "I will sponsor you a thousand monarch-level origin soul crystals."

"One thousand?" Lu Yang's eyes turned green. After taking so long, he only grabbed 50,000 Soul Crystals of the Sovereign Rank. The powerhouse in front of him gave him a thousand directly, which is too embarrassing. He was surprised.

"I am the Silver Moon Dragon Beast Clan Telunda." A burst of light flickered, and the three-meter-tall strong man who was forced back by Lu Yang exuded a terrifying silver moon light, and his body also changed into the shape of a dragon orc, but his forehead With an additional silver moon sign, he took out a storage bag and handed it to Lu Yang, and said, "There are 100 seventh-order magic crystals in it, and I have only one request from you, bring me the soul of the dragon orc. ."

Soul extraction, the most ruthless spell in another world, extracts the soul of the dead and throws it into the endless purgatory to be tortured for ten thousand years, until the soul dissipates. Generally, only the deep hatred of the sea of ​​blood will do this, which shows the hatred of Tylendar for the dragon orcs. how deep.

Token said: "The silver moon dragon orc is the royal family among the whole dragon orc race, but the contemporary dragon orc rebelled and killed the silver moon dragon orc, and it was precisely because of the dragon orc's rebellion that the old **** of the moon was defeated. "

The soul of the Moon God is in the body of Lu Yang's wife Shen Mengyao, he took the storage bag and said with a solemn expression: "I will return with the souls of all the dragon orcs, trust me, every one of them will be extracted by me. soul."

"Don't forget to tell them my name, Silvermoon Dragon Orc Telenda, before they die." The Dragon Orc turned and left. Obviously, the conversation reminded him of the past.

"I will tell them personally." Lu Yang clasped his fists at the dragon orc's back.

When everyone around saw this scene, almost all of them were affected. When they recalled the slaughter of their own family members, and the tragic death of their relatives and family members, their gazes towards Lu Yang became fiery.

"I'll give you eight hundred monarch-level origin soul crystals and kill all the ghost-faced people for me."

"I will give you a hundred sets of monarch-level earth-based magic circles to kill three-faced people."

"I will give you 80 sets of monarch-level dark spiritual circles, and I want one third of the soul of the dragon orc."


Lu Yang was stunned. In just a few minutes, the storage bag in his hand turned into a hill. Looking at so many treasures, he didn't need to take out his original soul crystal to buy it. Thank you. Holding his fists, he looked at the crowd around him, and said, "I've taken over all of your tasks. Waiting for my good news, I'll come back with what you want."

Perhaps these monarch-level items are useless to the demigods and quasi-gods in front of him, or even to the monarch-level powerhouses, but they are too useful to Lu Yang.

Immediately, Lu Yang and Token counted them on the spot. In the end, he got 60,000 monarch-level origin soul crystals, 800 monarch-level earth-based magic circles, 200 monarch-level dark magic circles, and 700 wind-based magic circles. Department of magic circles, 200 sets of space-time magic circles, 1100 sets of thunder-based magic circles and other magic circles of various lines.

Each monarch-level magic circle has an attack range of about 10 kilometers, and the duration varies from one day to several days. Now that Lu Yang is back to fight, the magic circle is already rich.


The demon Ain suddenly appeared above Lu Yang's head with a green flame, smiled and looked at everyone in the town and said, "Everyone is in good spirits, it's almost time to leave, please let Lu Yang leave, we have to take him back. Earth."

Everyone looked at Lu Yang with solemn expressions on their faces. They didn't speak, because they knew that when Lu Yang returned this time, he would have to go through a battle of life and death.

These things they gave can only be used to assist, and the real fight depends on whether Lu Yang and his brothers can survive, and how many people can survive, it is unknown.

"I look forward to your safe return." Token, on behalf of everyone, clasped his fists with the gesture of the earth, saying goodbye to Lu Yang.

"Thank you, everyone, waiting for my news." Lu Yang put all the supplies in a storage bag, handed the backpack to Ain, and said, "Please leave it to you for safekeeping."

"Okay." Ain took the storage bag. The task he received was to find the Blazing Demon God and kill Lu Yang immediately. It was only a matter of time before these things were handed over to him. He said with a grim smile. : "Let's go, God is waiting for you."

Lu Yang nodded and followed Ain to fly back to the entrance of the No Tears Camp, where Du Lei was waiting with a strange expression on his face.

"Let's go." Du Lei said.

Lu Yang nodded and followed Du Lei out of the crater of the No Tears Camp. The strong men of the Rock Demon clan were still waiting there. When they saw Lu Yang leaving, they waved goodbye.

Lu Yang didn't dare to relax in the slightest, and finally left the No Tears Camp. This trip was the biggest crisis he had faced since he entered another world.

Even now, he hasn't resolved the past, and he doesn't know what happened to the turbid wine and the white lion. Everything has to wait until they return to Earth before opening Bandarsburg to ask.

"I hope it's alright." Lu Yang forcibly suppressed his worries and followed Du Lei to the northwest side of the crater.

Du Lei has been scanning Lu Yang's mental changes with spiritual spells along the Although he has checked countless times, Lu Yang did not deceive him, and there is no difference, but Du Lei Lei always felt that there was something different from other strong men in Lu Yang.

"I'm going home, aren't you happy?" Du Lei asked.

With a crazy look on Lu Yang's face, he said, "I'm about to meet my master. I want to report your deeds to him, and let him know that there are people like you who support him in another world."

Du Lei's soul was shocked, and his greed poured out, which made him a little unable to stabilize the spell. He immediately disbanded the soul detection imposed on Lu Yang, looked at the three of Ain with a serious expression and said, "Be sure to do a good job with the God King. His Highness's service work, if he is willing to come back, he must welcome His Royal Highness back to the king."

"Yes." The three of Ain said respectfully.

Du Lei couldn't care less about Lu Yang, a black scepter appeared in his hand, and the black-purple pearl at the top radiated light, which was continuously injected into the heads of the three of Ain.

Lu Yang breathed a sigh of relief. Obviously, Du Lei was already in a state of worrying about gains and losses, so it was just right that he wouldn't have to be stared at by Du Lei all the time.

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