Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2477: 1 memorial 3 god

three days.

Lu Yang felt that he had been flying in the space-time channel for three days. Finally, a white light appeared in front of him. Ain, who was at the head, said excitedly: "We have finally reached our destination. Follow me out."

A faint blue light flashed, and Ain slashed with all his might, expanding the narrow void to a size that could accommodate Jin Ge's passage, leaping forward and jumping out of the space-time passage.

"Finally left." Grid jumped and jumped out.

"Wait for me." Jin Ge didn't care about Lu Yang, so he jumped out.

Lu Yang looked at the three of them with a sneer, and flew out of the space-time passage behind them. Just after landing, the three of Ain's bodies shrank to two or three meters, lying on the ground panting heavily.

Unlike Lu Yang's intact body, the bodies of the three of Ain were severely injured. When the large pieces of flesh and blood were passing through the space-time channel, they were cut off by the suddenly twisted space-time wall. Among them, Jinge was the most serious, and he was a wild boar. Shaped body with a huge belly cut off by a third.

"Would you like to recover." Ain looked at Ginger and said.

"Don't worry, let's finish the business first." Jinge stood up with support, and looked at Lu Yang with shining eyes.

"Don't worry, I will send you to see the Blazing Demon God soon." Lu Yang said with a smile.

Grid smiled and walked to Lu Yang's left, forming a three-sided attack on Lu Yang with Jinge and Ain, and said, "Boy, your life is over, and there is nothing to do with you."

Lu Yang pretended to be surprised and asked, "What do you mean?"

"It means, as long as your soul is fine." Jinge stretched out his arm and grabbed Lu Yang's head.

Ain swung out the void knife, and in an instant, a space-time crack appeared on Lu Yang's neck.

"It's so simple. Sure enough, a pure believer has no fighting power." Jinge said sarcastically.

"After the soul extraction is completed, we will be able to know the location of the Blazing Demon God. I really look forward to it. I will smash a **** king with one knife." Ain's grim face showed an excited look.

"It's not right." Grid was extracting Lu Yang's soul, but found that he couldn't extract anything. Moreover, Lu Yang's head contained a huge amount of energy, and he was in a state of imminent time and space.


Lu Yang's head and body exploded at the same time, and the huge shock wave transpired into a mushroom cloud. The three of Ain, who were in the middle of the attack range, tried their best to hold up the protective cover to block the blow.

When the air waves and smoke dissipated, the three fell to their knees on the ground at the same time, and beside them, Lu Yang was standing there.

"How despised they are, the quasi-god can be hit by my explosive clone." Lu Yang said regretfully.

This kind of explosion clone can be found by scanning with spiritual sense, but the three of them didn't scan it carelessly, obviously they didn't look down on Lu Yang at all.

"You, how can you have such a powerful strength, it's impossible." Grid was the worst blown up, and his arms were gone.

"It turns out that you have always been pretending." Jinge stood up, his body burst out with a quasi-god aura, and a terrifying coercion instantly rushed towards Lu Yang.

"But you're still going to die." Ain also stood up holding the Void Knife.

"Is it because I haven't appeared for so long, have you all forgotten who I am?" Blazing Demon God's voice was mixed with soul spells.

The eyes of the three of Ain were locked on the phantom figure of the Blazing Demon God, and in the next second, the three of them showed a look of horror, because the flame transformed creature in front of them, and the statue of the Blazing Demon God enshrined in the No Tears Camp, The length is exactly the same.

"Kneel down." Blazing Demon God launched a soul spell in a rage.

"Ah~!" The three of Ain knelt on the ground in pain, struggling frantically, and even their weapons were unsteady.


Jinge's twin hammers were too heavy for the ground to bear and began to collapse.

Lu Yang stretched out his hand, the flame arm flew out, grabbed the double hammer and the Void Knife, and put it into the space of Bandarsburg.

"Say, what's your purpose?" Blazing Demon God launched a bewitching spell.

Ain's eyes have lost color, and he said with a dull expression: "Kill the Blazing Demon God and return with the fragments of the soul."

"Sure enough." The Blazing Demon God looked at Lu Yang beside him and said, "You can do it."

Lu Yang sighed, and a blood flame emerged from his body, which flew to Ain, Grid, and Jinge, and burned the three quasi-god-level powerhouses into three blood flame crystals.

"It's a pity, otherwise, I could easily win this war." Lu Yang shook his head and opened the space in Bandarsburg.

Brothers like Zhuojiu, Bai Shi, Xia Yuwei, Kuai Bansheng and Zhou Tianming came out one after another. After seeing Lu Yang, they rushed over and gave Lu Yang a hug.

"Boss, you're so worried about me." Turbid wine said excitedly.

Lu Yang also had a feeling of the rest of his life, hugging them and said with emotion: "Almost, but fortunately Du Lei is not as deep as me."

Malthus flew out of the turbid wine and landed beside the Blazing Demon God. Looking at this scene, he said, "It's good, it feels like a brother."

The Blazing Demon God nodded and said, "I don't know how many thousands of years I haven't felt this way. I can feel the warmth of Lu Yang."

"Me too," Malthus said.

Brotherhood is too rare for a king of **** kings like the Blazing Demon God and a holy light elf like Malthus, even rarer than the ancient artifacts. Now that I have realized it again, it also makes the two of them have a different kind of feeling. Feel.

"I have a hunch that this wave of gods will still be unable to defeat Lu Yang," Malthus said.

Blazing Demon God said: "I feel the same."

No matter how cooperative the legions of the other world are, they will fall apart because of their selfishness. Looking at the Jagged Brotherhood, when it comes to dying, they are rushing to each other.

Lu Yang didn't want the brothers to die again, so he patted the crowd and said, "Okay, we have to discuss the war. There is only one month left, so we need to prepare in advance."

"You said, how to fight?" Zhuojiu asked.

Lu Yang recounted the details of the various races that Du Lei had informed about this attack, especially the three races of dragon orc, three-faced and ghost-faced, all of which were extremely terrifying.

"But we are not at an absolute disadvantage." Lu Yang handed over the storage bags to Zhuojiu and Baishi, and said, "This is the camp of the No Tears, those who were killed by dragon beasts and three-faced people, etc. The magic circles given by the remaining powerhouses after the races of the gods slaughtered their are almost all seventh-order ones. As long as the arrangement is good, the brothers will conduct targeted training. In this battle, We can win."

Zhuojiu and Baishi opened the storage bag and looked inside with their minds, and they all showed shocked expressions. They didn't expect that Lu Yang could get so many magic circles.

"How about we set up the magic circle, kill this blood snake clan first." Zhou Tianming said excitedly.

Lu Yang opened the map and took a look. Their current location is at the junction of Ji Province and Liao Province, not too far from the elves' Baishan City.

"The blood spirit snake clan must have launched teleportation from this twisted time and space, and the other clans should not be too far away from here, put detectors to monitor all the twisted time and space in this area, leaving 100 people to set up magic circles, and the rest. Follow me to Daqinggou, let's destroy the demons and orcs first." Lu Yang said.

The war is imminent, the demons and orcs are too annoying, and they must be removed first to ensure the safety of the rear.

Zhuojiu, Baishi and the others nodded, and went to Bandarsburg to convey orders, while Lu Yang turned into a phoenix and flew into the sky, heading straight for Daqinggou.

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