Rebirth of Wild Fire

Chapter 2478: All-out promotion

After half an hour.

Lu Yang arrived at the city wall of Daqinggou Fortress. At this time, the remnant demon army led by Lively and the left-behind army led by Tao Yue were deploying.

On the way, Lu Yang had already contacted the two of them and asked about the surrounding situation. He had been going to another world for nearly a month. During this period, the demons and the orcs did not fight fiercely, except for the initial angry confrontation. , the war between the two sides has turned into a small fight, and now it has stagnated.

On the square of the fortress, Lu Yang opened the space in Bandarsburg, and Zhuojiu, Bai Shi and others walked out with the team in turn.

Lively stood beside Lu Yang and reported with a sneer: "The new demon **** and ten priests jointly announced that the war of revenge against the orcs is over, and my death is so worthless to them."

Lu Yang looked at Lively and said, "Get ready, your time for revenge is coming, in half a month, I will lead the army to attack the Demon City and the Orc King City, and send your intelligence personnel to find out the demons. All the arrangements of the city."

"Yes." Lively gritted her teeth and left.

Lu Yang looked at Tao Yue and said, "It's been a long time. I've reserved 3 places for you. Think about who you want to bring to the monarch rank."

"Thank you, boss." Tao Yue said with a convincing bow.

For a long time, Tao Yue always thought that Lu Yang

She didn't really treat her as a subordinate. After all, she was not a member of the Jagged Brotherhood, but an academic, but now Lu Yang gave her a chance to be promoted to the monarch rank, and she still had 3 places. convinced.

Lu Yang looked at Zhuojiu, Bai Shi and the others around him, and said, "This time we are dealing with dragon orcs, three-faced people, ghost-faced people and other divine races, so we need to improve the strength of our brothers in a targeted manner. , first select 20 people from the Holy Light Warrior Legion to be promoted to the monarch rank."

Ghost-faced people belong to the undead family, and they are most afraid of holy light spells. Lu Yang plans to use Malthus' holy light spell to deal with the ghost-faced man army.

Zhuojiu said, "I'll go choose someone now."

Lu Yang went on to say: "Dragon orcs can only be handed over to Ghost Face Roar warriors. Pure power needs to be solved by pure power, 20 monarch ranks."

The white lion said, "I'm going to select the Ghost Face Roar warrior."

Lu Yang looked at Xia Yuwei, taught him half of the ancient artifact Void Blade, and said, "The three-faced man is best solved by Void Warriors, 20 places."

"Okay." Xia Yuwei said excitedly as she took the weapon.

Lu Yang looked at the time and said, "Let the brothers speed up, Wang Jie will also be selected."

This time, Lu Yang brought back 110,000 monarch-level origin soul crystals, more than 2 million for the king-level, and an average of 1,000.

The origin soul crystal of the monarch rank can cultivate 1 strong monarch rank, so this time Lu Yang can cultivate another 110 monarch rank masters.

Apart from the above sixty people and the three places for Tao Yue, the remaining forty-seven places Lu Yang prepared to be equally distributed to his brothers, such as De Buchan's Corpse and Zongqing Wanzong.

The source soul crystals of the king rank are distributed more simply. Of the remaining 40,000 brothers, more than 4,000 people can be promoted to the strength of the king rank.

When more than 40,000 brothers came out of the space, Lu Yang jumped to the city wall, looked at their excited faces, and said, "It is estimated that in Bandarsburg, there is a lot of thinking about who can advance. Bar."

More than 40,000 people laughed. As Lu Yang said, when they were bored in Bandarsburg, they secretly discussed this issue. They dared not think about the monarch, but they all had ideas.

Looking at their simple faces, Lu Yang said with some emotion, "Brothers, the king rank selected this time is the one who is most likely to die in the next battle, because the next wave of enemies will mostly be The king ranks are the main ones, and they are all gods, so I hope that the strongest among you will take the initiative to stand up and accept the original soul crystal of the king rank."

More than 40,000 people were not too surprised, and they didn't even need the mud wine and the white lion. They told them that after entering the other world, they saw the species of the other world.

Clan, these 40,000 people have already recognized the difference with the other world race, and they are ready to die at any time.

An ordinary fire mage stood up and said, "I'm here, I'm the strongest in our team."

A Master Lei stood up and said, "I'm no worse than you, don't brag too much."

"Hey, me too."

"me too."


The strong men stood up among the more than 40,000 people. Some of them were not strong enough but wanted to stand up forcibly. They were kicked and sat on the ground by the strong men in the same team. Naturally, they were old and strong when they died. people take the lead.

They could see that the stronger Lu Yang's strength, the more original soul crystals he collected, and the more opportunities for promotion in the future. Therefore, they were willing to leave hope to brothers who were younger and more talented than them.

Zhuojiu and Baishi stood on the city wall and counted, and soon enough there were 4,000 people. Lu Yang looked at them with a thousand words in his heart. come out.

"Follow me to the training site." Lu Yang opened the teleportation array and sent them to the Void Hall to practice in batches, where Malthus was in charge of teaching everyone the exercises.

After Lu Yang returned, he led the mages from the six elements of wind, fire, thunder, earth, ice, and space to start to study the use of magic circles.

Not complicated.

At the same time, in the Demon Temple, Barbarian Niu and Hei Yan were using the materials obtained by Lu Yang to build weapons and equipment day and night. The two treasure houses possessed lower-level **** races. It is true that the armor and weapons of the monarch rank can be made.

In order to speed up, Lu Yang also sent a group of brothers into the Demon Temple and handed them over to Manniu, asking him to teach these people to make weapons and equipment.

one day

two days

three days


Every day, Zhuojiu and Baishi will pass the news of their brothers' The monarch-level star silver swords in the Demon Temple are also made in batches, and there are many brothers who learn magic circles. The team can control the magic circle to attack like an arm.

Seeing that the strength of the Jagged Brotherhood is getting stronger and stronger, Lu Yang's heart is getting more and more confident, and Lively is also speeding up the inquiries. Let Lu Yang gradually understand the current layout of Devil City.

On the fourteenth day, a terrifying black storm suddenly appeared outside the Daqinggou defensive fortress, covering the sky and the sun. Obviously, this was not a natural formation, but was deliberately done by the enemy.

"Human, Lu Yang? Such a weak race dares to plan a demon race. You will be punished." A majestic voice came out from the black storm.

(End of this chapter)

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