“General Manager Su, you see this meeting…”

“Didn’t you just hold it once last time?”

“This time is different from the last time…”

“What’s different, it’s not just to make peace!”

Su Chen snorted softly!

Last time, the three families of the Tanuki Penguin Duniang, plus a large group of capital and banks, asked the Modu government to come forward and call him to hold some kind of discussion meeting.

He gave face to the Demon Capital’s official palace and went.

But the result is that he completely turned his face with those capitals!

Those capitals also decided to unite and fight with him to the end!

But now more than two months later, his Tianchen technology is still strong!

Also released the Star Glory generation mobile phone!

Even the fruit company is not his opponent!

What else do they take to fight with Tianchen Technology?

Do you still dare to fight with Tianchen Technology?

You must know that now, the order volume of Xingyao generation mobile phones has approached 3 million!

According to a mobile phone to earn 5,000 yuan, it is 15 billion yuan net profit!

If it reaches the scale of the previous fruit mobile phone and 30 million units, it is a net profit of 150 billion RMB!

Even if they don’t know the cost of the Star Glory generation mobile phone, but look at the annual profit of the fruit mobile phone, they should also know how profitable the high-end mobile phone is!

Not to mention Su Chen, who also came up with 22nm chip technology!

Why did they dare to join forces against Su Chen before?

It is not because it knows that the state will not easily intervene!

But now, with 22nm chip technology, it has completely proved that Tianchen Technology has the ability to independently develop chips!

How dare they, and then embarrass Tianchen Technology!

Of course, none of this is the most important thing.

For these capitals, as long as they have money to earn, they can not care about anything!

Most importantly, if Tianchen Technology can really dominate the mobile phone market of the entire Dragon Country in the future.

Then they dare to offend Tianchen Technology again, are they not looking for their own death?

After all, no matter how good their APP is, it can’t be used on Tianchen Technology’s mobile phone, so it’s useless!

It was precisely because of this that they would once again ask for the head of the Demon Capital Official’s Mansion and wanted to sit down and talk with Su Chen.

It’s a pity that it’s not them now, do you want to embarrass Su Chen’s affairs.

It’s Su Chen, willing to let them go!

Want to make peace? Inexistent!

You must know that that day, he said it personally in front of those capitals, as well as the Ma Commandery, Xiao Ma Ge, and Du Niang Xiao Li Brother.

Get them all bankrupt!

Naturally, he has to do what he says!

So immediately after, he hung up the phone of the investment director.

As for what to promote the meeting, he is not interested in it anyway!

At the same time, the beavers and penguins who got the news, including those capitals, naturally understood Su Chen’s meaning.

But of course they won’t, just sit back and wait!

So after sitting down and deliberating, they made another difficult decision!

That is to let the magnesium dough takeaway and eat what to combine!

Or more precisely, is it to give up eating directly, and the fox and the penguin join the magnesium dough together!

Anyway, before the beaver, just into the stock to eat.

It has not been bought directly for tens of billions of dollars as in the previous life.

So even if you just give up eating, the loss is not unacceptable!

And after eating it without the financial support of Ah Beaver, it will definitely go out of business soon.

At that time, these vacant markets can be absorbed by the takeaway of magnesium balls.

It’s just that in this way, Su Chen’s last life, the good luck guy who sold and ate tens of billions of dollars, obviously didn’t have such good luck…



The news of the “merger” of magnesium group takeaway and eating has once again shocked countless netizens!

And Penguin and A Beaver also announced that they will join forces to enter the mobile phone industry!

This is even more incredible!

But the shock of netizens quickly passed.

Not even a few people discussed.

Because after the big battle that has been experienced by Tianchen Technology and Fruit Company.

The vision of netizens has also improved a lot.

This kind of “small scene” is naturally nothing!

What about the mobile phone industry, you can enter if you want to enter?

You say you have money, but people spend money for it!

Even people spend it, and they have their own technology!

The result is not yet, only low-end mobile phones can be produced!

So with you penguins and a beaver, you want to compete with Tianchen Technology in the high-end mobile phone market.

Not to look down on you.

But it is indeed delusional!

And can not produce high-end mobile phones, can only produce low-end mobile phones, at most is to make a hard money.

Therefore, netizens naturally do not think that Internet companies such as A Beaver and Penguin can persist for too long!

But at the same time, netizens can’t help but be a little strange.

Why do a fox and penguins still dare to fight with Tianchen Technology!

Unfortunately, what they don’t know is that the fox and the penguin don’t really want to do this.

But before that, they had invested too much money.

In just a few months, in the takeaway industry, a total of more than 5 billion RMB was invested!

You know, that’s 5 billion in 2012!

Even if it is a family of 2.5 billion, it is definitely not a small number for a fox and a penguin!

Not to mention the takeaway industry, such a large market, let them just quit, how can they be willing!

As for the mobile phone industry, that’s not to mention!

They don’t want to make any hard money!

But in order not to be “threatened” by Tianchen Technology in the future, they had to find a way to produce their own mobile phones…

Oh, and a dojo…

After burning almost 1 billion yuan, Du Niang once again chose to quit the takeaway industry.

After all, their profitability is already weak in the middle of BAT.

Now it’s starting to go downhill again.

Coupled with Tianchen Technology, it also launched a Tianchen search.

The impact on them is simply fatal!

So don’t say they can’t take care of themselves.

Even if they want to play with the fox penguins, they must be willing to do so!

And so, in the blink of an eye, it was October again.

After winning a useless, god-level dance skill.

Su Chen took Ye Yiyi with him and went to the beach for a vacation.

At the same time, Tianchen Live also made a one-time broadcast and launched three anime.

And starring Yang Huan Gao Wen Tang Xiaoxue together, as well as Su Chen’s “cameo” TV series “Diamond Lover”, will soon be broadcast live on CCTV and Tianchen and officially released.



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