“Yang Huan is so pretty!”

“Gao Wen is so pretty!”

“Or our little snow is the prettiest thing!”

“I can’t imagine that Deng Chao and Hu Ge will continue to shoot TV series!”

“The lineup of this TV series is really too strong!”

The news of the upcoming release of “Diamond Lover” immediately attracted the attention of countless netizens!

Especially the fans of those celebrities are completely crazy!

You must know that 2012 is the time when Yang Huan is the hottest!

As the spokesperson of the heroic tribe, Gao Wen’s popularity is also very high!

Tang Xiaoxue also has just become the spokesperson of the Xingyao generation of mobile phones and has many fans!

Plus all three are first-class beauty.

Especially Gao Wen and Tang Xiaoxue, they can be called the Dragon Country entertainment circle, the ceiling-level appearance!

If nothing else, at least it looks absolutely eye-catching!

As for Deng Chao and Hu Ge, not to mention!

One is Huayi Brother!

One is the Sugar Man Brother!

And it has all begun, to the film industry!

It’s almost never a TV series again!

So now, it is very rare to invite one of them to act in a TV series!

Not to mention two people together!

However, there are more stars, and there is also a little bit of badness.

That’s easy to tear B!

Even if the stars don’t tear themselves, the fans will tear!

And the easiest to tear is naturally the star’s coffee bit!

That is to say, to find out who is the protagonist and who is the supporting role!

Fortunately, the heroine Yang Huan, everyone has no opinion on this.

The remaining female number two Gao Wen and female number three Tang Xiaoxue were not long after their debut.

There is not enough coffee space, and there is no qualification to tear B!

But Deng Chao and Hu Ge, in the end, who is the male protagonist and who is the male number two, this is very worth tearing!

It even has to be torn up!

At least their fans, think so!

But when the promotional film of the TV series came out, whether it was Deng Chao’s fans or Hu Ge’s fans, they were all dumbfounded!

“Who is this Su Chen?”

“Actor Su Chen? Isn’t it Deng Chao or Hu Ge? ”

“This is the director mistaken!”

“But how can the name Su Chen be so familiar…”

“By the way, isn’t that Su Zong of Tianchen Technology called Su Chen?”

Then these fans, take a closer look at this promotional film, the “male protagonist” in it, is not the Su general manager of Tianchen Technology!

At the same time, Deng Chao and Hu Ge were also inside.

It’s just that they all become co-stars!

“It’s really Su Zong!”

“Hahaha, don’t dare tear it up now!”

“Slipped away, who dares to tear it up?”

“Even if fans dare to tear it, the stars themselves dare not recognize it!”

“That’s it! Who in the entertainment industry dares to say that their coffee position is bigger than Su Zong? Unless you don’t want to be in the entertainment industry, continue to mix it up! ”

“Even if you don’t mix in the entertainment industry, you don’t dare to offend Su Zong!”

“In short, Su Zong’s is over!”

“Su Zong Bull +1!”

“Su Zong Bull +2!”

“Su Zong Bull +3!”

“Su Zong Bull +10086!”



“In other words, Mr. Su is really handsome!”

“More handsome than Deng Chao and Hu Ge!”

“Looking at Su Zong in this propaganda film, he is indeed much more handsome than the photo!”

“Su’s temperament is also very good!”

“, people are really overbearing presidents, can the temperament be bad?”



In fact, what these fans don’t know is that when Su Chen learned the news, he was also confused.

How did he become a male protagonist?

Later, I still asked Yang Huan to know that it was because his acting skills were too good, and director Zhang Qiang was reluctant to reduce his role when editing!

And because before, director Zhang Qiang let him get addicted.

So I took a lot of shots.

So that if these shots are all retained, Su Chen’s role will be less than several protagonists!

It’s on par with some important supporting characters!

But Zhang Qiang naturally did not dare, and really wrote Su Zong’s name to the supporting role column!

So simply grit your teeth, it is better to let this Su Zong directly become the male protagonist!

Anyway, believe Deng Chao and Hu Ge, there will be no opinion!

The only worry was whether he would make this Su general feel dissatisfied.

However, with the complete exposure of Su Chen’s identity, Zhang Qiang’s last bit of concern has completely disappeared…



Soon, “Diamond Lover” was broadcast live on CCTV and Tianchen and was officially released!

And as soon as it was released, the popularity exceeded that of all other TV series!

Even several movies released on the National Day file, the heat has been suppressed!

After all, this TV series not only has Yang Huan Gao Wen Tang Xiaoxue, super big beauty!

There are also stars like Deng Chao and Hu Ge, whose looks and acting skills coexist!

Plus Su Chen, the “male protagonist”!

So much so that even many netizens who don’t care about the entertainment industry can’t help but run over and glance at it twice!

Then these netizens, as well as all the audience, were deeply attracted by Su Chen’s appearance and acting skills!

“In an interview before, Deng Chao said that Su Zong was the most actable person he had ever met, and I thought he was patting himself on the back, but it turned out to be true!”

“Hu Ge said the same thing!”

“The director before almost blew Su Zong into the sky!”

“The key is that Mr. Su not only has good acting skills, but also looks so handsome!”

“It’s so unreasonable…”

“What a no-nonsense! Su Zong is completely based on his own ability, starting from scratch and achieving today’s achievements! If there is no heavenly reason for this, then what else in this world is there that has heavenly reason? ”

“That’s right, Mr. Su is the best! So although he is so handsome, so good acting, and so rich, I am not jealous of him at all! ”

“You’re just envious…”

“Cut, speak as if you are not envious…”

“What’s wrong with envy? How many people in our Dragon Kingdom, and even in the whole world, do not envy Su Zong? ”

“Unfortunately, envy is useless, people are really good, ordinary people can’t compare with …”

“Alas, this may be the difference between ordinary people and real scholars…”

“Xueba +1!”

“Xueba +2!”

“Xueba +3!”

“Xueba +10086!”





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