“What do you think?”

Su Chen raised an eyebrow and asked with a disdainful face.

However, Liang Fan hesitated suddenly.

In fact, before he just thought, block Su Chen’s car on the road, get some face, and it will be enough.

After all, he didn’t dare, really put Su Chen how!

But after seeing Su Chen’s driving skills, he had a new idea!

You must know that his biggest hobby is flying cars!

It has also set a record for the fastest car ride on the second ring road of Modu!

And he could clearly see that Su Chen’s driving skills were specially trained!

It’s completely different from those ordinary drivers!

“How dare I tell Su Zong, I just want to talk to Su Zong and fly a car on this second ring road, this little thing, Su Zong should not be afraid, right?”

Liang Fan said in a strange way.


Su Chen suddenly smiled.

There are not many things in this world that can make him afraid!

“But if you really want to compete with me, then we will go to the professional track to compete!”

“But there always has to be a lottery head in the game!”

“Well, I’ll use my car as a jack-of-all, how’s that?”

Su Chen patted his Konysek CCRX and said.

And before he also saw it, this Liang Fan’s racing level is indeed not bad.

At least at the level of a professional driver.

But this level also deserves to race with him?

Not even behind him, there is no qualification to eat ashes!

In addition, of course, he can’t directly race with people on the second ring road.

Know that this is illegal!

“Okay, then go to the professional track! As for the color head… Mr. Su, you see, how do all our cars here add up? If it is not enough, I will make up for how much is missing! ”

Liang Fan thought about it, and then pointed to them, a whole 10 sports cars and said!

But he also knows that even if their 10 sports cars add up, it is not as expensive as Su Chen’s Koenigsek CCRX!

But let him take out nearly 50 million at once, he can’t take it out!

“No, that’s it!”

Su Chen knew that these 10 sports cars were worth no more than 20 million or 30 million at most.

Twenty million less than his Koenigsek CCRX!

But he is not real, and he wants this Liang Fan to take out more than 40 million yuan to gamble with him!

That would be too cheap for him!

Then Su Chen picked up the mobile phone and called Lao Xu.

Since the last time Lao Xu singled out him and was balanced by his move, he did not follow him anymore.

However, the imperial court still arranged for Lao Xu to contact him alone.

Then he hung up Lao Xu’s phone, and within two minutes, Su Chen received a call from a person claiming to be the general manager of the Modu Circuit.

Say it’s the racing track over there, it’s all ready!

Su Chen just needs to go straight over!

So seeing this scene, not only Liang Fan was a little frightened.

Those viewers in Chen Miaomiao’s live broadcast room were completely stunned!


“With one call, in less than two minutes, the Mordor Circuit was all ready!”

“Is this the energy that the big guy has?”

“Su Zong is too good…”

“Kneel to the big guy…”

“Worthy of being the richest man in our Dragon Kingdom!”

“Liang Fan must have panicked…”

“A small rich second generation also dares to call out our Su Zong, and he really doesn’t know how to die!”

“How do you think Sue will always teach him?”

“Is Mr. Su’s idea something that we, mortals, can guess?”



However, although Liang Fan was a little frightened, since the matter had developed to this point, he could only hold on to his scalp!

Besides, between him and Su Chen, there was only a little contradiction.

At least that’s what he thinks he does!

So it really can’t be done, and when the time comes, he will bow his head and admit his mistake!

He didn’t believe that Su Chen would really treat him like that!

Besides, isn’t there still an old man in his house!

Then, very quickly, the group drove to the Magic Speedway.

And as soon as Su Chen entered the arena, he saw a young man in a suit and leather shoes walking towards him.

“Mr. Su, hello, I am the manager of the racing track, you call me Xiao Zheng, tonight our boss just happened to be in the field, so I can’t personally come to see Mr. Su, and ask Mr. Su to forgive me!” However, Mr. Su, if you are willing to stay with us for a while, our boss will definitely be able to come back! ”

The young man came to Su Chen’s car and said very respectfully!

You must know that the total cost of this magic car is as high as 3 billion RMB!

It’s still 3 billion 10 years ago, in 2002!

Not to mention that it is still built in the magic capital!

Even if it is not built in the city center!

It is also enough to see how big the energy of this boss is!

But now, in order to see Su Chen’s side, he did not hesitate to rush back from other places overnight!

Maybe even maybe it’s already on the plane now!

This attitude is definitely sincere enough!

But Su Chen just lowered the car window and looked at this young man very casually.

Didn’t even get off the car!

“Say it again…”

Su Chen said, and then turned his head and stopped looking at this young man!

So in an instant, those viewers in Chen Miaomiao’s live broadcast room exploded again!

“Nima, today is really a long sight!”

“In the future, Su will always be in my heart, that is, the most awesome big man in our Dragon Kingdom!”

“The owner of such a big racing track, who rushed back from other places overnight, wanted to see Su Zong’s side, but Su Zong didn’t even pay attention to it…”

“This manager didn’t even get Su Zong out of the car!”

“Look at the security guards behind this manager, one by one, like thugs!”

“Killing people and setting fire to golden belts, building bridges and paving roads without corpses, can you build such a large racing track in the magic capital, is it possible to have something?”

“Why do you think Liang Fan, the second generation of the rich, dares to provoke Su Zong?” It’s not because they have a bunch of thugs in their homes! ”

“Thugs are not so bad, but in the real estate industry, fights and fights are indeed commonplace!”

“So those Internet companies, compared with these real land snakes, are simply brothers!”

“Those Internet companies, in addition to a little more money, round means, how can they be better than real estate companies!”

“But isn’t Su Zong’s Tianchen Technology also an Internet company?”

“Oh, which Internet company have you seen that can produce and develop chips by itself?” And your own cell phone and computer production factory? ”

“Mr. Su is obviously an Internet plus industrial tycoon, who has both the influence of the Internet tycoon and the foundation of the industrial gangster, plus the high-tech of Tianchen Technology, so he can be so cattle!”

“Listening to you say this, it seems that this is really the case…”

“No wonder even the fruit company has been laid down by Su Zonggan…”

“Don’t say it’s a fruit company, even if it’s Eagle Country ZF, isn’t it the same as taking Su Zong?”





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