The race started quickly.

Su Chen’s Koenigsek CCRX, along with Liang Fan’s Ferrari, also stopped at the starting point.

Although Su Chen’s Coney Sec CCRX, the price is almost ten times that of this Ferrari.

But Liang Fan was not worried that he would lose.

One is that he has confidence in his driving skills.

The second is that his Ferrari is actually modified.

Even if the performance is not comparable, Su Chen’s Koenigsek CCRX.

But that’s not much different!

At the same time, in the two sports cars, Su Chen and Liang Fan are not the only ones.

Beside them, there was a beautiful woman sitting separately.

“What, are you afraid or not?”

Su Chen looked at Chen Miaomiao and suddenly asked.

At the same time, the corners of his mouth couldn’t help but reveal a shallow bad smile.

“Mr. Su, now that you’re betting with that guy, what do I have to be afraid of?”

Chen Miaomiao couldn’t help but have some doubts.

But looking at Su Chen’s bad smile, she still immediately had a very ominous premonition…

At the same time, her heartbeat couldn’t help but suddenly speed up a lot!

After all, even she had to admit that Su Chen was really too handsome!

Plus his identity and status!

So much so that when he smiles at you.

It is estimated that in this world, there are few women who can resist it…

But when I think about it, the guy in front of me is actually her best sister’s “boyfriend”.

That little unrealistic idea was immediately thrown out of her mind!

More importantly, she could clearly feel that from the first time she saw Su Chen, Su Chen had a vague hostility towards her!

And until now, this hostility has not disappeared!

This also made her wonder where she had provoked him…

But the next moment, before she had time to think about it, she suddenly felt a burst of strong pushing back feeling!

So much so that her whole person immediately couldn’t help but pounce forward!

Even if she hadn’t had a seat belt, she might have hit the front window directly!


Chen Miaomiao immediately screamed!

But as soon as I opened my mouth, I instantly felt a burst of extreme discomfort in my body!

There was a violent churning in my stomach!

Frightened, she quickly closed her mouth!

“I advise you to save some effort, otherwise if you throw up on my car, be careful that I seal your live broadcast room!”

Su Chen said as usual.

After all, this speed, which was simply not possible, had any effect on his body.

But for Chen Miaomiao, that would be a disaster!

And obviously, this was all deliberate by Su Chen!

But even if he knew it, he meant it.

Chen Miaomiao can’t do it now!

Don’t even dare to make a sound!

It seems that she is afraid of Su Chen and really sealed her live broadcast room!

Fortunately, she is not either, and she can’t do anything!

Immediately after, I saw her leaning back in her seat with difficulty, while raising a hand and pointing her phone out the window!

It turns out that until now, she is still broadcasting.

And just now, even her body was about to be thrown out.

But the mobile phone is still firmly in her hand!

What’s more, at this time, the number of viewers in her live broadcast room has reached a full eight million!

A hundred times more people than when she usually live-streamed!

“Is this Su always driving?”

“That’s too fast!”

“I look at this picture with a little dizziness!”

“Me too!”

“It’s really hard for the anchor…”

“If it weren’t for the anchor tonight, we wouldn’t have known that Su Zong was so good…”

“And Su Zong’s driving skills, even so good…”

“This technology is definitely professional driver level!”

“Professional driver? Liang Fan is also a professional driver! ”

“By the way, what about Liang Fan’s car?”

“I didn’t see that from the beginning of the game, in the live broadcast screen of the anchor, Liang Fan’s car did not appear at all, and it is estimated that he ate ash behind Su Zong!”

At this moment, the bullet screen in Chen Miaomiao’s live broadcast room has already blocked the entire live broadcast screen!

So much so that everyone had to turn off the bullet screen first!

The various gifts in the live broadcast room are more like not wanting money!

Although Su Chen said before, don’t brush gifts if you don’t have money for him.

But who doesn’t know, that’s just kidding!

Besides, now, how much sin Chen Miaomiao has suffered in order to give them live broadcasting!

Even if it is to say that it is live with life, it is not an exaggeration at all!

They give some gifts, and naturally they should be!

Unfortunately, they can only see the front picture of the car.

You can’t see the whole arena.

But even this is enough to make all the viewers in the live broadcast room addicted!

In this way, after almost five minutes, Su Chen’s car finally stopped.

Then I saw Chen Miaomiao, immediately couldn’t help it, and ran off the car quickly.

Crazy vomiting on the side!

And this is because Su Chen has taken care of her enough.

Otherwise, his speed would at least be able to increase a lot!

Then after nearly a minute, Liang Fan’s car also crossed the finish line!

At the same time, the results of the two cars also came out.

So Chen Miaomiao, who had just recovered a little, immediately pointed his mobile phone at the big screen of the scene!

“5 minutes!”

“It only took 5 minutes for three laps!”

“An average lap of 1 minute and 40 seconds!”

“The record of the Mordor Circuit seems to be only 1 minute and 30 seconds!”

“It’s 1 minute and 32 seconds! But it was created by the car king, and it was still an F1 car! ”

“Su Zong is just an ordinary sports car, although it is the most expensive Koenigsegg CCRX, but the comprehensive performance is certainly not as good as F1 racing!” Not to mention that Su was in the car, and there were two people! ”

“Liang Fan’s performance is 5 minutes and 45 seconds, an average lap of 1 minute and 55 seconds, this result is not bad even among professional drivers! But compared with Su Zongyi, it is still far behind! ”

“Mr. Su is too good!”

“This time Liang Fan was miserable, losing 10 sports cars at once!”

“You think Su can see these 10 sports cars?”

“The sum of 10 sports cars is not as expensive as Su Zong’s car!”

At this time, everyone saw that Su Chen, who had won the game, finally stepped down from his Koenigsek CCRX.

And directly to the side, Liang Fan’s group of little brothers walked over!

So Chen Miaomiao’s live broadcast room, the hearts of all the audience.

Immediately I couldn’t help it, and I lifted it up again!



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