“Now these cars should all belong to me, right?”

Su Chen looked at the sports cars in front of him and smiled lightly.

But those little brothers of Liang Fan were all panicked.

Because they simply did not think that their old assembly would lose!

“Boss, this…”

A little brother of Liang Fan, with a pleading face, looked at Liang Fan who came over.

Although they are also a group of rich second generations, compared with Liang Fan, they are still far behind!

There are even a few that can not be regarded as the real rich second generation!

Their family, at best, has a small asset!

But in order for them to be able to have a good relationship with Liang Fan!

That’s why they buy them a sports car at home!

“Mr. Su, if you make a price, I will send you the money another day…”

Liang Fan thought about it and said.

He also knew the situation of these little brothers.

Although he didn’t care about these little brothers.

But these little brothers’ families are not shallow in relation to his family.

It doesn’t matter if he offends one or two.

But all at once, they were all offended.

Go back and definitely don’t have his good fruit to eat!

Moreover, these cars are worth at least 20 million yuan in total!

This money is definitely not a small amount for him!

So he thought, first stabilize Su Chen, wait until he goes back, and then find a way to find a way to go home!

But Su Chen, who might agree with him like this!

Then I saw him, turned around, and looked at the manager of the racetrack.

“Manager Zheng is it, now let your people, smash these cars, is there any problem?”

Su Chen said lightly.

But everyone present felt it, a faint killing intent!

It seems that even the temperature around it has dropped by a few points!

So much so that everyone, at once, couldn’t help but wince!

There are also a few rich second generation who are already relatively weak, and they are almost scared to pee their pants!

“No problem, Mr. Su!”

That Manager Zheng was stunned, and then immediately revealed, with an ecstatic expression!

Smash the car, he’s the best!

Not to mention, it is still a super big guy like Su Zong, who personally opened his mouth!

This is not to say that it is a smashing car, even if he lets him smash people, he will definitely not have any hesitation!

The next moment, as soon as he waved his hand, the group of security guards not far away immediately all ran over!

Then after hearing the manager’s order, they quickly found the guy and smashed it madly at those sports cars!

There is also the one parked on the runway, Liang Fan’s Ferrari, which is also personally owned by Manager Zheng!

As for Liang Fan and his group of little brothers, seeing this posture, who dares to have any opinions!

They can only watch as their sports car is smashed into scrap iron by a group of “security guards”!

At the same time, Chen Miaomiao also immediately blocked the live broadcast footage with his hand!

So the audience in the live broadcast room immediately stopped drying!

“Anchor, we have to watch the smashed car!”

“Anchor, you’re not right like this!”

“Anchor, do you know if your path is narrow?”

“Anchor, do you still want gifts?”

“Anchor, do you think we look like people who lack this bit of traffic?”

“People Su Zong himself doesn’t care, what are you doing in the way!”

“Smashing cars, not smashing people!”

“The Lord plays the heart, we will never say that it was Su Zongzong who smashed it!”

“These cars have already lost to Su Zong, and Su Zong of course wants to smash them!”



But having said that, these audiences were still deeply shocked by Su Chen’s domineering!

For many big guys, just 10 sports cars may not be anything at all!

But no one dares to smash the car directly in front of 8 million people’s audience!

But Su Zong, the people, has this confidence!

The point is that he does this and it doesn’t make people feel disgusted!

It will not make people feel that he is bullying!

Even in the eyes of these ordinary people, Su Zong did this, not only was there no mistake, but he was quite relieved!

But that’s not the end of it!

The next moment, I saw a few cars in Yamen suddenly driving into the racing track!

And without saying a word, he directly took Liang Fan, his group of little brothers, and that manager Zheng away!

But looking at Su Chen’s calm expression, that manager Zheng was immediately relieved!

Because he knows that as long as this big guy is there, he will be absolutely fine!

At the same time, those viewers in Chen Miaomiao’s live broadcast room also immediately exploded again!

“What’s the situation, I seem to have heard that the capture of the yamen is coming!”

“Wouldn’t it be to arrest Su Zong?”

“Catch Su Zong? How can it be! ”

“It must have been Liang Fan!”

“Before Liang Fan blocked Su Zong’s car on the road, he had already broken the law!”

“And before Liang Fan live-streamed, he often bragged about how powerful he was, and it is estimated that this kind of thing must not be done less!”

“It seems that Liang Fan is really planted under this…”

“Nonsense, from the moment he provoked Su Zong, the end is already doomed!”

“Liang Fan is looking for his own death, no wonder others!”

“That is, Su Zong has let him ride a horse, and he still dares to block Su Zong’s car, this is not looking for death!”

Then soon, accompanied by Chen Miaomiao’s live broadcast footage, it returned to normal.

Everyone saw that she had sat down again, Su Chen’s co-pilot.

Su Chen was also intact, sitting there driving.

At this point, the audience did not know that their previous guess was not wrong.

The person who was arrested and quickly taken away was indeed Liang Fan!

Then after another half an hour, Su Chen sent Chen Miaomiao back to school.

He left directly.

It wasn’t that he didn’t want to go to Ye Yiyi.

It’s just that he had already informed Ye Yiyi before, asking her to go directly to Tomson Yipin to wait for him…

So look at the car, the disappearing Koenigsegg CCRX.

Not only Chen Miaomiao, but also showed a gloomy expression.

Those viewers in the live broadcast room also couldn’t help but feel a pang of regret…

“Alas, Su Zong is so desperate…”

“The anchor is so beautiful, he can’t leave Su Zong behind…”

“Mr. Su is still not a man!”

“Don’t be sad anchor, you still have us!”

“The anchor made a lot of money tonight!”

“Depend, the number of people in the live broadcast room has exceeded 10 million!”

“The number of anchors’ attention has also exceeded two million!”

“When will the anchor come to a wave of welfare?”

“The anchor has made at least tens of thousands tonight!”

“Tens of thousands? Who do you look down on! At least hundreds of thousands all right! ”





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