Can make a tanuki penguin Du Niang, a total loss of 5 billion.

Su Chen himself, of course, could not feel too well.

Even if not, his little blue car is all produced by Tianchen Technology and its own factory.

He definitely lost more than Amu!

And even now, if his little blue car is always free.

He will also continue to lose money.

It’s just not like losing as much at the beginning.

And this “billion” little money, he did not pay attention to it at all.

Besides, he wanted to dig a pit for the beaver penguin Duniang, and those capitals.

How can I do it without paying a price?

Otherwise, you really think that Ma Commander and Little Ma Ge are so deceitful!

However, this method cannot be used all the time.

The next time, I guess they won’t, so easily deceived.

Fortunately, with the strength of today’s science and technology, even if you don’t use these “plots”, it is not difficult to kill these guys.

The difference is that sooner or later time is over.

And whether you can clean them up completely!

However, it can spend more than a dozen or two billion to promote Tianchen Credit.

In fact, it is not too much of a loss…



“Fall, fall again!”

“MD, it’s only been a few days, and all the profits are gone!”

“Are you still profitable?” I’ve already started losing money! ”

“Do you have me miserable? The fund I bought has never gone up at all! ”

“If I had known this, I should have kept all the money in the remnant B…”

“It’s too late to regret it now…”

“I knew I shouldn’t believe these guys!”

“And off, it was also made by these guys, and the result is that the deposit has not been refunded so far!”

“It seems that Tianchen Technology is still reliable…”

“It’s not that we blame ourselves, we’re too greedy…”

“After this time, I absolutely only believe Su Zong’s words!”

“Me too…”

“I’m afraid that after this time, I won’t even know your parents!”

“Oh my God… Hurry up and let me go back to this… I promise never to buy a fund again…”



As Tianchen bicycles began to be free, A Beaver Penguin Du Niang left the scene at a huge loss.

The entire shared bicycle market, in addition to Tianchen bicycles, can be described as a chicken feather.

Along with other shared industries, they have also been affected.

Before it could rise, the heat quickly disappeared.

This also allowed later investors to save a lot of money…

What the?

You say shared charging treasure?

You must know that now, all domestic mobile phone batteries, basically all of them, provided by Tianchen Technology.

With the current technology of Tianchen Technology, these mobile phones are not needed at all, and the charging treasure is used well!

Unless you’ve been watching videos, that’s pretty much it!

So this also makes it more difficult for mobile phone brands in other countries to survive in the Dragon Kingdom!

At the same time, the stock market of Longguo has finally turned from a bull market to a bear market.

And you have to know that when the stock market falls, it will always be much faster than when it rises!

So much so that the funds that rose in the previous month fell in less than a week!

Even those capitals have suffered heavy losses!

But to be honest, these capitals are actually not losing money.

More than a month ago, they had made a billion dollars.

Even if you lose three or five hundred million now, it is not a big deal at all.

No, it’s a big deal to put those stocks there.

Wait until later and then slowly rise back, that’s it!

But whoever let them, earn that billion.

Before in the shared bicycle market, the loss is over!

In this way, if you lose another three or five billion, or even more.

That’s really, it’s going to kill them!

In addition, the deposits of Penguin Bicycle and Duniang Bicycle have now been refunded.

But off’s deposit is still in line!

I want to quit it all, I don’t know when to wait!

Unfortunately, this question, even Su Chen, could not answer.

Because in the previous life, until he was born again.

The deposit of off has not been refunded yet!



Su Chen did not care, those funds on ZFB.

He couldn’t handle it.

Just like a casino.

Unless he can close all the casinos.

Otherwise gamblers will always exist!

And those who buy funds, don’t they know that this is a gamble?

They know better than anyone!

Then if you lose money, you can only be willing to gamble and lose!

However, as long as these people lose more, they naturally know that it hurts!

Besides, they buy funds, and they don’t give money directly to those capitals.

So in fact, the impact on Su Chen is not very large.

At best, it is to let those capitals survive for a while.

But obviously, these capitals are also aware of this.

So they know that they have to find a new financing channel quickly.

And it is best to be able to really use the money of those investors for their own use!

Even after using it, I don’t have to pay it back!

So soon, they were eyeing a new industry.

This is the so-called P2P industry!

Also known as “microfinance companies”!



“Senior, you look like you’re more handsome than before…”

Zhou Qian’er, who had just sat on Su Chen’s sports car, turned her head to look at Su Chen, and immediately couldn’t help but show a shy expression.

Since the last time Su Chen, after participating in the alumni association.

She and Su Chen have always kept in touch.

But only today did she finally make up her mind and take the initiative to ask Su Chen out.

“Is it?”

Su Chen touched his beard.

This is what he deliberately left during this time.

There was no way, there were too many people in the Dragon Kingdom who knew him now.

So much so that when he goes out to eat, he may be watched by a large group of people.

Not to mention shopping with beautiful women!

“Of course!”

Zhou Qian’er said again.

At the same time, with a look of adoration, he looked at Su Chen.

In a pair of bright and pure big eyes, they are all about to emerge from the small stars!

Beware of the liver is also a burst, fluttering and fluttering!

After all, anyway, she was still one, just sophomore.

Although before, in front of Su Chen, he acted very actively.

But all kinds of experiences and experiences, as well as personality, are actually very simple.

And this is exactly Su Chen’s LSP, the psychological age of 30+, the favorite type!

So seeing this scene, Su Chen naturally wouldn’t be polite to her!

As soon as he reached out, he hugged her!

And it took a few minutes before the two were separated again!

Then, as soon as they separated, Su Chen directly kicked the throttle!

The sports car rushed out in an instant!


Luxury cars!

And money that can’t be used up!

This TMD is life!

Su Chen’s heart suddenly couldn’t help but feel a burst of happiness!



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