After spending a wonderful weekend with Zhou Qian’er, Su Chen sent her back to school.

Then Su Chen began to look up information about P2P companies on the Internet.

In fact, the P2P company of Longguo has existed as early as five or six years ago.

But at that time, the main business was not personal online lending.

Instead, it lends money to some companies.

And then these companies, and then take the money, to speculate in real estate.

Just those few years, it was also the time when the house prices in the Dragon Kingdom began to take off.

So these companies, although the scale is not large, but the profit has not been low.

However, last year, with the first P2P company, it officially obtained the Internet finance license.

That is to say, it is possible to officially lend online loans to individuals!

The scale of these P2P companies has developed all at once!

It has also attracted a lot of capital attention!

Got a lot of financing!

And now Su Chen is eyeing these P2P companies that have obtained capital financing!

As for other P2P companies, whether the future is cheating money or running out of business, he is too lazy to care!

Again, greed is always there.

He killed a P2P company, and thousands of P2P companies will pop up.

Those who invest in P2P, don’t they know that this is a gamble?

Of course they know!

It’s just that they believe they can win the bet!

So what does their life and death have to do with Su Chen?

Moreover, Su Chen was never a virgin.

On the contrary, he is also very selfish.

This can be seen from his firm grasp of 100% of the shares of Tianchen Technology.

In this world, no one in this world but his parents can be fully trusted!

Including his women!

This is also why he will leave anything to Zhang Feng to do.

Wait until it’s done, and then let his women take over.

Because once something went wrong with Zhang Feng, he would definitely not hesitate to dispose of him!

But if the women who changed him were, he was afraid that he would not be able to soften his hands when the time came!

Of course, this does not mean that his women will definitely betray him.

It’s just that he, even the slightest chance of “betrayal”, doesn’t want to give them!

After all, human nature has always been the most untested!

Not to mention that now, the people staring at him, not one or two.

If nothing else, let’s just say that the imperial court, I don’t know how much I want to put people into his Tianchen technology!

Unfortunately, his Tianchen Technology, except for the three executives, are all ordinary employees at the lowest level.

At most, from these ordinary employees, select some team leaders.

Therefore, no matter how many people the imperial court installed, Su Chen was not afraid!

And three executives, Zhang Feng, Lin Damei, and Miss Ding.

Only Zhang Feng is really doing things.

The remaining two, not even the tool people.

Like Su Chen’s father, he was just a mascot!

And Zhang Feng, for the current situation, is obviously also very satisfied.

Every year, tens of millions of year-end awards are held, and identity has status, and status has status.

Including the things that Su Chen asked him to do, it was not very difficult.

No, there is money to open the way.

Therefore, even in the face of the court’s co-operation, he was not moved at all!



Soon, Su Chen set his sights on two P2P companies – Jiayin Finance and Pap Loan!

Both were just secured capital financing last year.

At the same time, in Su Chen’s last life, these two companies also successfully listed in the Eagle Country in the end.

It can be regarded as a relatively successful job in all P2P companies.

Obviously, among them, these capitals, especially some foreign capital, are out of great force!

But before, these capitals are also ready to let these two companies develop quietly for a while.

But with the past, these capitals have lost heavily in the shared bicycle market, as well as in the stock market and funds.

So they had to take these two companies as their life-saving straw!

So much so that during this time, the Internet can be seen everywhere, the advertisements of these two companies!

Of course, the capital that Su Chen is eyeing is all some big capital.

Or more precisely, the capital that appeared at the last meeting.

For example, what Zhen Fund, Jingwei Fund, Hongshan Capital, Longchuang Capital and so on!

There are also three families of a tanuki penguin dowry!

As for the other small capital, it is not worth his special targeting!

But if they were to find their own death, then Su Chen naturally wouldn’t mind and kill them together with those big capitals!

Immediately after, I saw Su Chen and let the artificial intelligence program make up a whole hundred thousand character information!

Then use this character information to start applying for online loans from these two P2P companies!

Not bad!

This is Su Chen’s method!

Don’t you want to lend money online?

Then naturally don’t blame him, pick up the mouth to pay yourself!

And at this stage, there is no such thing as an online loan black household!

Risk control is not so strict!

There is no big data!

So as long as it is a normal user, online loans can basically pass!

It’s just that the amount is different!

But Su Chen didn’t mind either.

Whether it was twelve thousand or twelve thousand, he wanted it.

Then as soon as the money arrives, it is immediately transferred.

And erase all the information and transaction records.

Only these two companies are left with their own transfer records.

It turns out that the money is indeed their own, transferred out!

What the?

You say he doesn’t have to go to such trouble at all.

Directly transfer the money on the accounts of these two companies, can’t you just transfer it?

Yes, Su Chen can do this.

And guarantee that no evidence will be left behind.

But you know, there are some things that don’t require evidence!

For example, before, the Supreme Court of Eagle Country sanctioned him, did not find any evidence?

Similarly, if the Dragon Kingdom Imperial Court wanted to sanction him, there was no need for any evidence at all!

But the Dragon Kingdom Imperial Court, of course, will not do this!

Because this is the tacit understanding between them and Su Chen!

As long as it is not someone else, take the initiative to provoke Su Chen.

Then Su Chen absolutely did not allow it to use some means that violated the law in the Dragon Kingdom!

Even if it is a means that others can’t find out, they can’t be used!

Otherwise, he would directly transfer all the money in the capital account of the Beaver Penguin Duniang and those capital accounts?

But in that case, if others can’t find out that he did it, they will naturally go to the Dragon Kingdom Imperial Court and ask for an explanation.

After all, their money was stored in the banks of the Dragon Kingdom.

The result is now gone, for no reason.

Don’t you Dragon Kingdom Imperial Court be responsible?

Including the former Su Chen, freezing the assets of the Crane family.

It is also because most of their assets are stored in foreign banks.

That’s why he did that.

But now, the money of these two P2P companies is transferred out by themselves!

Even if something happens, it is still themselves, and the risk control is not strict!

As for those fake character information.

Who knows if it is or not, you are guarding yourselves!

The Imperial Court did not suspect that you were laundering money, even if it was good!

Do you still want to find the imperial court and ask for an explanation?

Dream about you!



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