“My luck, Jiayin Financial has gone bankrupt?”

“The loan has also failed?”

“The boss has been arrested?”

“Didn’t you still go crazy with advertising some time ago?”

“The company went out of business, what about the money of those investors?”

“It is said that all of them were transferred away by the boss…”

“Lean, so miserable?”

Due to Jiayin Financial and Pai Loan, the advertised annual return rate is above 10%.

It is more than twice as high as Feixin’s Yu Libao!

So that immediately attracted the investment of many investors!

However, the scale of these two companies is not very large after all.

Count the money invested in those capitals, and the money of all investors.

The total investment received by each company is only a little more than 1 billion.

As a result, Su Chen, with a total of 100,000 “people”, suddenly took away 500 million from the two families!

And a month later, these 100,000 “people” not only did not repay the loan on time, but also all disappeared inexplicably!

The next two companies are in a hurry!

After all, this is a total of 500 million!

Even if they make money again with usury, but in the case of only 500 million principal, they want to earn back the 500 million, I don’t know how long!

More importantly, this news is not yet known, who passed it out!

So much so that those investors, all at once, are in a hurry to get a refund!

If they have any money, give it back to them!

In the end, they had no choice but to choose to report to Yamen!

Moreover, even if they don’t do this, those investors will do it!

So the bosses of these two companies, as well as a group of executives, all went in…

But even so, the money is gone.

Su Chen could not return these 1 billion to them.

Although he knows that most of the 1 billion is the money of those investors.

But there is a debt and a master.

Who owes you money, who do you go to?”

Since you dare to lend money to others for usury!

Then naturally we should also be prepared that the money cannot be returned!

Anyway, Su Chen will not, and have half sympathy for them!

Besides, isn’t there half left!

Being able to recover half of the losses is already much better than Su Chen’s previous life, those investors who have no return!

What more bikes do you want?

However, Su Chen obviously still underestimated the greed of capital!

He originally thought that killing these two P2P companies would allow these capitals to be suspended for a while.

At least for a short time, I will not touch this industry again.

But I did not expect that these two P2P companies had just been investigated not long ago.

These capitals have even begun to act as demons again!

And also directly made a big move – ZFB officially launched the “ant credit” and “borrow shell”!


Borrow the shell out!

Although ZFB before, there were already flower shells.

But the money spent on shellfish can only be used for shopping.

And as long as it is repaid on time, there is no interest.

So in fact, the flower shell should be equivalent to the role of the bank credit card.

But borrowing shells is different!

This is a real loan!

The interest rate is not low at all!

Even if it is a usury, it is not an exaggeration at all!

Just a little more conscientious than those real usurers!

But that’s just a little bit!

And it should be known that Su Chen’s borrowing shell in the previous life was only launched two years later.

Obviously, it was because of him that the days of the fox and those capitals were much harder than in the previous life.

That’s why I had to launch the borrowing shell in advance!

Thinking like this, Su Chen couldn’t help but cry and laugh at once…



ZFB launched the borrowing shell, on the surface, it seems that the impact on Su Chen is not large.

Because even if it is a usury, making money is not so fast.

Not to mention, now the beaver and those capitals can’t come up with too much money and lend usury.

So what Su Chen really cared about was actually the money that Bei put out, where did it come from!

Obviously, there is only one possibility, and that is banking!

This is also why the borrowing shell of the previous life can develop to such a terrifying extent!

Total loan amount, more than 2 trillion RMB!

A year of interest alone, you can earn hundreds of billions!

And that’s not all!

If there is an overdue, then the loss is also the bank’s!

ZFB itself, does not take any risk at all!

This is called the real Wanli!

Therefore, in the previous life, “Ant Finance” would be optimistic by so many people before it was listed!

There are even many people who try their best to borrow money and buy “Ant Finance” stocks!

As a result, at the last minute, it was stopped by the state!

But even so, some people think that this is the state hindering them from getting rich!

But I don’t know, this is the country, really saved their lives!

Otherwise, after the listing of “Ant Finance”, the stock price will absolutely plummet immediately!

Because “Ant Finance” is not a high-tech company at all!

And a 100%, usury company!

A loan shark company, not to say whether it can be listed!

But the ability to make money is definitely not as high as that of high-tech companies!

The stock price should not be so high!

Otherwise, the world’s most valuable company.

It won’t be those, high-tech companies.

And it’s all banks!

But even if he knew this, Su Chen couldn’t stop it.

After all, today’s “borrowing shell” has just been launched.

How could he be sure that something would go wrong in the future?

Moreover, the “borrowing shell” of the previous life actually did not have any problems.

At best, it just makes some leeks a little more uncomfortable.

But that’s also those leeks themselves, can’t resist the temptation to consume in advance.

What does this have to do with his “borrowing shells”?

And this time, Su Chen obviously could not use the way of picking his mouth to deal with “borrowing shells”.

Because ZFB, there is big data!

In this way, the difficulty of his fictional character information will also skyrocket!

Of course, the difficulty rises, does not mean that it must not be done!

It’s just that if he really did this, then he wasn’t explicitly telling the court.

Is this what he did?

Because of the whole Dragon Kingdom.

Or even the whole world.

He is obviously the only one who can have this technology!

Besides, there is no “borrowing shell”, there will be other small loans and usury loans in the future.

Su Chen couldn’t stop it even more!

Therefore, since he could not fight, Su Chen had no choice but to join them.

Anyway, the fate of leeks is naturally cut.

So who cuts it, and what is the difference?

So soon, netizens found that not long after the launch of the “borrowing shell” in ZFB, Feixin actually launched a “power loan”!

And the amount is at least twice that of the “borrowed shell”!



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