Su Rongyin hid in a corner of the library, leaning against the wall, crying for an unknown amount of time, so long that when she left, it was already eight or nine in the morning, past lunch time and into the afternoon.

Walking in the hot sun in a daze, her tears had temporarily dried up, her eyes were swollen, and every blink was extremely painful.

She was in a daze, squatting in a corner where no one could see her, and her emotions were getting more and more broken.

Xiao Xiaoyu was going to go back to the bamboo forest to cook.

But when she passed by, she heard bursts of sobbing.

Xiao Xiaoyu could hear it, it was crying...

She walked over, carefully poked her head, and looked towards the corner where the sound came from.

A girl squatted there crying, and the figure seemed familiar...

It seemed that it was the girl she had just met in the library...

Xiao Xiaoyu stood there hesitating for a while, and finally mustered up the courage, took out a pack of tissues from her pocket, and walked over.

This was the second time Xiao Xiaoyu mustered up her courage today.

Su Rongyin couldn't help sobbing. With tears in her eyes, she saw someone coming over and wiped her tears with her hands. Then she saw a pack of tissues handed to her. It was the girl with long hair she had just met in the library.

Xiao Xiaoyu said in a small voice: "Classmate, sadness can't change the outcome of things. It's better to be strong, happy, and face sad things with optimism. Maybe everything will be better! Take this pack of tissues."

Su Rongyin took the tissue and choked up and said: "Thank you!"

Xiao Xiaoyu didn't say anything, turned around and left quickly.

Su Rongyin clutched the tissue, stunned.

I don't know why, Xiao Xiaoyu's words went into her heart so easily.

It took a long time.

She took two pieces of paper, wiped her face, wiped the corners of her eyes, took a deep breath, got up and left.

Face it optimistically, maybe things will get better...

But she didn't know how to face it optimistically, she didn't even know how to face Jiang Che...


She chose to escape!

Su Rongyin ran straight to the counselor's office with red eyes.

"Ask for leave again?"

Liu Zhi frowned when he heard that Su Rongyin wanted to take leave again: "Do you know how troublesome your last incident was? You want to take leave now? You really want to fail the course, right?"

"It doesn't matter if I fail the course!" Su Rongyin shook her head with a firm expression, as if she must take leave.

"It doesn't matter if you fail a course?" Liu Zhi opened one eye wide and said earnestly: "Student Su, don't get excited first, you don't look very good... How about this, you ask your parents to call me to ask for leave, or we can find a place to sit and have a meal together, and you tell me the reason for asking for leave... Professor Ji!"

Before Liu Zhi finished speaking, an old lady walked into the office. He quickly stood up and greeted her. The old lady waved her hand, indicating that he didn't need to pay attention to her, and ran to a file cabinet to look for something.

This is the most famous professor in the Finance Department of Zhejiang University. He has a very cultural name, called Ji Aohan, a well-known financial scientist. Although he does not hold any management position, the dean of the Finance Department has to address him as "you" in front of him.

Liu Zhi sighed inwardly. He couldn't say anything more about the meal. However, he had said almost everything he should have said. Su Rongyin should...

"Wait! Classmate Su, what are you looking for?"

Before he finished thinking, Liu Zhi found that Su Rongyin was looking through her bag. He had a bad feeling and tried to stop her, but it was too late.

Seeing that Su Rongyin really took out a stack of money, he turned into an emoticon.

Don't come over here! !

Su Rongyin put the money on Liu Zhi's table. She didn't care about anything else. She knew that she didn't want to have dinner with Liu Zhi. It was like this last time. This time, she should pay.

Liu Zhi looked back with horror.

It rained heavily.

Mrs. Ji, who had her back to them, turned her head back at some point and looked at him with burning eyes.

Liu Zhi panicked and asked Su Rongyin in a confused manner: "Student Su, what are you going to do with the money... No, Su Rongyin, don't leave..."

Su Rongyin ignored him at all, put down the money, and turned around and left.

Liu Zhi hurriedly went out to chase her, but when he turned around, he met two sharp eyes from Mrs. Ji.

"Professor Ji, listen to my explanation."

The old lady retracted her gaze: "I'm too lazy to listen, you go and explain to the school office."


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