When she saw Jiang Che, Su Rongyin always felt that this was still the Jiang Che who was so kind to her and protected her from any grievances.

But as soon as Jiang Che opened his mouth, he ruthlessly brought everything back to reality.

The Jiang Che in front of her was the Jiang Che who had long been a stranger to her after being rejected by her...

What to talk about?

Su Rongyin didn't know how to answer this question. After a moment of silence, she said, "Let's talk about us."


Jiang Che was confused.

What "we" could he and Su Rongyin talk about?

"Let's find a place to sit at the school gate." Su Rongyin looked at Jiang Che and said.

She was different from Xiao Xiaoyu.

Her eyes would never dodge, even if her eyes were red.

"Forget about sitting, let's make it short here. I'm in a hurry to go back and take a shower."

Jiang Che said to Su Rongyin with a smile.

He didn't even want to chat, and he even wanted to sit down...

Jiang Che was very polite, so polite that Su Rongyin felt unfamiliar. Her eyes instantly turned redder, and the roots of her eyelashes became a little wet. She took a deep breath and said, "Jiang Che, I want to apologize to you."

"Apologize? If it's for the past... then you have nothing to apologize to me for."

Jiang Che turned sideways and looked at the people coming and going at the door of the dormitory, as well as the sunset in the distance.

"The previous six years were my own choice. To be honest, I should be the one to apologize to you. My love for you, in your opinion, has caused you a lot of trouble and distress..."

The sunset was a little dazzling, and Jiang Che narrowed his eyes slightly.

Everything in the past had already come to an end like the setting sun.

"No! No trouble or worries. You were taking care of me before. I didn't notice and hurt you. Jiang Che, I apologize to you. I'm really sorry..."

Su Rongyin choked up and looked at Jiang Che with tears in her eyes: "Jiang Che, I know my heart now... I like you too! Can we be together?"


Jiang Che looked at her in surprise.

After a year of no contact, she suddenly wanted to talk to him.

What does it mean to say this directly after just a few words?

Jiang Che couldn't understand.

He didn't know what kind of drama Su Rongyin had imagined in her mind over the past year.

After being stunned, Jiang Che laughed again, took a deep breath, and said: "It's been so long, there's no need to distinguish who is right or wrong, who hurt whom, and no need to apologize. As for liking me and wanting me to be with you... I admit that this was indeed my biggest life wish before, but this wish no longer exists... Classmate Su, thank you for accompanying me through a long journey of life. I have let it go, and I hope you can also let it go... It's getting late, I'm leaving first, goodbye!"

Jiang Che smiled calmly, waved his hand, and turned away.

Looking at his back without looking back, Su Rongyin bit her lower lip, tears fell, and clenched her fists again. A strong tenacity flashed in her tearful eyes.

Jiang Che didn't wait for six years for her to discover his importance.

Now that she has been rejected... she will never give up!

"Woo, woo..."

Not giving up does not mean not being sad.

On the way back to the dormitory, Su Rongyin couldn't help sobbing.

The old professor walked out of the teaching building of the Finance Department and stepped on an old foreign car. Not long after she left, she heard a sobbing sound. She slowed down and looked sideways, and found that the student who cried looked familiar.

Isn't this the female student who asked for leave and gave money to the instructor that day?

Liu Zhi has been expelled.

After investigation, he did not ask for bribes, but took advantage of his position to secretly hook up with some female students and have sex with them. This behavior can really be explained by a normal boyfriend-girlfriend relationship, but Liu Zhi has been married for a long time.

Those girls whose feelings were played with didn't know this, nor would they realize that they were trapped. They would only think that it was a normal relationship and breakup.

And Su Rongyin's refusal to eat and giving money to Liu Zhi to eat by himself was seen by Ji Aohan, which just happened to reveal the filth hidden under his disguise.

Ji Aohan has been thinking about this incident for a while. He thinks that although Su Rongyin's behavior is a bit outrageous, she is still a wonderful person. He wanted to talk to her, but he didn't see her for so many days. He thought that she must have taken leave and hadn't come back yet. Now he finally saw her, but why was she crying?

"Girl, girl!"

The old lady stopped the car and shouted to Su Rongyin.

Su Rongyin looked up and saw a girl with gray curly hair, wearing a long skirt and a necklace around her neck.The old lady with rings and bracelets on her hands, as a student of the Department of Finance, how could she not recognize this person?

However, she didn't know if she was calling her. After all, apart from meeting in class, they had never met in any other place.

Su Rongyin met Ji Aohan in the office when she asked for leave last time, but she was in a daze at that time, and there was only one thought in her mind, that is, to approve the leave quickly and leave quickly, so she didn't pay attention at all...

"Yes, I'm calling you, come here!"

Old lady Ji stretched out her hand and waved twice.

Su Rongyin wiped her tears and came forward and said, "Hello, Professor Ji, what's the matter?"

"Girl, why are you crying? Did some scum bully you? Tell me, I'll make a decision for you."

Ji Aohan asked earnestly.

But seemingly kind, it was actually the calm before the storm.

If it was because Liu Zhi, who was expelled, had troubled Su Rongyin, or something similar to Liu Zhi.

She would have a big rage.

This old lady is very protective of her children, and everyone in the school knows about it. Once, an exchange student from Xiaohan came and had a conflict with a student in the department. After investigation, it was found that it was the exchange student's fault. The old lady made a big fuss and sent the exchange student back to China, leaving a black mark on her that she will never get rid of in her life.

"No one bullies me." Su Rongyin shook her head and said.

"Then why are you crying so sadly?" Ji Aohan raised his eyebrows and asked.

"I..." Su Rongyin choked up again: "It's because I lost someone who once loved me very much..."

It turned out to be because of love...

Ji Aohan shook his head, it would be fine if he was not bullied.

But seeing Su Rongyin so sad, she still said earnestly: "Girl, people should not only be trapped in love in this life, but do more meaningful things. Emotion is a sustenance, especially love. When this sustenance can't support you and brings you a burden, you might as well be free and easy..."

Hearing this, Su Rongyin seemed to be enlightened and opened her eyes wide.

"Yes! People should not only be trapped in love in this life, but do more meaningful things. Everything I have done during this period is meaningless and just a waste of time. I should cherish every second and make myself better, because there is now a big gap between him and me... Professor Ji, thank you!"

Su Rongyin bowed to Ji Aohan, turned around and walked away quickly.


Ji Aohan's wrinkled eyelids twitched irregularly.

It was really cloudy and the sun came out again, which made her speechless.

Looking at Su Rongyin's back, she pushed the car and shook her head.

This child is hopeless...

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