Listening to the students' discussion, Lao Gu laughed speechlessly: "You think of teachers like this? Are teachers so sinister?"

Throwing two packs of cigarettes on the table, he said: "Jiang Che asked me to bring something when I came, and this is what happened. Although you have graduated, you are still children in my eyes. I can't buy cigarettes for you to smoke... I don't care about your smoking now, but don't smoke in the house. There are girls and classmates who don't smoke."

"Jiang Che bought it?"

"Jiang Che is awesome!"

"You can't smoke here, let's each take a box away!"

"I think it's okay!"

"Split, split!"

Two packs of cigarettes, one box for each person, were gone in a blink of an eye.

"Oh yes, there is also a bag here, a gift for the girls."

Lao Gu put another bag on the table, turned his head to look at Jiang Che, and laughed and scolded: "Stinky boy."

Jiang Che smiled.

Although he emphasized in the group that the meal was invited by Old Gu, the classmates all knew the source of the meal.

So, he asked Gu Dafei to bring these things.

But Gu Dafei directly explained that he asked him to bring them...

Old Gu is a good teacher.

Jiang Che graduated many years ago, and he was still in contact with Old Gu.

Old Gu, who was already gray-haired at that time, would shake his head with regret and self-blame every time he saw him, saying that it would be better if he could persuade him more at that time.

In the previous life, when Jiang Che was not in a good state, Gu Dafei looked for Jiang Che many times.

But Jiang Che, who had just been rejected by Su Rongyin at that time, was confused and could not listen to anything at all.

No matter how much Gu Dafei persuaded, the result was the same...


"And our gifts?"

"What are they?"

Hearing Gu Dafei's words, a group of girls surrounded the bag that Old Gu put down.

In the bag, there were exquisite hairpins.

"Wow, so cute!"

"I want this one!"

"Then I want this one!"

"They are all so beautiful... Jiang Che, you must have taken a long time to choose, right?"

"This is the hairpin of the brand I wanted to buy some time ago, more than fifty yuan each, but I couldn't bear to buy it... Ah! Jiang Che, I love you so much!"

"Fifty yuan? So expensive?"

"I also saw this hairpin... Could it be that when I was in love but couldn't get it and had to let it go, Jiang Che saw it and bought it for me on purpose under the pretext of giving one to everyone?"

"Li Yuan, get out of here..."

The girls got the hairpins, and almost all of them wanted to come up and give Jiang Che a big hug.

Among all the girls, only Su Rongyin didn't take one.

Qin Xiaolong, who didn't take a cigarette either, looked at this and showed a happy smile.

But he was just happy for a short while, Su Rongyin suddenly stood up again, went forward to take away the last hairpin left in the bag...

His smile froze again...

Su Rongyin wanted to ignore Jiang Che.

Ignore him for a moment.

But she really didn't want to have something that everyone had, but she didn't.

After a strong psychological struggle, she still stood up and went up to take the last one that she didn't take.

If she took something that everyone had, it wouldn't count as paying any attention to Jiang Che.


No more pressure from the college entrance examination.

Everyone became particularly relaxed, chatting about everything from the south to the north, talking about past lives, and future ideals.

I don't know who started the topic first, people started talking about the scores of this college entrance examination and the schools they were going to apply for next.

Just as the topic started, Qin Xiaolong said with a dark face that he had something to do and left early.

People looked at each other, all a little confused, but didn't care too much.

Jiang Che knew that this was because Qin Xiaolong's score was only enough to get into a first-tier university.

In fact, a first-tier university was already higher than many people in the class, but Qin Xiaolong, who usually liked to show off and brag about his grades, felt that he was only admitted to a first-tier university and would be embarrassed in the class, so he left early.

Especially when Chen Yunsong also got into a first-tier university.


In fact.

At this time, no one would laugh at him or think he was embarrassed.

Who can guarantee that he will definitely be "successful and successful"?

There are too many people who performed poorly in the college entrance examination!

With Qin Xiaolong's departure, this topic also ended.

People ate and drank, and their eyes were red without knowing when.

This meal was over.

The three years of high school were completely over!

Old Gu held a glass of wine, stood up and looked around at the children he had educated and taken care of for three years, his eyes full of bloodshot, and said: "There is no banquet that will never end. This farewell is just for a better reunion, so please come back.Don't be sad about the separation..."

He said he didn't want to be sad, but before he finished his first two sentences, Gu Dafei couldn't help sobbing.

He took a deep breath and said the last sentence: "The mountains are high and the road is long, I hope you will rise straight up!"

After saying that.

He picked up the wine glass and drank it all.

Everyone drank a glass, and their eyes were all blurred with tears.

Many girls were reluctant to hug and sob.

Boys also wiped tears from their eyes.

Looking at all this, even Jiang Che's eyes were sore.


It is the main theme of graduation season!

Youth is always short.

The three boring and numbing years of high school, when it really came to an end, it was so hard to let go.

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