The sun shone through the gap in the curtains and just shone on Jiang Che's eyes in his sleep. He frowned and opened his eyes, reaching out from under the pillow to take out his mobile phone.

In the past few days, the first thing he had to do every morning when he opened his eyes was to check the SME equity transfer website.


Seeing the listing information of "看看GIF网络公司", Jiang Che jumped up and directly dialed the other party's contact number...

Cheng Yuan sat in a simple office, looking at the bleak data of "看看GIF" on the computer with a haggard face.

It was impossible for him to say that he didn't feel bad about listing the company for sale.

After all, this was the result of the hard work of more than a dozen people in their company for several years.

But the bleak data over the years also meant that this product, their hard work, could not cater to the market very well.

After working so hard for so long, this is the result.

Cheng Yuan was unwilling and helpless.

He couldn't even pay the salary.

So many people have been with him for several years. They have already passed the age of one person feeding the whole family. They have to support their families. If they can't pay their wages for a month, they will not be able to make ends meet...

So now he is more worried about whether these people under him can continue to work after selling the company, rather than being reluctant to sell the products.

If not, his employees will need to find other jobs.

It takes time and energy to apply for a job, and they also need internships.

There will be no income for a long time.

And the 5.5 million he plans to sell the company for is only enough to pay the wages that have not been paid this month.

The rest will all be used to repay the huge debts accumulated over the years...

After sitting for a long time, Cheng Yuan still turned on the computer and decided to add a note to the listing information:

If the original employees are dismissed, they need to subsidize 3 months of wages.

From midnight last night to now, he has received several calls, and without exception, all of them are bargaining.

The better ones said they would buy it for 5 million.

The outrageous ones would directly cut it to 4.5 million...

Now if this condition is added, it will definitely make it more difficult to sell at this price.

Cheng Yuan's debts are almost due for repayment.

But even if there is not much time left.

He still has to add this note without hesitation!

"Ring, ring, ring--"

Just after editing and before adding, Cheng Yuan's phone rang again. Seeing that it was also a strange number from another place, he picked up the phone and put it to his ear: "Hello! This is Kankan GIF, Cheng Yuan."

"Hello, Mr. Cheng, your Kankan GIF company is going to sell it in a package for 5.5 million, right?" The call was from Jiang Che, who was talking on speakerphone and getting dressed at the same time.

"Yes, 5.5 million is already a very cheap price. If I were not really short of funds, I would never sell it at this price." Cheng Yuan responded.

Cheng Yuan was a programmer. Although this statement was true, it sounded very old-fashioned. He had just said the same thing, but the other party didn't take it seriously and started bargaining directly.

"There is no problem with the price of 5.5 million." Jiang Che said.

"Huh?" Cheng Yuan was stunned. He thought the other party would bargain, but he agreed directly!

He should have been happy, but he didn't feel happy too early.

Agreeing to this price does not mean that he can agree to his additional conditions...

"But, I have a condition."

Jiang Che agreed and said, changing the subject.

"Well... In addition to the price, I have an additional condition."

Cheng Yuan also said.

The two spoke almost at the same time.

"You go first." Cheng Yuan said hurriedly.

"You tell me your conditions first, I'll listen first." Jiang Che said.

"Okay." Cheng Yuan was silent for a moment, and said: "My condition is that after buying the company, if you want to fire the original employees in the company, you need to pay them three months' salary! Although it's a bit abrupt, these employees have been with me for many years. They have to support their families. If they suddenly lose their jobs, their mortgage payments will be suspended, their children's tuition will not be paid, and they may not even be able to make ends meet, so..."

"No problem." Jiang Che agreed again readily.

"Ah?" Cheng Yuan was completely stunned.

"I said your conditions, there is no problem." Jiang Che said: "My conditions originally require you to keep the original team."

Cheng Yuan stood up from the chair excitedly.

"I'm flying to Hangzhou in the afternoon. Does Mr. Cheng have time?" Jiang Che asked.

"Yes, yes! I have time!" Cheng Yuan evenHe quickly agreed.

"Then let's meet and discuss other details." Jiang Che said.

"Okay! No problem!"

Cheng Yuan was extremely respectful, fearing that if he breathed too hard, Jiang Che might give up the acquisition. After hanging up the phone, he excitedly punched the table.

He wanted to run out and announce the good news to everyone, but he still endured it. After all, before signing a contract and paying money, all verbal promises were empty talk...

"Sister Yun, there is a job."

Jiang Che went out and called Chen Yun. Chen Yun was studying where to start a business and what to do in the current market. After hearing what Jiang Che said on the phone, she laughed: "Okay, what job?"

"Go to Hangzhou, the flight to Xiaoshan Airport is at 12 noon today, I will go to pick you up now." Jiang Che said.

He didn't expect that the headquarters before the sale was also in Hangzhou, which was more convenient.

Chen Yun was startled, and said with a smile: "Going to Hangzhou?"


While Jiang Che was talking, he had already stopped a taxi: "Sister Yun, I'm already in the car. It's expected to arrive at the gate of your community in ten minutes. Remember to bring your ID card."

"This brat... is it true?" Chen Yun put down her phone, frowned, and was full of doubts.

The taxi soon arrived at the gate of the community where Chen Yun rented a house. Chen Yun had long hair like a waterfall and a light pink long skirt, which made her mature charm more prominent. Jiang Che called her, and she came forward, opened the back door, and a fragrant breeze blew into her nose. She sat next to Jiang Che.

Jiang Che said to the driver: "Master, go to the airport."

"Really going to the airport?"

Chen Yun turned her head and looked at her. She was not wearing any makeup, and her face was delicate and moving.

"Of course I really went there."

Jiang Che replied.

Chen Yun has always maintained a skeptical attitude.

It wasn't until they arrived at the terminal, Jiang Che picked up his ticket and was about to board the plane, that she really believed it.

Jiang Che really wanted to take her to Hangzhou!!!

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