"Thank you, Master's wife!"

Jiang Che took the chicken soup that the old lady served him and thanked him.

"I'm telling you, don't be so polite at home!"

The old lady gave Jiang Che a pretended angry expression, and served Bai Xiyun another bowl, and asked: "Ayun, how was the job you interviewed for today?"

"Not very good."

Bai Xiyun took the soup bowl and shook her head.

"What's the matter? With your education, resume, and ability, it shouldn't be a problem to interview a company like this!"

The old lady sat down and asked with her eyes wide open.

"The situation of this company is not very good. The internal disputes are too fierce. The position I applied for is also a senior executive. In the future, I will inevitably participate in this kind of factional struggle..." Bai Xiyun shook her head and explained: "This is not the environment I like. The internal friction is too fierce. I can't devote myself to work."

Jiang Che drank a mouthful of chicken soup and said: "Sister Xiyun, come to my company. I just need a CFO here."

He just saw Bai Xiyun's resume on the table and learned a little about it himself.

Before starting her own business, Bai Xiyun had been working as a CFO.

Her reputation in the industry was mixed. Her boss thought she was very good and was even reluctant to let her leave, but her colleagues were quite critical.

And this mixed reputation is undoubtedly the best evaluation for a financial director!

The position of CFO has been vacant because Jiang Che has not found a suitable candidate.

This candidate must not only be capable, but also absolutely trustworthy.

Bai Xiyun is just right.

When he put down his resume, Jiang Che wanted to let her try.

Before he found a chance to speak, the old lady took the initiative to bring up this topic, so he just took the opportunity to talk about it.

"Go to your company?"

Bai Xiyun opened her eyes wide, a little surprised.

Obviously surprised that Jiang Che actually had a company.

Bai Gaofeng nodded: "Let's go and have a look. Xiaoche's company is pretty good. The position of CFO is very important. I think you two are quite suitable for each other."

During this period, Jiang Che had consulted him on several company management issues. He also heard from Niu Chunhai that Jiang Che had opened an Internet company, and it was not small in scale.

He was also surprised at the time, but after thinking about Jiang Che's ability carefully, he felt that there seemed to be nothing surprising.

"Well, OK!"

Bai Xiyun nodded.

"In the afternoon, I'll take Sister Xiyun to have a look in the afternoon."

Jiang Che also spoke.

Bai Gaofeng's words were a bit strange.

They are quite suitable...

Those who know are talking about the conditions for recruitment and application.

Those who don't know would think it was a blind date...

Old men and women, plus young women and children don't eat much.

Jiang Che showed off half of a pot of chicken soup.

Looking at the floating wolfberries, Jiang Che always had a bad premonition.

After drinking this pot of chicken soup, won't you have a nosebleed?

The old lady and Bai Xiyun cleaned up, and Jiang Che was pulled by Bai Gaofeng to play chess.

When playing chess with Jiang Che.

It was the most exciting time for Bai Gaofeng to play chess in all these years.

Jiang Che seemed to have some kind of analyzer installed in his mind.

Every step he made could be accurately analyzed into the offensive. Conspiracy didn't work, so he could only use open conspiracy, but open conspiracy was overbearing. It was difficult to break through Jiang Che's defense. Several times, he was careless and was formed into a counterattack by Jiang Che...

In three games, Bai Gaofeng won one game.

The old man who said "Don't let me" was getting darker and darker.

After Jiang Che let a game quietly, he laughed and sat on the recliner with a thermos cup and rocked.

Finally won a game, enough to be happy for a long time.

Jiang Che sat on the sofa. Bai Xiyun had just finished cleaning up and sat on the sofa with Bai Yao in her arms. Not long after they sat down, they heard the sound of an old lady talking to someone outside.

"A Ling, has your A Yun found a boyfriend?"

A Ling was addressing Old Lady Bai.

"Hey, I just saw him. He's tall and handsome, and looks quite young. Where is he from?"

"Yes, we just saw him. He was playing with your little Yao Yao in the yard. He was laughing so happily. I heard him when I was going to the toilet at home!"

"Where is he from? What is he doing? I was just trying to introduce someone, but he's already found one. It's too fast!"

Jiang Che and Bai Xiyun turned their heads and looked out the window. They saw a group of old ladies surrounding Old Lady Bai, all of whom were asking with gossipy and curious looks.

Bai Xiyun was a little embarrassed and said, "How can a group of professors' families be so gossipy!"

As soon as the words fell, I heard my mother's...A voice came in from the window: "Hey, he's a good boy, but he's not successful yet. I'll tell you when he succeeds!"

Bai Xiyun's face suddenly turned red and she shouted: "Mom, what nonsense are you talking about!"

Bai Gaofeng leaned on the recliner, holding a thermos cup and drinking tea, without any intention of speaking...

Jiang Che drove Bai Xiyun to the company.

The atmosphere in the car was a bit weird.

Until the car stopped and arrived downstairs of the company, Bai Xiyun said: "A Che, don't listen to my mother's nonsense, she's talking nonsense."

"Well, I know, let's go, Sister Xiyun." Jiang Che smiled and nodded.

"Well..." Bai Xiyun unbuckled her seat belt, but when she saw Jiang Che getting out of the car, she felt a strange feeling in her heart after explaining it clearly.

Took Bai Xiyun to the Finance Department.

Her ability was even more outstanding than Jiang Che imagined.

She hadn't worked for a long time, but soon after returning to her post, she gradually became familiar with the job. Under her handling, the problems that had accumulated in the Finance Department during this period of time were soon reduced...

After arranging Bai Xiyun to sign the employment contract, he held a personnel meeting and announced Bai Xiyun's employment.

Jiang Che returned to school and had just entered the school gate when a middle-aged man with a head full of white hair stopped his car.

"Jiang Che, I am Han Meng, the director of the school's publicity department." Han Meng introduced himself.

Jiang Che nodded and stretched out a hand: "Hello, Director Han, what can I do for you?"

"This is it." Han Meng told Jiang Che.

He had just received a task to promote the harm of campus loans throughout the school.

Recently, several students from other places have suffered serious consequences due to campus loans, which has attracted considerable attention.

He was just thinking about what method to use for publicity, when he saw Jiang Che's car driving over. Thinking that Jiang Che was a famous person in the school, he thought about asking him to help promote it, which would be another way to promote it.

Campus loans...

Jiang Che couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Has this notorious thing started to rise now?


Flies don't bite seamless eggs.

Because most of the people who have problems with this thing are asking for trouble.

How could it be possible to get into trouble if you resist the temptation and don't borrow money?

But you have to know.

Temptation is not something that everyone can resist.

Especially for college students who are still in the ivory tower.

They are still inexperienced and simple-minded.

Lenders take advantage of this and use various methods to coax and deceive many people who don't want to borrow money, but may take this path because of various factors.

And once you take this path.

It's the life that is just about to begin, and it will fall into the abyss completely.

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