Jiang Che agreed to Han Meng's request for help. On the same day, he planned a plan, contacted the advertising department, and made a cute animation video. Jiang Che's account, which already has millions of followers, posted it on Xianyu.

The opening is the gate of Zhejiang University.

The camera pulled in and came to a male dormitory with the number 202 hanging on the door.

An emoji man wearing gold and silver, with LV on his head and Hermes on his waist, kicked the door open and walked in, attracting the envious eyes of other people in the dormitory.

"Brother, brother, where do you get the money to buy so many famous brands?"

"Of course I borrowed it from "Students Have Money to Spend", no interest, and you can borrow and pay it back at any time!"

"Is it true or not? Come and teach me!"

Several little people gathered in a circle, and the mobile phone screen showed that the loan was successful, 10,000 yuan per person, and the little people happily gathered in a circle and turned around.

The camera turned, and several little people were all covered with luxury goods and holding iPhone 6s.

But just as they were about to start pretending to enjoy life, their phones all rang.

"Pay back the money, or I'll go to your school and kill you!"

Several people were all panicked: "Isn't it borrowed and repaid at any time?"

"Borrowed and repaid on the same day, isn't it borrowed and repaid at any time? You didn't pay it back yesterday, and you have already incurred a late payment fee today, 10%!" The other party said fiercely.

Several people opened the mobile app, and sure enough, the amount to be repaid had increased to 11,000 yuan.

They were scared and panicked, but they wanted to pay back the money, but they had already spent it, and they didn't dare to tell their families.

Moreover, for their families, more than 10,000 yuan is also a considerable amount.

Helpless, they continued to eat, sleep and attend classes with an uneasy mood.

But the wind was howling, and they were trembling with fear, and they couldn't even sleep.

The next day.

The phone rang again.

Pay the money back quickly, or go to your school and tell your teacher that you will be expelled if you don't pay the money back!

At this time.

The amount has increased to 12,100 yuan!

Interest on interest!

A short video of more than one minute clearly tells how the borrowers fell into the trap and how they fell into the abyss step by step.

When they couldn't pay the money back and were threatened with debt collection, the fear, fear, and confusion were vividly highlighted, which formed an extremely sharp contrast with the happiness when borrowing and buying things. In the end, the life that should have bloomed brilliantly was completely destroyed by the consequences of this incident, which made people shocked and terrified...

"If you are already in the campus loan crisis, please contact the counselor in time-"

A line of white text on a black background, the video ends.

Xianyu has a very large user base in Zhejiang University. Once the video was uploaded, Zhejiang University students who saw the gate of their school were immediately attracted by the video. In addition, the novel and funny video style made them watch the end unknowingly.

Easy-to-understand video content.

After watching it, everyone sounded the alarm in their hearts.

The popularity of the video soon spread beyond the circle. Zhejiang University forums and everyone's circle of friends were reposting this matter. In addition, word of mouth spread, and the old man who was in charge of the boiler in the Zhejiang University cafeteria soon learned about the harm of campus loans and called his grandson who was studying in another city overnight...

"Hello, Niu Chunhai."


Niu Chunhai, who was handling work, suddenly received a call.

The other party came up and praised Zhejiang University for its good publicity on the harm of campus loans.

After Niu Chunhai hung up the phone, he was confused by the praise and called Han Meng to the office. When he asked about this matter, Han Meng directly gave a thumbs up and began to praise Jiang Che with great respect.

All this was all Jiang Che's work. He had only asked Jiang Che for help and to add some strength, but the publicity plan he was going to make had not even started yet, and Jiang Che's account had already exploded.

After letting Han Meng leave.

Niu Chunhai went online to learn more about it.

Seeing the wave of this incident on the Internet at Zhejiang University, which had even gone viral, he roughly understood the ins and outs of the matter. After thinking for a while, he called Jiang Che and asked Jiang Che to come to his office immediately.

After this conversation between the two.

Xianyu had its first officially certified account.

Zhejiang University!

This account was managed by Han Meng.

After the official account was opened, Jiang Che's video was reposted immediately.

The news that Zhejiang University opened an official account on Xianyu quickly spread.

After hearing that the school would update all kinds of major notifications on Xianyu as soon as possible, the number of users of Xianyu suddenly saw a small wave of blowouts.The usage rate of Xianyu among students and teachers in the district has reached its peak.

After this wave of growth, the number of users of Xianyu is about to break through 10 million!

And this wave of operations after Zhejiang University was publicly praised made several surrounding universities all copy it.

For a time, many universities registered official Xianyu accounts.

Their operations also made the number of users of Xianyu increase from nearly 10 million to 13 million in just one week, and this number is still rising at a very fast rate.

This wave of Xianyu's popularity can be said to be unstoppable.

However, it has nothing to do with Jiang Che.

The company has entered the self-operation mode, and he can completely be a hands-off boss.

More than 10 million user base.

The scale of Xianyu has exceeded many well-known apps.

A company acquired for 5 million now has a market value of more than nine figures, regardless of real estate.

The Xianyu APP was launched in mid-September, and now it is early December, less than three months.

The company was established only three months ago.

This terrifying speed of development has made Linyuanxianyu a rising star in Hangzhou, Jiangsu and Zhejiang, and even across the country!

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