There are still more than 20 days before the exam.

Xiao Xiaoyu studied harder than before.

She had to get A in every subject to get a scholarship and tuition subsidy.

The end of the semester was approaching.

Jiang Che's study progress was a bit incomplete due to his frequent leave, and he should take some remedial classes for a while.

But he was too lazy to study by himself.

He planned to wait until Xiao Xiaoyu finished studying, then take a look at her notes and do a quick review.

As for whether he would fail or not...

It was impossible for him to fail.

And even if he failed, it didn't matter...

The three people in the dormitory were all sitting at their desks and studying hard.

Unlike Xiao Xiaoyu, they really didn't study much on weekdays, and all their energy was dedicated to playing games in the Internet cafe.

Seeing Jiang Che sitting leisurely on the balcony smoking, Han Teng came over to get a cigarette. While puffing out smoke, he asked in surprise: "Old Jiang, what did you say to me the other day... Feiyangyang has to kowtow to me when he comes? What does it mean?"


Jiang Che did not explain.

Han Teng has jumped out of the ranks of "Feiyangyang", "Double-faced Turtle", "Black Tiger", etc.

So, it doesn't matter if I don't know.

Han Teng always felt that Jiang Che didn't say anything good, but he didn't ask more about this. He said: "Old Jiang, the exam is coming soon. Although you are the top scorer in the college entrance examination, isn't it a bit too arrogant if you don't study?"

"It's okay." Jiang Che shook his head and said.

"Why don't you study in Haixi? If you fail the exam, it will be troublesome!" Shi Qi, who was close to the balcony door, turned his head and looked over, interrupting.

"That's right, Old Jiang, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of one. If you don't work hard now, you will regret it if you fail the exam!" Li Feng nodded in agreement and performed a freestyle.

Jiang Che stuffed the cigarette butt into someone's thermos that was used as an ashtray, stood up and nodded seriously: "Thank you."

People thought he was going to study hard.

As a result, he went straight to bed after walking from the balcony into the dormitory.


"You know it but you don't study, what do you know?"

"Old Jiang, you... don't listen to the old man's advice, and you're suffering now!"

Jiang Che put on his earplugs, raised his hand to signal his phone, and covered his head with a quilt.

People picked up their phones and took a look, only to see that in their 202 dormitory WeChat group, there was a message Jiang Che had just sent.

"Let's find out about the postgraduate entrance examination!"

The three of them all jumped, and they quickly returned to their seats to continue studying.




"The things on Xianyu are really funny!"

"The comments of these men are really disgusting!"

Wu Xiaomin also became a user of Xianyu, as well as Su Rongyin.

Jiao Lan and Zhou Xin had already used it.

When she heard that they downloaded it because of Jiang Che, Wu Xiaomin immediately began to sneer at this software. When she saw that Su Rongyin had no intention of downloading it, this idea became even stronger.

After the school registered an official Xianyu account, Wu Xiaomin still had this idea.

As a result, she turned around and saw that Su Rongyin had already downloaded it.

She immediately thought, yes, she downloaded it because the school would release official news and notices here. This app is not from Jiang Che, and it has nothing to do with him.

Then, she downloaded it too.

At first, she just clicked on it when she was bored, but the more she browsed, the more excited she became. She became bored if she didn't watch Xianyu. In just a few days, she became a heavy Xianyu addict.

While swiping her phone, she came out of the dormitory building and bumped into someone without looking at the road. Wu Xiaomin's phone almost flew away.

Li Feng's phone flew directly. He picked it up and looked at it. After making sure that nothing happened, he said to Wu Xiaomin in a bad mood: "Don't look at your phone when you walk, look at the road!"

"Okay, sorry!"

Wu Xiaomin lowered her head and said politely to the other party. Just after turning back and taking a few steps, she immediately started editing a message and said: "I'm so angry. I just met a man who bumped into me and didn't apologize. He was so fierce. The man walked with Jiang Che and seemed to be Jiang Che's roommate. It's true that birds of a feather flock together..."


"Old Jiang, you don't go to the cafeteria again?"

"Wipe it, it's almost a semester, and the number of times we eat together in the cafeteria is no more than two hands. Where do you go to cook all day?"

"That's right, tell the truth quickly!"

For such a thing as accidentally bumping into someone while walking, no one will care at all. Most of them will forget it when they wake up tomorrow.

Seeing Jiang Che's car starting, the three of them came up and asked Jiang Che where he went.Not going to the cafeteria to eat, hearing Jiang Che say he was not going, the few people looked like they were in a three-court trial.

"I'll let you know when there's a chance, let's go."

Jiang Che waved his hand, let the three people go, and drove to pick up Xiao Xiaoyu at the school gate.

Xiao Xiaoyu was too busy during this period, she had to study and prepare for the exam, and she had to work for four hours, and her face was tired.

Just now, Jiang Che asked Mrs. Li for a leave for her, so that she could reduce her working hours to two hours a day.

Now he really asked Mrs. Li for a leave.

Jiang Che paid Xiao Xiaoyu a salary for a short period of time. Mrs. Li saw that Xiao Xiaoyu worked hard and really did the work, so she said she would not ask Jiang Che for money no matter what, saying that this was what she should pay and what Xiao Xiaoyu deserved. At this point, Jiang Che didn't say much...

Now it was considered early off work, but she was so tired that Jiang Che naturally didn't plan to let her go back to cook for him.

"Are we going to buy groceries?"

"There are still a lot of groceries in the refrigerator."

"If we buy more, they will go bad before we can finish them."

Seeing the car driving out of the school, Xiao Xiaoyu turned around and asked Jiang Che.

Even though she was tired, her big eyes were still full of clear spirit.

"No shopping, no cooking, we'll eat outside." Jiang Che said.

"Oh." Xiao Xiaoyu's hands were entangled, and she lowered her head and responded.

Jiang Che took her to the buffet restaurant where he had brought Shi Qi and Han Teng last time.

After seeing the high prices, Xiao Xiaoyu's mood was obviously even lower.

Jiang Che grabbed her wrist and pulled her into the restaurant, whispering in her ear: "There are all good things in there. It's so expensive for one person, you must eat your money back!"

This was the second time Jiang Che grabbed her wrist.

Hearing Jiang Che's words, her originally vertical eyes slowly widened, full of confusion.

Eat your money back?

Entering the buffet restaurant.

Jiang Che began to teach Xiao Xiaoyu how to eat crabs, as well as various rare foods.

Xiao Xiaoyu learned very seriously.

Because Jiang Che also told her how much this crab was worth.

Knowing the method, she began to try, and then became more and more familiar with it, and ate faster and faster...

Not long after.

Inside the restaurant.

People coming and going were attracted by the battle on a table.

At least fifty crab shells piled up into a mountain, red shrimp heads piled up into small mountains, plates of sea cucumbers and sea urchin steamed eggs were stacked high, and caviar boxes were stacked all over the floor...

Xiao Xiaoyu, who was sitting opposite Jiang Che, burped lightly.

Jiang Che chuckled and asked, "Are you full?"

"Yeah!" Xiao Xiaoyu's face suddenly turned red, and she nodded with a calm head.


It should be about time.

This meal really surprised Jiang Che.

He had noticed that Xiao Xiaoyu's appetite should be quite big.

But he didn't expect it to be so big...

"I'm full, let's go."

"Yeah!" Xiao Xiaoyu nodded and pulled Jiang Che again: "Classmate Jiang Che... I, did I get my money's worth?"

Did I get my money's worth?

Jiang Che raised his eyebrows and said, "You shouldn't ask me this question..."

He pointed to the staff on the side.

Judging from the stunned expression of the other party, the answer was obvious.

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