The first thousand and one chapter space storm

The golden rune sword is the magic weapon of real person Fu Jun, and it is powerful.

The collision with the Ice Emperor Rain Sword just now just shook it, and it didn't break.

Now that real person Fu Jun controlled the lasing shot, Zhuo Bufan kept on, and actually took the body directly, and there was joy on the face of Real person Fu Jun.

The fierce battle just now consumed Zhuo Bufan's aura and energy, and now he can no longer use the aura to form a true essence shield to resist the golden rune sword.

The golden rune sword pierced Zhuo Bufan's shoulder, just as if it pierced three inches, it was no longer able to enter, the gurgling blood flowed out, soaking the clothes.

Zhuo Bufan frowned, but his speed did not stop at all, and he leaped towards Ye Ziqin.

Ye Ziqin was shot and flew out by the real person Fujun, with a pitiful ray of blood hanging on the corner of his mouth, like rose petals withering in the wind, but his clear eyes stared at Zhuo Bufan, and saw that he was still facing himself despite the danger Bian leaped forward, and a slight smile appeared on her pretty face.

Zhuo Bufan caught up with Ye Ziqin and held her in his arms.

Ye Ziqin's cool eyes stared at him blankly, opened his lips, his voice was messy in the wind, "Is it worth it?"

"For you, everything is worth it."

The corner of Zhuo Bufan's mouth evokes a faint arc.

At this moment, Ye Ziqin's body exudes a milky white light, which is very warm and makes people feel comfortable. At the same time, another piece of Pisces jade pendant also emits milky white light. The two rays of light converge and penetrate. In the illusory fairy city.

Suddenly, a black hole appeared at the gate of Xiancheng, as if there was some kind of attraction, and everything around was suddenly absorbed by the black hole, forming a whirlpool.

"Oops, space storm!"

Zhenren Fu Jun widened his eyes, staring at the black mysterious hole, and immediately summoned in his hand to take back the golden rune sword that had pierced Zhuo Bufan's chest.

Zhuo Bufan frowned and naturally knew what the black hole was. When there were cracks in the space, the space cracks would appear. The space cracks were full of violent air currents. There is no possibility of survival.

At this moment, Zhuo Bufan exhausted all his strength, and the only aura in his body spread out, forming a protective cover that enveloped him and Ye Ziqin.

The two of them were instantly attracted by the black hole in the eyes of everyone.

There is a dangerous space storm in the space cracks, and the violent turbulence can easily annihilate the monks in the base-building period. Even the monks in the Golden Core and Nascent Soul Stage do not dare to stay too long in the space turbulence.

In the gale of space, Zhuo Bufan wrapped Ye Ziqin tightly with his body, and the turbulence of the space was like a knife, easily cutting the aura shield, leaving horrible wounds on Zhuo Bufan's body, just like cutting tofu.

You must know that Zhuo Bufan's body has been cultivated to the top golden skin, indestructible, but it is like paper in the storm of the space gap.

Moreover, this violent spatial turbulence not only cuts the body, but the small air currents can penetrate into the human body, destroying the veins and even internal organs.

The violent tingling pain, like shaving a bone, is unbearable. If you change into a real person like Fu Jun, I am afraid that you will lose your will immediately and your mind will be blank.

However, Zhuo Bufan still maintains his mental clarity. He understands that if he dies in the turbulent space this time, no one will protect Ye Ziqin, and Ye Ziqin will also disappear.

"I am sorry……"

Ye Ziqin looked at the smile on Zhuo Bufan's face, but she felt that her heart was pinched in general pain.

The more Zhuo Bufan showed this'indifferent' expression, the more she felt heartache and unbearable, and there was an indescribable guilt in her heart.

"I said, if you fall, then my next days, even for thousands of years, will sink in the sea of ​​bitterness." Zhuo Bufan said lightly, but his brows became tighter and tighter.

The corner of Zhuo Bufan's mouth revealed a bit of bitterness. He used to enter into a crack in space. At that time, his strength was extraordinary, as simple as walking on the ground, but he had never broken into a crack in space when he had never tried to build seven layers of foundation.

Ye Ziqin hugged Zhuo Bufan tightly, surrounded by darkness and faint wind, but even in such an environment, her heart felt an unprecedented warmth and softness.

At this moment, a burst of golden light appeared on Zhuo Bufan's skin, and the Nine Turns Divine Art began to operate on its own. At the same time, a little green fluorescent light floated from the position of his heart, like a firefly in the night.

The Yangmu Divine Art actually started to operate automatically because Zhuo Bufan's body was severely injured, and constantly repaired Zhuo Bufan's body wounds and internal injuries.

Zhuo Bufan had just fought with the Hidden Gate people and exhausted his aura. He was already at the end of the battle. Now he is facing a dangerous space storm, his body is already crumbling.

The only thing that supported him was the faith to protect Ye Ziqin.

Ye Ziqin also used his palms to continuously transport the aura in his body into his body.

The two are like a couple in the cold wind and darkness, facing fear, danger, unknown, and darkness, they can only hug each other for warmth and comfort.

Outside Lop Nur.

Everyone watched Zhuo Bufan and Ye Ziqin enter the dark space storm, and they were stunned.

"The son."

"I go."

Shi Jian and Little Golden Snake let out an exclamation.

"Zhuo Bufan." Seeing this scene, Long Geyue standing on the hillside suddenly lost his voice.

"Second Uncle, what is this?" Ye Beichen looked at the black hole, and felt a tremor from the bottom of his heart.

The second uncle just frowned, "It's a black hole in space, and those who enter are dead or alive."

Regarding space crevices and space black holes, Ye Beichen has also seen in the classics of the school, even if the innate strong enters, they will die forever. Now Zhuo Bufan and Ye Ziqin fall into the space crevices at the same time, are they going to fall?


Real person Fu Jun also sighed Shen Shen, "The key to open Xiancheng made a mistake. This time the gate of Xiancheng was opened, but there were also spatial cracks. I'm afraid no one would dare to go in."

"Real Person Fu Jun, what shall we do now?" a monk frowned and asked, "Can't we enter the fairy city to find treasures?"

"If you are not afraid of death, you can go in and try." Real person Fu Jun sneered.

Unless it is an innate strong man who cooperates with some spatial magical tools, he can survive in the spatial crack for a short time. Others rush into the spatial crack and there is only one dead end.

"Ying Sha and Xue Fairy were swallowed by the space cracks, dead but not alive." The real person Fu Jun shook his head.

The hidden gate was killed by Zhuo Bufan, and the people of the Yao clan looked at the "Xiancheng" and sighed.

Everyone is here for the fairy city, now there is a space crack, and no one dares to enter.

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