Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 999: Xiancheng finally opened

The thousandth chapter Xiancheng finally opened

Zhuo Bufan waved the long sword in his hand, his eyes glowing with purple light.

There is only one word in my mind, kill!

Kill these so-called righteous people.

A sword swept across, and the white tiger at his feet was chopped in half, blood and internal organs spilled all over the floor, and it was so angry.

And the old man standing on the white tiger was suddenly split in half, and Dao Jiuyun disappeared.

"White Tiger King!"

Seeing this scene, the old man driving the mysterious tortoise trembled with anger, two sharp rays of light projected from his eyes, directing extraordinary.

The old Xuangui squeezed the tactics in his hand, and a five-element formation appeared out of thin air, connecting the five nodes on the tortoise shell. Immediately, the five-element light radiated with copper yellow, and the sharp needles were like rainstorms, towards Zhuo Bufan. The lasing came, like rain in the sky.

"Jian Guangying!"

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his two fingers, and the Ice Emperor's Rain Sword flew into the air, and immediately like a peacock opening its screen, a huge golden flower bloomed, one after another golden lightsabers appeared in the dim world, shining Brilliant golden light.

Each lightsaber carries an extremely sharp murderous aura, whoosh whoosh...

Feijian draws a series of golden'shooting stars' towards the old Xuangui, the elder of the true fire sect, and the real person Fujun, like the many'light tails' left behind after the grand fireworks bloom, and the whole sky is gorgeous.

The sound of ping-pong-pong was like dense raindrops falling on the metal plate, the golden sword and the golden needle collided, and the overwhelming golden needle flew out.

The real person Fu Jun, Zhenhuo Sect, the old man Xuangui changed their colors.

"What is the origin of this son, who actually masters such a powerful swordsmanship?" The real person Fu Jun frowned, but there was a greedy desire flowing deep in his eyes.

Not only him, but the elders of the True Fire Sect were equally shocked, and his eyes also showed the color of greedy desire.

If Zhuo Bufan's soul can be imprisoned, then they can obtain the techniques and secret techniques that Zhuo Bufan has mastered.

Everyone on the Yaozu side also opened their mouths slightly.

The second uncle frowned, "Xiao Ye, the origin of this Shadow Kill must be extraordinary, but I don't know if our monster clan's friendship with him will be a good thing or a bad thing."

"Second Uncle, this is of course a good thing. You quickly let go of me and I will help Brother Zhuo." Ye Beichen shouted.

The second uncle shook his head and sighed: "You are the future of the Northern Demon Sect. You represent the Northern Demon Sect. I can't let you go out."

"Second Uncle." Ye Beichen clenched his fists hard and his eyes were red.

Countless golden light and shadow swords were flying in the air, cutting through the air, resulting in a backflow of air, with a poignant beauty.


A golden sword suddenly arrived in front of the old Xuangui at the speed of breaking the sound, and with a sound, the turbulent ripples rippled in the void like ripples.

The old Xuangui sneered at the corner of his mouth, and shook his head, "Too young, my Xuangui has been with me for one hundred and fifty years. It has been integrated with my practice and has the strongest defense, do you think? Kill me, it's impossible."


With a clear sound, the golden sword of light and shadow in front of him shattered, becoming scattered light spots and dissipating in the air with the wind.

The old Xuangui laughed loudly.


Another golden sword of light and shadow struck, and the same thing happened immediately.


Several flying swords flew over again, and the same situation happened.

The black tortoise on the old black tortoise exudes a little bit of golden light, forming a "phantom" like black tortoise that is larger than its original size and envelopes the old black tortoise.

These flying swords of light and shadow all hit the mysterious turtle like a ‘phantom’, and then shattered one after another.

"I told you that you are just using aura in a senseless way." Xuangui old man Zhizhu was holding it and shook his head gently.

But in an instant, the old Xuangui suddenly widened his eyes, and was surprised to find that a tiny spider-like crack appeared on the ‘phantom’ tortoise shell in front of him.

Suddenly, a lightsaber leaped forward at a faster speed. This time it actually penetrated the outer layer of phantom armor. Soon after the old Xuangui didn’t react, the lightsaber pierced through his chest and leaped. Into the high altitude.

This lightsaber is not a light and shadow sword, but the True Sovereign of the Ice Emperor Rain Sword!

Only now did the old Xuangui understand that the light and shadow swords that had been hitting repeatedly just now were actually hitting the same place, and that's why the "tortoise shell" cracked.

"I can not be reconciled…"

As soon as the old black tortoise’s voice fell, his body was like an ice-cracked sculpture, with golden beams shooting from the cracks; the black tortoise shell under his feet also had cracked spider silk lines, and golden rays of light shot out, as if scattered from it Blooming flowers!

The old man Xuangui is dead!


Zhuo Bufan spit out a mouthful of blood.

Facing so many people, there are several masters among them, even Zhuo Bufan, gradually felt a little unsupportable.

"Haha, he can't hold it anymore."

The eyes of the elders of the True Fire Sect flashed a very intense color, and the palms were covered with orange flames. When the palms were gathered together, the orange flames merged together to become a soaring fire dragon, leaping violently towards Zhuo Bufan. Come.

The violent flames immediately wrapped Zhuo Bufan's body.

"Finally fell?"

Many hidden disciples raised their heads and looked at Zhuo Bufan, who was burning like a raging fire, and the two elders of the True Fire Sect also showed a touch of joy.

But at this moment, Zhuo Bufan who was originally wrapped in the flame ‘disappeared’.

The next moment, the real fire sect elder's face showed a look of horror, and Zhuo Bufan had already appeared in front of him the next moment.

"How come you!"

Zhuo Bufan held the Ice Emperor Rain Sword that flew into his hand from a distance, his figure flickered, a sword light flickered, and people had already appeared behind the True Fire Sect Master.

Sect Master Zhenhuo's face was stiff, and he slowly lowered his head, looking at the golden light faintly shining from his shoulders to his abdomen, his face pale.

Immediately, the upper body of Sect Master True Fire slowly slid down from the lower body, and a flame suddenly broke through the air and fled towards the distance.

Zhuo Bufan gripped the void, a blue thunder light appeared in his hand and condensed into a blue thunder light spear, and he threw it hard.

The Lan Lei Light Spear broke through the air, chasing up to the soul of the True Fire Sect Master who fled to the distance, and would destroy it if it penetrated it.

The people in the hidden door felt the cold and shivered constantly.

If Zhuo Bufan can't kill the devil!

"You, you obviously only have the strength to build the seven bases, why is the combat power so strong?" A little frightened expression appeared on Mortal Fu Jun's face.

The real person Fu Jun said, suddenly Yu Guang saw that the fairy city became more and more gorgeous and solid, as if it really appeared on the desert, "Oops, the fairy city is about to open."

Thinking of this, the real person Fujun summoned the golden rune sword towards Zhuo Bufan, and immediately slapped it out, flying Ye Ziqin who was fighting, and flew quickly in the direction of Xiancheng.

"Shadow Kill, no matter how strong you are, it will consume almost the same amount. This time the fairy city must be opened." After that, the real person Fu Jun plunged his jade pendant into the illusory fairy city.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan retracted the Ice Emperor Rain Sword, ignoring the oncoming golden rune sword, and leaped towards Ye Ziqin.

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