Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 1041: Met a deceased in another country

The first thousand and forty-two chapters meet an old friend

"Mr. Huo, maybe you can consider the conditions I told you. If you are willing to be my girlfriend, then I can let your company over the order." Alec smiled slightly, quite a Western gentleman. His demeanor, but his eyes are full of greed.

"Mr. Alec, I think fair competition is good for business matters, and I already have a boyfriend." Huo Nan smiled like a flower.

Zhuo Bufan frowned, faintly feeling bad.

Sure enough, Alec's gaze fell on him immediately. Among the three of them, he was the only man. Who else could Huo Nan's boyfriend be?

With a sharp look in Alec's eyes, staring at Zhuo Bufan, his face became a little gloomy.

Being able to compete with Polaris for a one-million-dollar order shows that Alec’s strength is not weak. Huo Nan deliberately set fire to himself. Apart from letting Alec get out of trouble, I’m afraid he also wants him to leave the company early .

Zhuo Bufan has lived for hundreds of years, so his mind is so sensitive that he can't guess Huo Nan's mind.

Just because Zhuo Bufan has reached this level, any conspiracy and tricks are nothing to him, and everything can be broken in one blow, so it is rare to guess other people's thoughts.

"This weak yellow guy is your boyfriend? Mr. Huo, I think you must be joking again." Alec said with a smile, but his smile was already a little stiff.

"Mr. Alec, please pay attention to your words." Huo Nan frowned and said with a harsh tone.

After all, the other party not only insulted Zhuo Bufan, but also insulted her friend.

"Sorry, I'm only telling the truth, and if Mr. Huo intends to reject me on this ground, I can guarantee that Baolai will not be able to get the order, and I have reached a cooperation agreement with the'Tianyu' company." Ke Zhizhu was holding it.

Hearing Alec's words, Huo Nan and Song Min's faces became stiff at the same time.

For this order, they have been working hard for half a year. If what Acrylic said is true, then the hard work of the past six months has been in vain, and the company will suffer heavy losses.

This result is something Huo Nan doesn't want to see.

"And you weak chicken, it is best to get out of Seattle, otherwise I will let your rotting corpse appear in the smelly ditch." Alec suddenly stared sharply at Zhuo Bufan and threatened.

Zhuo Bufan frowned, his eyes condensed.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's gaze, Alec suddenly felt as cold as falling into an ice cellar.


Alec suddenly flew out and hit the Roman pillar behind him, then bounced back and fell to the ground, half of his face was completely sunken in, and his bones were all shattered.

But Zhuo Bufan was filled with spiritual energy in his palm, so that he would not faint, but would be sober and tormented.


When Song Min saw this scene, the wine glass in his hand slipped and fell to pieces, and the drink was poured on the ground.

Huo Nan was also surprised to cover his mouth. He didn't expect that Zhuo Bufan would dare to do something with Alec, and his power was so great that he directly fanned people out.

The surprise and horror of the two girls were not for nothing.

Here is the banquet of the Chamber of Commerce, Alec is a celebrity in Seattle, and his family is second to none in Seattle.

As for the Baolai company, although it is also a big company in Seattle, it is not enough in the eyes of these people. What's more, Baolai company is just a foreign company with no foundation in Seattle.

In the past, it was all relying on Huo Nan, the beautiful president, to wander around in various relationships, so that the Baolai company can gain a foothold in Seattle. Now Zhuo Bufan has labeled Alec like this, and the Alec family will never give up. .

Song Min opened his mouth, like a knuckle in his throat, the discovery of the matter seemed to be beyond her control.

"Zhuo Bufan, you..." Huo Nan stared at Zhuo Bufan. The ordinary man in front of him seemed to be covered in mist, which made him unable to see clearly.

Zhuo Bufan turned his head, looked at the two women, frowned and said: "I don't mind helping you, but I don't mind being used as a gun for no reason."

Zhuo Bufan said, quietly a mental power pierced into Alec's mind, the other party would not die immediately, but after three months, he would be mentally withered and die, and even investigations would not find him.

"The Alec family holds the underground forces in their hands. If you beat him, the members of the Alec family will not let you go. You should leave Seattle as soon as possible." Huo Nan returned to his senses, with fog in his eyes. The water even smelled of pleading in his tone.

Huo Nan bit her lip tightly. She didn't expect the discovery of things to be out of her control, and even now she regretted making Zhuo Bufan pretend to be her boyfriend.

"It's just a small family, I haven't paid attention to it yet." Zhuo Bufan said indifferently with a calm expression.

If someone else said this, it would definitely make people think he was talking big, but from Zhuo Bufan's mouth, Song Min and Huo Nan felt that he was just talking about a very ordinary thing.

At this moment, the movement here has disturbed the banquet.

Many bodyguards in black clothes and black trousers came out and directly pointed their pistols at Zhuo Bufan.

The two girls Song Min and Huo Nan not only have outstanding looks, but also have amazing perseverance and talent in both studying and working, but after all, they are girls, facing this kind of scene, they suddenly panicked.

"Master Alec, what's the matter with you?" An old man walked over and saw the acrylic lying horribly forbearing, with a look of shock on his face.

This old man is one of the members of the Seattle Chamber of Commerce, and he knows Alec naturally.

Half of the acrylic face sank in, and there was no way to speak. The pain caused tears and nose to flow out, and he could only hold his fingers at Zhuo Bufan.

"Who are you, dare to make trouble at the banquet of the Chamber of Commerce, and hurt Master Acrylic." The old man stared at Zhuo Bufan tightly, especially when he saw that he was a native of Lan, he couldn't help but wrinkle deeply. brow.

The Lan Guo Wu League is the super Wu League organization in the world martial arts, which also causes the Lan Guo people to be very hard-hearted outside.

The old man did not act rashly, but wanted to find out about Zhuo Bufan's identity and what is the relationship between him and the Lan Guo Wu League.

When Zhuo Bufan was about to speak, he suddenly heard a faint voice: "Stop it."

This voice is very soft, but it is very familiar and unfamiliar.

It was as if there was a peaceful lake inlaid in the forest in my heart, and a stone was thrown into it, and it was full of ripples.

Zhuo Bufan looked over at the sound and saw a tall woman wearing a white dress, long black hair and cape, slowly walking down the stairs, her posture was very elegant, she was wearing jewelry, and she seemed to be exuding all over her body. With a dazzling light.

"Chen Qingai." Zhuo Bufan finally called out a name.

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