Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 1042: Butterfly change

The first thousand and forty-three chapters

"Miss Chen."

Seeing the woman walking down, everyone at the banquet showed respectful expressions at the same time.

It is not easy to know that in Seattle, a Lan Guo woman has such a high status.

When Zhuo Bufan saw Chen Qingai, he felt a trance in his heart.

A teenager, the most memorable first love in my heart, there is no money, rights, desires, only the simplest likes and loves, like wine hidden in my heart, after the precipitation of time, people feel more and more mellow.

Chen Qingai was Zhuo Bufan’s girlfriend in junior high school. She made omelets for her every day and watched her practicing piano in the window. She used to silently set up the “ridiculous” for someone to be admitted to the top ten in her heart. oath.

It's just that all of this has finally become the dust left by the years, and it has become a cup of sweet wine, with a green and sweet fragrance.

When the old man saw Chen Qingai coming down, he immediately put his right hand on his chest, bent down, and said in a very respectful manner: "Miss Chen, I am really sorry that I disturbed you."

"Charlie, what happened?" Chen Qingai asked lightly.

"A member of Lan Guo injured Master Alec. I'm dealing with it." Charlie lowered his head, not even daring to look at Chen Qingai.

Chen Qingai turned his head and looked at Zhuo Bufan. There was no surprise, surprise, or even panic as he imagined. There was only such a faint look in his eyes, as if he had seen an ordinary person.

"Why did you come to Seattle?" Chen Qingai asked, looking at Zhuo Bufan, opening her lips.

"Just come to work."

Zhuo Bufan sighed deeply.

Even if his Dao heart is so hard, how can he be able to beat the deepest emotion hidden in his heart.

When Charlie heard the conversation between the two, his face changed slightly, "Miss Chen, you know him."

Chen Qingai turned her head and said, "Charlie, you can send people to the hospital. As for the Alec family, if they are dissatisfied, they can let them come to me."

"Miss Chen, the Acrylic family will definitely not come to you and your friends for the safety, I promise you." Charlie trembled all over, seemingly afraid of Chen Qingai, and said quickly.

After speaking, immediately arranged for bodyguards to take the half-dead Alexa out of the banquet scene.

Huo Nan and Song Min stared at Zhuo Bufan in disbelief.

Zhuo Bufan actually knew this mysterious'Miss Chen'.

You know that the hottest thing in Seattle in the last three months is the appearance of this Miss Chen. No one knows what her identity is, but after she came to Seattle, almost the entire Seattle upper class kept her secret.

It's just that Huo Nan and Song Min didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to know each other, and the girl's thoughts were delicate, it seemed from Zhuo Bufan's eyes that Zhuo Bufan and the other party seemed to have some "story".

"It's been a long time." Chen Qingai looked at Zhuo Bufan and said suddenly.

"Well, some time."

Zhuo Bufan nodded.

It has been almost four years since graduating from high school. I haven't seen Chen Qingai. At this time, Chen Qingai has changed from a young girl to a generous woman, and her temperament has also changed dramatically. , There is a breath of'superior'.

"Find a place to chat." Chen Qingai finished speaking and strode towards the door.

Zhuo Bufan hesitated for a moment, and followed her out.

Until the two had left the banquet hall, Huo Nan and Song Min were still on the spot, and they had not recovered for a long time.

"Mr. Huo." Suddenly a middle-aged man with a Mediterranean hairstyle came to the two of them before Huo Nan recovered.

"Mr. Hans." Huo Nan nodded politely.

The middle-aged man in front of him is the general manager of Tianyu Company. When Huo Nan goes to see each other, he always looks arrogant and even cold. After all, he has always declared that he has no good feelings for Lan Guoren.

Hans’s face was full of flattering smiles: “Ms. Chen met the two of you just now. On behalf of the company, I decided to hand over the order to Baolai. I hope that we will have a happy cooperation.”

When Huo Nan and Song Min heard what he said, they suddenly felt that in the mist, this surprise seemed a little too sudden.

What they did not succeed in working hard for half a year, just because Zhuo Bufan knew the Miss Chen, Hans mainly came to ask for cooperation.

While the two were pleasantly surprised, they became more curious about Miss Chen's mysterious identity and Zhuo Bufan's identity.

The night covers the charming city of Seattle.

Zhuo Bufan and Chen Qingai left the banquet hall and found a cafe to sit down.

The lights in the cafe are relatively dim, and most of the people who come here are lovers in love, rippling with a bit of ambiguity.

"I heard that you didn't go to school after studying at Highland Barley University for a year?" Chen Qingai took a sip of coffee, took a sip, put it down, stared at Zhuo Bufan and asked.

"Yeah. It's the same for me whether I go to university or not." Zhuo Bufan also recovered his calm state of mind. The two met as if they were old friends, without grudges or feuds.

Chen Qingai said: "I have heard Zhang Xiaoyu say something about you. Four years ago, you made a splash in Golden State. League champion Hou, the martial arts master, walked away with petals, which really shocked me at that time."

Zhuo Bufan faintly smiled and looked at her, and found that Chen Qingai seemed a little different. These things that ordinary people couldn't imagine were so ordinary when she said it out of her mouth now.

What a person can say in such a tone indicates that she has either seen everything through, or has a stronger self-confidence.

"At the time, my parents still regretted not allowing me to be with you." Chen Qingai said lightly.

"The past things are over, what's the point of talking about it?" Zhuo Bufan said with a light smile.

Chen Qingai suddenly held the coffee cup with her arms folded slightly, raised her head and looked at him and said, "However, you did give me a big blow at the beginning, and made me work hard. Finally, I was admitted to Harvard University and let me know. In a different world, I don’t know whether I should thank you or hate you."

"Then do you still hate me now?" Zhuo Bufan suddenly asked seriously.

Chen Qingai was silent for a while, shook his head and said, "It's not about hate. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be who I am now and see the wider world. But you, as an elite of the martial arts alliance, are in Lan Country. It should be smooth and smooth. How come you suddenly come to Seattle?"

"Just do some things." Zhuo Bufan said indifferently.

"I know your character, did you offend people in Lan Country, and came to Eagle Country if you couldn't get on?" Chen Qingai said indifferently: "But Eagle Country is not Lan Country. If you offend some people here, No one can save you, but if there is something, you can call me, friend, and if I can help, I will definitely help you."

With that said, Chen Qingai took out a brand name and put it on the table, and immediately got up and left the cafe.

Zhuo Bufan picked up his business card and glanced at it. There was only a string of phone numbers on it, not even his name.

"Chen Qingai, who are you now?" Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes slightly.

Zhang Xiaoyu should have told Chen Qingai about some of her things, but Chen Qingai now faces herself with a calm, even superior attitude, which shows that Chen Qingai should have a deeper background in Eagle Country, and he has fallen in love with him. The background of the identity of the alliance martial arts elite and the martial arts master.

"Hey, it's a pity that you still don't know that I am the first master of Lan Guo's martial arts." Zhuo Bufan put away his business card and shook his head gently.

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