The first thousand six hundred and ninety-six chapters are fast practice

After entering the metaplasia pool, Zhuo Bufan sank toward the bottom of the pool and slowly dropped to the 10,000-meter position before stopping, and further down the pool, the coldness in the pool became more and more intense, although his endurance was still worth it. It can drop by one kilometer, but when it gets there, it’s a bit too much, and the speed and quality of absorption are far less than that of 10,000 meters.

Cross-legged and closed his eyes, Zhuo Bufan began to run. Bingyun Minglu frantically absorbed the cold and spiritual energy at the bottom of the pool. His body seemed to have turned into a whirlpool. The surrounding cold energy that contained spiritual energy that was visible to the naked eye was moving at a crazy speed. His body came together.

However, after a while, a layer of transparent frost condensed on the surface of Zhuo Bufan's body, like an ice sculpture sitting in the pool.

The cold air that entered the body through the skin pores began to be refined by Bingyun Ming, separating the cold air and the aura. After a week of operation, the aura will gather in the Dao Shenhai, and continue to converge towards the'Danqin' in the Shenhai. But the'danqin' slowly became solid, and when it finally solidified completely, it could form a golden pill.

"According to the current practice speed, within three months, there is a complete opportunity to condense the golden core."

The cold air in the other pool was refined by Bingyun Minglu and began to become ‘mild’ and converged in the pubic area, forming a misty scene, and the power of the stars was slowly nourished by this cold air.

This is the greatest benefit that Zhuo Bufan gets, and it gives the true essence a biting chill, and it has a certain advantage when fighting with the enemy.

However, such rapid cultivation puts a lot of pressure on the meridians in the body. Although Bingyun Ming recorded a lot of cold energy, when the cold air moves through the meridians, it will also cause a layer of condensation on the fascia. Thin frost, not to mention the great damage to the meridians, over a long period of time, it will reduce the speed of the cold energy of the aura.

Therefore, every time after practicing for three hours, Zhuo Bufan would open his eyes and take out a'Yuanhuo Pill' to take it. This'Yuanhuo Pill' was bought by Zhuo Bufan from Gu Yan. 'Yuanhuo Dan' is equivalent to one thousand points, which is quite a luxury for Zhuo Bufan.

However, with the aid of this kind of pill, the meridians will not be damaged by the cold, which also greatly improves the speed of cultivation.

"No traitor, no business." Zhuo Bufan took the Yuanhuo Pill, and he felt a warm current penetrate into the meridians, gentle meridians, and let the frost on Dejing's fascia slowly dissolve and dissipate.

Time passed quickly, and 170,000 points were only one hundred and seventy hours. For the monks, it was almost a blink of an eye.

After Zhuo Bufan felt a kind of gentle power enveloping, he opened his eyes immediately, he already appeared in the sky above the metamorphic pond, and was ‘pushed’ out by the force in the metamorphic pond.

"The cost of the points is really huge. I feel that after only a short period of training, 170,000 points have been consumed." Zhuo Bufan frowned his sword eyebrows, quite depressed.

If you want to enter the Metamorphosis Pool, you can only wait for the next time the prison or the illusion opens.

Zhuo Bufan stood in the air, looking inside the dantian, and the corner of his mouth slowly evoked an arc of joy. This'yuan fire pill' and 170,000 points were not wasted in vain. In the endless darkness of the dantian, eight shining bright stars The power of the stars is suspended, but one of the powers of the stars is crystal clear as a grain of rice, exuding a trace of cold air, slowly filling the whole body.

The power of a star has completely turned into an existence like'ice particles'. In addition to exuding a gentle force to infiltrate the body as usual, it still carries a trace of cold air, although it is very little cold. But it can be seen with the naked eye.

In the future, even if you don't deliberately absorb the cold energy to cultivate, your true essence and body will be tempered by the cold energy.

"I don't know when you can turn all the power of the eight stars into'ice particles'." Zhuo Bufan squeezed his fists, and a wave of true essence was condensed in his hand. The true essence was different from others, like a cloud of cold. Exuding a bitter chill, the surrounding temperature also dropped a lot.


Zhuo Bufan turned into a streamer and disappeared in place, but did not fly toward his residence, but quickly flew toward another mountain. After a while, he came to the top of the mountain, and there was an all-metal building on the top of the mountain. The palace built is pitch black, like a metal monster entrenched on the top of the mountain.

On the main entrance of this metal palace, only three words "Gongfa Pavilion" are written.

There were quite a few people flying in and out. Zhuo Bufan flew in. There were two young men in white robes in front of the Gongfa Pavilion. They were obviously the disciples who were in charge of this ‘Gongfa Pavilion’.

"Two seniors, I want to choose a technique that can control the true essence." Zhuo Bufan came to the two of them, arched his hands, and said.

"It's okay to choose the exercise method that controls the true essence, and pay 10,000 spiritual stones." One of the taller disciples said lazily, without even looking at Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan's sword frowned, "I heard that this'Gongfa Pavilion' only requires points to exchange for the exercises, and it seems that there is no requirement for the exercises that control the true essence, even the outer disciples of the seven sects. You can choose one at will."

These are all Zhuo Bufan’s inquired about in advance like Gu Sha. The exercises that control the true essence are very low-level, and they can be obtained from the Gongfa Pavilion. Points and spirit stones are not required, otherwise Zhuo Bufan will not be transformed. All points are used up in the pool.

Hearing extraordinary words, the slightly taller disciple just raised his head, a pair of narrow eyes flashed fiercely, and immediately said: "Who is it you listen to, this is ours. You can't choose if you don't have a spirit stone." Gongfa."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan came to understand that this spirit stone is probably the two people want, not the rule.

"'Gongfa Pavilion' chooses low-level exercises without integrating points and spirit stones. You want spirit stones at this time. Don't you be afraid that I will tell Guan Zhou?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned.

"This Gongfa Pavilion is not in the charge of Guan Zhou. If you want to sue, you can sue, but don't want to spend a birthday in Xuanjiezong in the future." The voice of the young man with a slightly higher head was ruthless, obviously threatening Zhuo Bufan.

Another man with a shorter head suddenly smiled and said, "Junior brother, you just came to Xuanjiezong and you don’t understand many rules. The Xuanjiezong has the rules of the Xuanjiezong, but each department has the regulations of each department. When the Xuanjiezong stays, he must know how to examine the degree and know the current affairs as a master."

These two people, one sang red face, the other sang white face, and they had seen a lot of newcomers like Zhuo Bufan. With both hard and soft, it was not necessary to obediently offer the spirit stone.

"Really? Then if I don't want to give it, and this true essence control technique, I have to?" Zhuo Bufan said, two extremely gorgeous rays of light burst out of his eyes, and he suddenly punched the head slightly higher. The disciples bombarded away.

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