Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2311: Fight to the death

Chapter 2312 Fight to the Death

Kongtong Realm General and Tianzu Realm General resisted the surprise attack of the two flying swords, turned their heads, and looked at Young Master Yanbei with a bit of chill.

Young Master Yanbei paled first, then turned purple again, and said angrily: "Shadow kill, you don't want to spit people, how could I join you to harm the general of Kongtong, I can't wait to kill you, Lord of the Kongtong, Don't listen to his nonsense."

"Naturally I won't believe it." Kongtong Jie will sneer.

There will be grudges between Lord Yanbei and the Shadow Killing Realm. This is something that everyone knows about Long Haixing. Even if Lord Yanbei and Shadow Killer work together, they can deceive some third-ranked Shura at most. How dare they trick some of them into coming, is it extraordinary? Really sure, kill them all.

However, seeing that Ba Li and Bata of the Barbarian Monster Clan were beaten to death by Zhuo Bufan, they even offered a space ring and escaped for a while, both the Kongtong Realm General and the Heavenly Ancestor Realm General were slightly chilled.

The Baal and Bata brothers of the Barbarian Monster Clan are physically strong, good at close combat, and even use physical secret techniques. The two are combined, but they are still not Zhuo Bufan's opponents. They were even blasted to pieces, which was shocking.

"Could it be that this Shadow Killer Realm General has also cultivated some super powerful physical secret technique, which is comparable to the powerhouse of the barbarian monster race!"

Kongtong Realm will have complicated minds, both regret to provoke this difficult guy, greedy and more vigorous in his heart, Zhuo Bufan is so strong, maybe there are still many treasures hidden in his body.

In fact, the four people attacked together, and Zhuo Bufan’s retreat was disturbed, his blood rebelled, and his vitality was damaged. This should not have happened, but the four were temporarily allied and came from different camps. Each was on guard. The heart cannot be perfectly matched, otherwise Zhuo Bufan would not be able to defeat the Baal brothers so easily.

It’s just because of the brutal character and slightly low IQ of the monsters, they rushed directly to Zhuo Bufan and fought **** battles with him. On the contrary, the generals of Kongtong Realm and Heavenly Ancestor Realm had only spent some real yuan and suffered some minor injuries. They would be able to break through the Feijian restrictions and then besiege Zhuo Bufan, but the two of them had their own ghosts, and they pretended to be entangled by Feijian and could not get out to help.

Now that the Baal brothers were defeated by Zhuo Bufan, both of them regretted at the same time, regretting that they had not tried to save Baal.

"Kongtong Realm, now you and I have no retreat. If you are wary of each other and cannot work together, I am afraid you will hate it!" Tianzu Realm's face is solemn, and even the voice is transmitted to the Kongtong Realm.

"Heavenly Ancestor Realm General, I must go all out, you and I will join forces to kill Shadow Killer!" Kongtong Realm General also has red eyes. If you want to get the treasure, you must take a risk.


The Celestial Ancestor Realm will control five white fire magic beads and bombard the ice emperor rain sword with the condensed magic seal in his hand, urging the magic beads, the white fire on the magic beads will flourish, and the surrounding space will become distorted. .

Although the Ice Emperor Rain Sword is strong, it also relies on Zhuo Bufan's control. Now Zhuo Bufan manipulates the Ice Emperor Rain Sword and the Sky Thunder Bamboo Sword. The two-line action is naturally insufficient. The Ice Emperor Rain Sword was bombarded and flew upside down. The Jianqi Gang array also cracked.


Kongtong Jie turned his eyes into golden light, and a golden halo appeared behind his head. The halo spreads, and it contains a faint blood, which is as dazzling as the same blood day. He even shouted in anger, forcing the sky to thunder bamboo. The sword formation formed by the sword burst away.

The Ice Emperor Rain Sword returned to Zhuo Bufan's hands, and the Sky Thunder Bamboo Sword also returned to his body, looking around, forming a defensive sword formation.

Zhuo Bufan squinted his eyes slightly, looked at the Celestial Ancestor Realm, and then at the Kongtong Realm. These two are genuine Rank 4 Asuras, both in strength, background, talent, and magic weapons are very strong and tricky. Of goods.

As for the Kongtong Realm, no magic weapon was sacrificed, but the blood sun shining behind him seemed to have practiced some special secret technique, which could actually shake the sword formation of the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo Sword, an extremely powerful weapon.

Seeing the Baal brothers fleeing, the two of them did not dare to have the slightest care and reservations. If they were concealed, they would most likely be destroyed by Zhuo Bufan one by one, and in the end they could only escape!

"Two 4th Rank Shura, if I succeed in the promotion to 5th Rank Shura, it would be okay! Now these two people are hard ideas." Zhuo Bufan frowned, his heart secretly said.

If they had confidence in breaking him one by one, it would be a bit difficult for the two to join hands.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Bufan's eyes flashed, his palm flipped, and a half-foot-high ancient stone tablet suddenly appeared in his palm.

Seeing this stone tablet, Young Master Yanbei's eyes suddenly widened, and he immediately shouted: "Kongtong Realm General, Heavenly Ancestor Realm General, don’t let him use this stone tablet, my senior brother Ji Liejie is his. The weird stone stele has been suppressed."

At the beginning, Ji Liejie was introduced by Zhuo Bufan with the Great Desolate Monument, and the dragon-locking coffin was lured and restrained and suppressed, forcing Ji Liejie to confess his defeat in public and also lost the Sixiang Yuxu Pill. Zhuo Bufan.

At first, Kongtong Realm General had also seen it with his own eyes, and later he personally found Ji Lie Realm and asked about it, but Ji Lie Realm would not disclose any news, which made him quite depressed.

The Dragon Locking Coffin and the Great Desolate Monument can not only suppress, but also have the effect of "purifying" evil spirits. General Ji Liejie had suffered from it at that time, and his heart was gloomy. The other world generals watched his jokes, and finally he simply This secret is hidden in his heart. If anyone provokes Zhuo Bufan, he will also taste the pain of suppression.

"It takes time to perform the Sealing Art, and we can't give him time for him to do it!" Kongtong Jie will immediately shout. Although I don't know how powerful the sealing art is, he will never allow Zhuo Bufan to display it.

As soon as the voice fell, the Heavenly Ancestor Realm General was not welcome, and the five white fire magic beads suddenly grew a few times, carrying endless flames, and pounced on Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan made a seal with one hand, drew the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo Sword, and flew directly towards the White Fire Magic Pearl.

At the same time, the Kongtong Realm General also offered the'Seven Gate Ancient Bowls' and a golden talisman. The golden talisman contained this extinguishing aura, but the breath was weak, which was obviously a damaged magical treasure of the "Extreme Dao" .

"Taiyi Golden Sword!"

This golden talisman was originally a treasure of the Talisman Sect, but it was defrauded by the Kongtong Realm General, and it was also one of his most powerful magic weapons.

The golden rune flies into the air, emits a dazzling golden light, illuminating all directions, and then turns into a golden rune sword, the rune sword is shining with golden light, the sword has dense runes, triggering the power of the law of heaven and earth, and it is indestructible!

The golden rune sword immediately flew towards Zhuo Bufan, and Zhuo Bufan controlled the Ice Emperor Rain Sword to meet him.

The two generals of the Kongtong Realm and the Heavenly Ancestor Realm immediately got close, casting various spells and martial arts to kill Zhuo Bufan, making Zhuo Bufan unable to concentrate on controlling the great wilderness monument, and cast the dragon coffin!

"Oops, don't give me time to display the Dragon Locking Coffin." Zhuo Bufan's face showed a solemn expression.

It could be seen that the two of them didn't want to keep it, and they all displayed various powerful martial arts and spells, and wanted to kill Zhuo Bufan together.

Facing two or two Turn 4 Shura alone, Zhuo Bufan couldn't take any advantage at all.

"Darkly misty rain sword!" Zhuo Bufan flew to the ice emperor rain sword, grabbed the hilt of the sword, the sword light danced, and the sword light fell like rain, like misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River.

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