Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2312: Two shadow kills

The 2313th chapter two shadow kills

Suddenly, the sword light fell like rain silk, and the ten directions of heaven and earth were all transformed into a hazy scene, a meaning of sorrow diffused, forming a field of sword rhyme, full of the taste of sorrow.

Yanran Yanyu sword, with ‘injury’ as its rhyme, the sword light is silky, lingering, hard and soft.

The Jianguang'Rain Silk', which seemed to have no lethal power, contained endless killing intent.

Kongtong Jie suspended an ancient bowl above his head, with golden light all over his body, and numerous light strips hung down to cover him, forming a kind of defensive barrier. The rain of sword light fell on the golden barrier, marking a trace. It seemed that he was about to break through the defensive barrier, but in a blink of an eye, the sword marks on the barrier healed immediately.

Jianguang Yusi enveloped both the Kongtong Realm and the Heavenly Ancestor Realm. The seemingly soft sword light, when it fell, was murderous and fierce.

"These seven ancient bowls are really a good treasure." The Kongtong Realm will be shrouded by the light emitted by the ancient bowls, and his face will show indifferent color.

But the Heavenly Ancestor Realm General is not so comfortable. Although his magic beads can isolate most of the sword rain, the sword rain is everywhere, covering the world, making him messy, and occasionally one or two sword lights break through the magic beads defense and fall on him. On his body, immediately cut his armor, leaving a trail of blood on his body.

"My martial arts is more than swordsmanship!"

Just as the Kongtong Realm would stay safely within the defense of the ancient bowl, suddenly a thunder sound blew in his ears.

I saw Zhuo Bufan actually rushed in front of him, but he had seen Zhuo Bufan's strength in close combat, and his eyes widened.

Awning! Awning! Awning! Awning!

Zhuo Bufan gave up the Ice Emperor Rain Sword, squeezed his fist, his true essence was condensed, his fist was completely gold and stone, and he bombarded the golden mask like a gust of wind and rain. Every blow contained a great power, and the mask kept rippling. Ripples, one after another.


A crack suddenly appeared on the indestructible golden light of the ancient bowl.

The Kongtong Realm hiding in it shrank its pupils like needles, and his face was shocked, "No, it’s impossible. These seven ancient pots are high-level magic weapons, plus the law of gold that I have mastered, they are extremely strong, how can you? Can break open!"

"Then let me create miracles!"

Zhuo Bufan split his mouth and smiled. In the eyes of the Kongtong Realm General, the smile was like a ghost of Shura.

"Dragon Fist!"

Accompanied by a clear dragon chant, a golden phantom dragon wrapped around the extraordinary forearm, the dragon head wrapped the fist, and once again slammed on the ancient pot gold cover with an extremely arrogant attitude, and the gold and iron screamed across the sky.

Click, click...

In the shocked gaze of the Kongtong Realm, the indestructible golden light of the ancient pot appeared cracks, and then continued to spread, densely packed, and finally the entire golden mask was shattered into light spots, dissipating the world, and even appeared on the seven ancient pots. After a few cracks, it became a bit bleak.

Zhuo Bufan had practiced some immortal martial arts in his previous life, and now his body is as powerful as a barbarian monster, how powerful is the close combat!

In practice, in addition to martial arts and immortal methods, the more important thing is the mood, the state of mind!

Although Zhuo Bufan has not practiced strong close combat martial arts, he is a master of practice. According to the meaning of kendo, he can still use some ordinary martial arts to exert extraordinary power, such as dragon fist. Although the moves are simple, the fist is extraordinary. Specializing in kendo, he has realized the indomitable, domineering and sturdy rhyme of "Cracked Sky".

"Shadow Killing Realm, your power to fight in close combat is really extraordinary. What a pity... Today, I and Tian Ancestral Realm will join forces. No matter how powerful you are, you can't escape!" Kongtong Realm retreats and retreats to a self-confession. In a safe position, he is not good at getting close, not to mention the fact that the defensive magic weapon is now also damaged.

These seven ancient bowls were obtained from the hands of Ji Liejie at a huge cost, and now they were cracked by Zhuo Bufan. It is extremely difficult to repair, and he has to pay a high price.

"Escape? I didn't think about running away." Zhuo Bufan's mouth raised, and a weird smile evoked.

Although Zhuo Bufan seems to have the upper hand, it is actually because the Kongtong Realm General and the Tianzu Realm General refuse to work together, and they are still wary of each other, but it is extremely difficult for Zhuo Bufan to kill anyone, and continues to consume. Sooner or later, Zhuo Bufan will exhaust his true energy and become the end of the force.

Seeing the weird smile at the corner of Zhuo Bufan's mouth, Kong Tong Jie Jiang's heart shuddered, and suddenly he had a bad premonition.

At this moment, he was entangled with the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo Sword, and the Heavenly Ancestor Realm who was enveloped by the sword rain also felt it, suddenly raised his head, his face changed.

Purple clouds suddenly gathered over the mountain range, and the dark purple sky suddenly lowered, giving people a strong sense of oppression. Even the sky turned dark purple. The thunder light and fire snake jumped in the clouds, and the sky was full of majesty.

The dark purple cloud layer is getting thicker and thicker, almost pressing down, and it is filled with a vague and ancient atmosphere.

"What, how come?" Kongtong Jie will see this scene, and his face suddenly changed. He has seen Zhuo Bufan use this kind of underworld technique to suppress Ji Lie in Longtai City, but Zhuo Bufan has been fighting with them, why Take time out to cast the magic spell.

It takes time to accumulate energy for the use of meditation!

In the forest sea, a black figure suddenly flew into the air, clutching the great wilderness monument with his palm, and the great wilderness monument instantly flew into the purple clouds above, suddenly becoming larger, more than a thousand long, standing high in the sky.

"Shadow Killing World General?"

"Two shadow killers!"

Kongtong Realm and Tian Ancestor Realm burst their eyes and looked at the black figure in disbelief. He looked exactly like Zhuo Bufan, but was wearing a black robe, and his body exuded a darker and gloomy aura.

This figure is exactly the clone formed by the blood demon and the ghost fire. Originally, Zhuo Bufan attacked the fifth-turn Shura realm in the volcano. To be on the safe side, he deliberately separated his mind to hide in the forest near the volcano for cultivation.

If it weren't for Young Master Yanbei who had swallowed the ‘Fire Breath Pill’ and concealed his breath and spirituality, he would have been spotted by the clone when he was near an extinct volcano.

Looking at another ‘Shadow Killing World General’ that suddenly appeared, the Kongtong World General, Tianzu World General, and Young Master Yanbei were all stunned.

"Lock the dragon coffin!"

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his jade-white palm, his palm condensed a little bit of purple light, and suddenly turned it down and pressed it into the void.

The monument of the Great Wilderness, which had been turned into a thousand-foot-old man, suddenly ‘drilled’ out of the dark purple cloud layer, exuding an endless and ancient atmosphere, overwhelmingly overwhelming.

Wow! Wow!

Lines of pythons formed by purple meditation entangled around the monument of the Great Wilderness, flaring their teeth and dancing claws, revealing the shape of a grandiose.

Suddenly, as Zhuo Bufan's palm was pressed down, these pythons cut through the void like chains, quickly entwining them towards the Kongtong Realm and the Heavenly Ancestor Realm.

The Heavenly Ancestor Realm General and Kongtong Realm General were shocked, and immediately urged the True Essence to be sent, and their own martial arts principles emerged behind them.

Kongtong Realm will live and repair the ‘Law of Gold’, and behind a golden mountain emerges, the rule of gold is strong, strong and indestructible!

Behind the Heavenly Ancestor Realm General was densely covered with thunder, thunder turned into a strange beast entrenched behind him, raised his neck and roared, giving out a violent breath, fierce and mighty.

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