Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2317: Red Scale Monster

Chapter 2318: Red Scale Monster

The blood peak that made Zhuo Bufan's mind and body furry and feel fear, like a translucent crystal pillar, stands between the sky and the earth, surrounded by thick blood fog, if it is white fog, it will make people feel at home. The wonderful feeling of danger, but this **** mist makes people feel that this place is like Shura hell, revealing a gloomy and terrible atmosphere.

"Fenxiang Realm General, this place is really a fairyland, I feel that my whole body is full of vitality!" The Demon Spider Realm General has a look of surprise on his face.

The incense-burning world general also nodded, "Yes, yeah... I feel like my body is bathing in a hot spring, and I can feel that the evil spirit in my body is growing, and my strength is constantly improving."

"Haha, fortunately you and I discovered this treasure first, and let them all go to the middle island to compete for the treasure. Our two brothers will practice here and strive to break through the Fourth Rank Asura realm." The Demon Spider Realm was also delighted.

The aptitudes of the two are really average, and only when there are chances and opportunities, they can only become the third-ranked Shura, and in order to become the third-ranked Shura, the two have been mixed in the Shura battlefield for hundreds of years, and the difficulties and dangers of each are not outside. Humane also.

Such as Zhuo Bufan, who only entered the star field battlefield for a few years, he can become a fourth-ranked Shura fierce, that is also a very small number of existences, most of the Shura world generals are as ordinary as the demon spider world generals and the burning incense world generals. .

Now that the two of them flew into the blood peak, looking for this ‘treasure land’ to swallow the blood evil aura without obstruction, and enhance their strength, they were naturally extremely excited.

"Devil spider world general, the blood mist here is already very dense, let's practice here!"

The two climbed to about one-fifth of the mountain, and the incense world would stop and speak.

"Okay, just practice here. If we can break through Rank 4 Shura, we two will continue to climb to the top, maybe we can break through Rank 5 Shura." The Demon Spider Realm General said, his face flushed, and he was very happy.

The two of them each found a rock platform, sat cross-eyed on it, closed their eyes, placed their palms on their knees, and began to quietly swallow the blood mist in the blood peak.

The skin exposed under the clothes of the two of them all showed blood qi, blood qi squirming, and the Shura body has been urged, and the blood mist everywhere is constantly infiltrating into the skin of the two at an extremely slow speed. Inside.

An hour!

Two hours!

Both of them felt that the evil spirit in their bodies was constantly increasing, and the comfortable feeling made people dreamlike and exhilarating.

After the third hour, the two suddenly opened their eyes at the same time. They saw that their eyes and pupils became blood red, exuding a feeling of bloodthirsty and coldness, without the slightest emotion, as if both of them had become It's like a wild beast.

The two of them stood up, their bodies suddenly swelled, began to grow bigger, hissed...The robes on the two of them burst into pieces and fell around.

The Demon Spider Realm exploded all the blue veins on its neck and face, and **** energy appeared on its face, with a terrifying look, wide mouth, painful roars in the throat, feet and hands were constantly growing, and the blue veins on the arms were towering. Qi and blood came out of the skin, and immediately evaporated into blood mist.

The incense-burning world general on the other side looked the same, his body and limbs swelled rapidly, his muscles knotted, his spine slowly bent, his back was squirming crazily, and the flesh and blood pierced the skin and turned into pieces. The red scales covered the whole body, and the limbs turned into the four hooves and sharp claws of the wild beast.

Roar! Roar! Roar!

The Demon Spider Realm and the Burning Incense Realm turned the two into two red scale monsters, with four hoofs standing on the ground like tiger claws. The body was covered with red scales, and the head became like a tiger and leopard, covered with red fluff, and there was another one behind him. The tail of the burning flame slapped the two huge rocks next to it to pieces.

Almost unknowingly, even in a comfortable state, the two suddenly turned into red scale monsters. I am afraid that they did not react at the last moment. Now these two beasts only have bloodthirsty and fierce lights in their eyes, and there is no more. Any emotion.

Just as the two red scale monsters were roaring, they came to the side of these two savage beasts with red streamers jumping around. There were hundreds of red scale monsters. At the same time, they raised their heads and roared, and the beast roared like thunder, shocking the sky.



In the valley hinterland hundreds of kilometers away from the Blood Peak, in a hidden cave, Zhuo Bufan slammed his fist on the ground of the cave. The mountainside suddenly shook, the huge boulders fell, and the cave was buried in an instant, and everything was calm again.

After a while, the cave that had collapsed suddenly made a muffled sound, a light and shadow rose into the sky, and the stone collapsed and flew.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh!

Inside the cave, another eighteen cyan streamers penetrated the boulder, rang out with clear sounds, flew into the sky, hovering around the figure, the cyan light circling, beautiful and magnificent.

This figure is Zhuo Bufan who has been in the cave for several days in retreat.

Long black hair dangled in the wind, sword eyebrows and star eyes, handsome and extraordinary, occasionally a **** light flashed in his eyes.

"Finally broke through the Rank 5 Asura Realm!"

Zhuo Bufan stretched out his white jade-like palm, a little **** light condensed in his palm, and he held it hard, only feeling the inexhaustible power of his whole body.

After a few days of retreat, with dragon blood hidden in his body, and with the aid of two Four Elephant Pills, the breakthrough was also expected.

"However, the level of Rank 6 Asura is too difficult. It is a full dozen times more difficult than Rank 5 Asura. The state of mind is temporarily unable to withstand the attack of evil spirits, and the physical body is not enough to support the reintegration of the evil spirit." Zhuo Bufan wrinkled. Jian Mei, quite regrettable.

If the Demon Spider Realm General, the Burning Incense Realm General, and others hear him sighing here, it is estimated that both of them will vomit blood. They have been cautiously and cautiously on the Asura battlefield for hundreds of years before they have difficulty becoming the Third Rank Asura. Now he has lost his mind and turned into a monster.

Zhuo Bufan has been in the Starfield Battlefield for several years, and now he has grown to Rank 5 Shura. If this kind of cultivation speed spreads out, I don't know how many people will be ashamed and jealous.

"Jing Yuan Realm and Blood Sovereign Realm will spend a longer time on the Asura battlefield, and they have more resources in their hands. Even they have not reached the Rank 6 Asura Realm. It seems that they need to enter the Rank 6 Asura Realm. Longer time."

Zhuo Bufan thought secretly in his heart, but his eyes became sharper and firmer.

Now he is also Rank 5 Shura, not weaker than the Azure Bull Realm General and the Blood Emperor Realm General, and he has more control over the "Great Desolation Monument" and the "Suolong Coffin" that can suppress the Shura Realm General. For the 17th Shura Tower He also has the qualifications to compete for the top inheritance within the Shura Secret Technique.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Bufan retracted the Heavenly Thunder Bamboo Sword, then took out an ordinary flying sword, stepped on the flying sword, and flew directly towards the entire Scarlet Secret Realm, the island located in the center. The inheritance of the Scarlet Secret Realm is obviously there. !

Zhuo Bufan stepped on the flying sword, his figure drifted, turning into a streamer, breaking through the heavy blood fog, and flew directly towards the central island.

During the flight, Zhuo Bufan found a few breaths, and, like him, flew towards the central island together.

"How come there are so many people?" Zhuo Bufan was surprised.

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