Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2318: Mansion Treasures

Chapter 2319 Mansion Treasures

It stands to reason that everyone is teleported to various secret realms randomly. Even if thousands of Shura realms will enter the 17th Asura Tower, under normal circumstances, only five or six Shura realms will be teleported to the same secret realm. During the flight, Divine Mind sensed at least seven or eight auras, and there must be more Shura generals on the island.

"How is this going?"

Zhuo Bufan was both surprised and puzzled.

"There are countless secret realms in the Asura Tower, and they are usually randomly transmitted by the blood-colored light beam. Will the Asura world be able to manipulate where they are teleported? Unless it is a secret realm teleportation, deliberately teleporting so many Asura realms to the same secret realm. Let everyone compete for treasures."

"What kind of treasure is it, the Asura Tower will send so many Asura worlds here?"

Zhuo Bufan flew into the central island cautiously, puzzled in his heart, but all mysteries would have to be known after he got on the island.

The closer you get to the island, the more you feel the aura, the stronger and stronger, there are a hundred or so auras, gathered together, most of them are three-ranked Shura, and four-ranked Shura have more than a dozen. , There is actually... the breath of two Rank 5 Shura.

Zhuo Bufan deliberately concealed his fifth-ranked Shura breath, still carrying the fourth-ranked Shura breath, full of losses, modest benefit, low-key is always a good thing, after all, fifth-ranked Shura is too eye-catching, too ostentatious. Sometimes it's not a good thing.

When he came to the center of the island, Zhuo Bufan discovered that it was a concave valley, and in the center of the valley there was a majestic and unusual mansion. The mansion was about one-third the size of Longtai City, and the situation inside could be clearly seen.

This mansion has a weird shape, all made of a kind of black stone. The trees, lawns, flowerbeds, ponds, and corridors in the courtyard are clearly visible. There are also several palaces that stand in the front and back yards. The gate is a terrifying beast, and the big open mouth is a vermilion lacquer gate, which is tightly closed.

"The treasure of the Scarlet Secret Realm is here? Presented naked in front of us?" Zhuo Bufan was a little surprised.

"Something's wrong, something weird."

Zhuo Bufan gathered his divine thoughts, conscientiously and conscientiously, he really noticed the strangeness. This huge mansion was surrounded by wave formations. Obviously there were formations enveloped. No wonder, so many Asura world generals came around. No one can go in and get the treasure, obviously because of the formation protection.

This valley is filled with Shura generals, and the three-turned world will stay at the outermost part, and inside there are more than twenty four-turned Shura.

"So many four-turn Shura?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned. You know, when they entered the No. 17 Asura Tower Hall, the total counted them, and it was only a dozen or so four-turn Asura.

Later, he suddenly realized that he could obtain treasures in the secret realm to enhance the realm, and other people may also gain some benefits, and with the treasures and benefits obtained, many three-ranked Shura successfully advanced to the fourth-ranked Shura realm.

"It seems that the difficulty of the Asura Tower inheritance is much harder than I thought!"

The Blood Sovereign Realm in Longtai City will be rumored to break through the Rank 6 Shura realm. Although he has not broken through when he enters the No.17 Shura Tower, no one can say whether he has obtained treasures in the Shura Tower. He has already broken through the Rank 6 Shura realm. Repair environment.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Bufan's expression was a bit solemn.

The relationship between him and the Blood Emperor Realm General is not too bad, but after all, the two have some grudges, and the other party belongs to the demon camp.

Just as Zhuo Bufan was thinking in his mind, his gaze slowly moved forward, then his face was taken aback, he saw two huge trees with a height of one hundred meters on both sides of the gate of the mansion, with only branches, no branches and leaves. , As if made of some kind of metal, and at the top of the two trees, there were two people sitting cross-legged.

Green Bull Realm General!

Blood Emperor Realm General!

The two Rank 5 Asura realm, entrenched in the giant tree in front of the mansion, are closing their eyes and resting, waiting for the mansion formation to open, and enter to grab the treasure.

"Shadow Killing World General, it's me."

Just as Zhuo Bufan was observing the surroundings, a familiar voice suddenly appeared in his mind, it was actually the world general Zhai Feng.

Both of them are strong players in the Star Alliance, and they entered the 17th Asura Tower together. They originally formed a temporary alliance, but unfortunately they were randomly transmitted by the Scarlet Light Beam, and the two lost contact.

"General Zhai Feng, are you nearby?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

"Shadow General, I'm on a mountain in the north, come here quickly." General Zhai Feng said.

"it is good."

Zhuo Bufan answered and flew towards a mountain in the north with the mansion as the center. He really saw General Zhai Feng on the mountain. In addition to General Zhai Feng, he also saw a man and a woman, and two four-turn Shura. Jie will.

"General Zhai Feng, I really didn't expect to meet you here." Zhuo Bufan said with a smile.

Realm General Zhai Feng also smiled and said happily: "Shadow-killing generals, many generals have been teleported to this secret realm. I think you must be there too, so I used the Asura command to transmit your voice, but unfortunately you never After returning, my Shura Ling sensed your breath, and I immediately informed you by sound transmission."

Some time ago, Zhuo Bufan practiced in retreat, isolated from any spiritual aura, Zhai Fengjie would naturally not be able to contact him.

"I've just been sent to this **** secret realm, and I just arrived on this island." Zhuo Bufan concealed his practice in retreat. After all, there were two fourth-ranked Shura who didn't know him at the scene, and he and Zhai Fengjie also had friendship. Not too deep, there is no need to tell everything.

"I'll introduce for you." General Zhai Feng looked at a man and a woman beside him, and said with a smile: "This is the sword general, this is the Qingyu general. They are all members of the Star Alliance. , Is also my good friend. They are not practicing in Long Haixing, but in Tasha Star. This time they are competing for the 17th Asura Tower inheritance. They also happened to be here, and we just got in touch with the Scarlet Secret Realm."

"General of the sword world, general of the Qingyu world."

Zhuo Bufan politely handed over and gestured.

The two also smiled and nodded. The sword world will look like a middle-aged man, and the magic weapon is also a flying sword. The two swords are inserted into the scabbard and carried behind their backs. They smiled and said: "Shadow killing world general, Zhai Fengjie will be able to take your The deeds have told us, and we admire it very much!"

"Zhai Fengjie must be talking big, I'm a little capable, I'm afraid that I will let the two of you see jokes." Zhuo Bufan said modestly.

"Shadow Killing World General, you are too polite. Since we are both members of the Star Alliance and friends that Zhai Feng World will know, we should join hands to seize the treasure." The other is gorgeous, dignified, graceful and generous. Qingyu Realm General said.

This Qingyu world general, looks like a girl, but his temperament and posture are like noble ladies. A practitioner can change his appearance, but his temperament and behavior cannot.

"This is natural. I don't know what treasures are in this mansion. There are so many Shura generals." Zhuo Bufan frowned and said in confusion.

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