Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2319: Shura Secret Art

The 2320th Chapter Shura Secret Technique

The Realm General Zhai Feng said with a serious face: "General of the Shadow Killing Realm, you don't know the secret when you come late. There is a Shura secret technique in this mansion!"

He didn't speak, and it was not a secret secret anymore. The generals of the Shura world on the entire island knew this secret.

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan's body was shocked, and he asked again: "Is it confirmed that there is a Shura secret in it?"

Zhai Fengjie nodded and said, "When we came, the blood shadow once appeared, and we clearly told that the Shura Secret Art is in the mansion. Otherwise, why no one went to the other islands? Everyone wanted to get the Shura Secret. Surgery."

"For the Shura World General, the most important thing is the Shura Secret Art." The Royal Sword World General said with a serious face.

The Shura realm will cultivate the Shura body by devouring Sha Yuan, and if you want to use the power of the Shura body to the fullest, you must obtain the Shura secret technique.

At that time Zhuo Bufan was chased and killed by Qin Ri. If it weren't for the help of Invisible Jade, he would have died in Qin Ri's hands. Qin Ri was also in the second level of Shura realm, and learned a secret technique of Shura-Bai Jade Shura Hand.

White Jade Shura's hand can easily break through the armor of the Blood Demon Block, break through his powerful physical defenses, and go straight to the five internal organs.

Recalling the situation when he was hunted down that year, Zhuo Bufan is still vividly remembered.

Moreover, he believed that the Asura Secret Art that Qin Ri had mastered was definitely not a high-level Secret Art. After all, Qin Ri was not high in cultivation. The Asura Secret Art should have been taught to him by others. With his strength, how could he obtain the Asura Secret Art.

"It seems that Xie Zhen's family has something to do with the Shura Realm?" Zhuo Bufan frowned.

However, if he was given another chance to meet Qin Ri, Xie Zhen and others, he would definitely return the foe he had pursued back then, even if there was a huge family behind him, Zhuo Bufan would not be afraid.

"It's just that the Azure Bull Realm General and the Blood Emperor Realm are here. We don't have a big chance of getting the Shura Secret Art." The Azure Feather Realm General shook his head, a little dejected.

"It would be great if Jing Yuanjie would be here, at least someone in our Star Alliance could stand up." General Zhai Fengjie also said.

Now the Azure Bull Realm General and the Blood Emperor Realm are both strong in the Demon Clan camp. On the other hand, looking at the Star Alliance camp, no one can stand up.

Zhuo Bufan smiled and said: "You don't need to be so discouraged. You don't know the situation in this mansion now. Only when you enter the mansion will you know where the Shura Secret Art is. Besides, so many Shura world generals are here. Maybe you can get some by fishing in troubled waters. benefit."

"Well, it can only be so, let us give up directly, really not reconciled." Yujianjie general said.

This time, the Azure Bull Realm and the Blood Emperor Realm are bound to gain the Shura secret technique, and the other Rank 3 and Rank 4 Shura Realm Generals also understand that wanting to **** the Shura Secret Art from the hands of the two is undoubtedly seeking death, but everyone embraces it. With a hint of luck, even if you can't get the Shura Secret Art, you can get other treasures, you still make money.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan waited on the mountain with Zhai Fengjie and others.

After waiting for three full days, the formation outside the mansion sent out strong energy fluctuations, and every general was moved. The two generals of the Azure Bull Realm and the Blood Emperor Realm, who had closed their eyes and cultivated, also opened their eyes, and their eyes sparkled. Shuo Jingmang, surging with fiery light.


The formation outside the mansion began to tremble violently, and then a light mask visible to the naked eye appeared, forming an arc, covering the entire mansion. The light mask was rippling with strong ripples of light, and then it began to crack every inch, and finally turned into an arc. Countless light spots dissipated between heaven and earth.

The Azure Bull Realm General and the Blood Emperor Realm had almost turned into two rays of light before the formation was completely shattered, and rushed into the mansion, completely fearless of the power of the formation!

Other world generals followed closely, treasures, all treasures in this mansion!

"Quick, quick, slow hands, the treasure will be taken away by others."

"We don't fight for the Asura Secret Art. Whoever wants to fight with me for other treasures, I will kill!"

"Leave me aside, and those who block me will die!"

Everyone reddened their eyes and went crazy. Treasures, but there are Shura secrets in it, which Shura world will be able to resist this temptation.

Zhuo Bufan and the other four rushed into the mansion as soon as the formation was broken, but when he entered the mansion, Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but glanced at the two iron trees at the entrance of the mansion, thoughtfully.

This mansion was much larger than they thought. There were several halls in it, and there were many rooms in the hall, and there were treasures in the rooms. For a time, hundreds of Shura realms would rush in directly and start sweeping the treasures.

Fighting broke out everywhere, Zhuo Bufan and these four people were four-ranked Shura, naturally there was no such guy who was not afraid of death rushing over.

Zhuo Bufan's divine mind is to tightly lock the Blue Bull Realm General. The Blue Bull Realm will have weaker soul power than the Blood Emperor Realm General. If he locks the Blood Emperor Realm General, he is likely to find it and directly refute it.

"World General Zhai Feng, World Sword General, General Qingyu, we go here, the Shura secret technique may be hidden in the innermost hall." Zhuo Bufan spoke to the three of them.

"Go and try, the four of us can't deal with a fifth-rank Shura." The world general Zhai Feng also spoke.

"Okay, fight for it." The Yujian Realm General is also decisive.

The four of them gave up going to other temples to compete for treasures, instead plundering all the way, heading towards a magnificent temple in the backyard of the mansion, and when they entered the temple, there were already a dozen or so four-turned Shura. Appearing at the same time, it is obvious that these people are not willing to give the'Asura Secret Technique' to the Azure Bull Realm General and the Blood Emperor Realm General.

The hall is wide, paved with cyan bricks, and there is a three-person gold pillar in the middle. The pillar is surrounded by golden runes and dancing around the golden pillar. At the top of the pillar is a palm-sized blood-colored box, which is full of blood. .

"The Shura Secret Art is in it."

Suddenly, there was a loud shout, and everyone's mind was shocked and their ears shook.

When everyone came back to their senses, they had already seen a huge palm of cyan True Essence condensed, carrying the vigor of the wind, and suddenly grabbed it directly towards the blood-colored jade box at the top of the golden pillar. The speed was as fast as lightning, which made people react. Not in time.

Everyone looked intently, and it was the Azure Bull Realm General who suddenly disturbed their minds. Taking advantage of the moment when everyone panicked, they immediately wanted to sweep the blood jade box.


Just when the giant palm transformed from the cyan true essence was less than one foot away from the blood jade box, a **** palm on the side slammed into the former, and the strong wind swept and whizzed towards the four directions.

"Blood Emperor, give this treasure to me, and I will give you the other treasures." The Azure Bull Realm will turn his head and look, his eyes popping and roaring angrily.

On the other side, the Blood Emperor Realm General who was wrapped in the blood mist sneered and said: "Azure Bull Realm General, this Shura secret technique belongs to me. I will help you deal with other people. How about giving you other treasures?"

"Blood Emperor, do you really want to fight with me?" Qingniu Realm will glared.

"Blue Bull Realm General, you take yourself too seriously, right?" The Blood Emperor Realm sneered extremely contemptuously.

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