Chapter 2500

"Now, I will let you taste the despair."

Frita opened her mouth, made a sharp and stern sound, and licked her lips. Suddenly the figure disappeared in place like an afterimage, and in an instant she was in front of Zhuo Bufan. The amazing speed, even Zhuo Bufan, was dull. For a moment.


A silver fist was full of concave arcs, and it hit Zhuo Bufan’s abdomen fiercely. The brutal force raged open, almost instantly tearing the body's true essence shield, and that violent power poured in. In the body, Dezhuo Bufan's belly felt like a river and sea, and it was painful like a burning fire.


Zhuo Bufan opened his mouth, his black eyes widened, his face twisted.

Obviously, this blow caused him a great deal of pain, and I am afraid that now Frita has shown his true strength.

"Trash, it's not just that you have a hole card, I also have it." Flita's eyes were as sharp as a knife, she was close at hand, staring at Zhuo Bufan's face that was gradually distorted because of pain, and there was a kind of abnormal excitement in her heart that ravaged the human race. Genius, can make him feel excited.


Suddenly, a trace of golden light tore the air, carrying a whistling wind and lashing towards Zhuo Bufan's body. It was the tail behind Flita that had turned into a golden yellow, and the energy contained in it fluctuated. He also felt a hint of danger.

Almost at the same time, Zhuo Bufan's True Essence surged, forming a water curtain-like barrier to protect the front of his waist.

The golden tail snapped like a hit on the water, directly exploding the water curtain into a wave of air, and the speed fell on Zhuo Bufan's waist and eyes without any reduction.

Zhuo Bufan's face suddenly turned pale, and he opened his mouth and spouted a mouthful of blood. He suffered a heavy blow, and his body shot backwards like a cannonball. With a bang, it fell to the ground, smashing a diameter hundreds of miles in diameter. The surrounding ground directly collapsed and smoke billowed.

My true element barrier is actually vulnerable?

Moreover, I cultivated the nine-layer Asura body, and my physical body was already comparable to a weapon of the supreme way.

At the moment when the True Essence Barrier blocked the golden tail, the gorefiends attached to the body gathered directly to the waist, weakening the attack power of the golden tail, but I didn't expect the attack power of the golden tail to be so powerful even in the face of numerous obstacles.

Seeing this scene, countless human practitioners in the sky were in an uproar, all opened their mouths and took a breath of cold air for a moment.

Everyone can perceive that Frita's strength seems to have increased several times in an instant. This terrifying combat power directly makes people feel chills in their hearts.

"The son."

"Xiao Fan."

Long Geyue and Shijian both stared at the same time with beautiful eyes, their pretty faces tight, and on those two flower-like pretty faces, there was also a strong worry at this moment. The strength of this Fritta is completely Above the Hundred Wars World Emperor.

I am afraid that it is infinitely close to the powerhouse of the master class.

The four sub-domain master realm kings also looked solemn, and the higher their strength, the more they could sense the frightening and dangerous smell of Frita.

"How come?" Jing Yunhou widened his eyes and looked at Zhuo Bufan as a cannonball falling unbelievably.

"This guy is a pervert. It seems that this is the strongest genius of the Machine Race. Even if I face him, I am afraid that I am not sure of winning." Pengyu Realm Emperor frowned, "Very strong, his breath, His physical speed is simply incredible."

Hearing Pengyu Realm Sovereign say so, the hearts of several star owners, Golden Mouse, Meng Yu and others all twitched fiercely. Could it be that he was going to lose?

"Weak humans, Taiyi Universe should have been the domain of my mechanical race." Fretta was condescending, with a conceited arrogance in her cold expression, overlooking the billowing smoke and dust below, "Even a little mouse like you. Dare to provoke me Flitta, and there is only a dead end."


"I don't die that easily."

In the deep pit below, there was a long sneer sound suddenly heard, and the sound was full of breath, obviously not to the point of waiting for'to die'.

Long Geyue and Shi Jian squeezed their jade palms at the same time, and the heart that mentioned their throat finally fell back.

Fritta’s squinted eyes were filled with extremely sharp light, and the corners of her mouth raised a strange arc. He laughed and said, “It’s really a cockroach that can’t be killed, but it’s good, I rarely show my second place. Form, if it kills you with two punches, it doesn't make much sense."

In the billowing smoke and dust, a silhouette like a gun slowly rose, and finally flew to the sky, it was Zhuo Bufan.

"Flita, there is an idiom in my hometown-the arrogant soldier must be defeated." Zhuo Bufan wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and grinned: "I think this sentence should be very suitable for you."

"The arrogant soldier will be defeated?" Fretta stretched out a finger with a sharp blade like an eagle's beak, aimed at Zhuo Bufan's neck in the air, and lightly swiped it, full of provocative taste, "Then I will kill. You, prove that the sentence in your hometown is wrong."

Zhuo Bufan held a void in his palm, and he held a sharp and unmatched sword in his hand.

"Desolately Smoked Rain Sword!"


Countless sword beams tore the air, and those sword beams of the bearer's fierce wind engulfed Flitta over the sky, and the world became a field of swords on its own. The vigorous scene made countless practitioners show amazement. , Thousands of sword lights, each one is enough to destroy a mountain range.

The sword of misty rain, the sword thread is like rain, lingering, with a sorrowful smell permeating the world.

Wujiang is another diametrically opposite taste, it is a passionate spirit of fighting on the battlefield, nine deaths without regrets.

Zhuo Bufan sacrificed his strongest martial arts, and even after learning the Confucian classics, after his spiritual power increased, he could easily manipulate the two sets of sword moves together, and even he had some expectations for the power contained in it.

"What a strong sword move!"

"Is this the ultimate martial arts of the Shadow Killer?"

"The truth is too scary. It seems that the saint accepts him as a disciple for no reason."

For a time, many human practitioners were in an uproar again, and the sound of sucking in the air-conditioning continued to spread like a wave. Such a tyrannical sword move, I am afraid that even Pengyu Realm Emperor would not dare to face it.

"Jie Jie, these things, I am afraid that even my defenses cannot be broken. If your ability is only this, then, I'm sorry, you must die." Frita looked indifferent, stretched out his right arm, and surging power surged. Entering the arm, the arm doubled immediately.

The three sharp toes on the palm of the hand gradually converged, a black to dazzling light condensed in the palm of the hand, which contained the wave of annihilation.

"Darkness die out!"


An extremely dark beam suddenly burst out, and every inch of the space it passed by collapsed or even vanished, and those sharp sword marks were directly annihilated.

Seeing this scene, Zhuo Bufan's pupils suddenly shrank, and the blood demon dungeon immediately turned into armor to cover his whole body.

After the sword light was extinguished, a black beam of light bombarded Zhuo Bufan's chest. A hole appeared in the Gorefiend's chest in his chest, and his body shot backwards in the air.

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