Chapter 2501 Golden Tail

Zhuo Bufan stabilized his figure in the air and looked down at his chest. There was a hole in the armor of the Gorefiend, and there was a puff of scorching black smoke. Even the terrifying healing power of the Gorefiend could not be used for the time being. The scars are completely repaired.

"If I kill you all at once, it doesn't make much sense."

Frita opened her mouth, revealing her sharp and thin teeth, her expression was extremely ferocious, and she quietly looked at Zhuo Bufan.

Suddenly, Fritta raised his right arm, and the majestic and tyrannical essence was condensed in his palm. The purple luster continued to converge from the four sides, forming an oval energy bomb in his palm, which also contained annihilation. the power of.

This kind of annihilating power is very similar to the breath of extreme martial arts. The high technology of the machine race, I don't know what method is used, can create a power body with the same attributes.

The sky and the earth went dark for a short while, and suddenly purple oval energy clusters appeared in the sky around Flitta, densely packed, there were thousands of them, and each energy bomb had terrifying destructive power.

"The comet streamer kills!"

Frita opened her mouth and let out a low thunderous sound.

Swish swish swish swish...those oval-shaped purple energy bodies so dense bullets all over the air slashed through the sky, and then at an extremely astonishing speed, they besieged towards Zhuo Bufan.

Purple energy bullets enveloped Zhuo Bufan's body, constantly zooming in his black eyes.

The mechanical race cultivates the flesh and condenses the violent energy to be stored in the body. The attack method is savage and direct. Unlike other races, it is not necessary to perceive the truth of the world and understand various laws in order to display powerful martial arts and magic techniques.

With this alone, the mechanical race is qualified to stand at the top of the universe.

If it weren't for the extremely slow increase in the population of the mechanical race, I am afraid that the Taiyi universe has already fallen into the hands of the mechanical race.

There was an uproar in the sky, and many practitioners hurriedly pushed away. The power contained in the oval-shaped energy bomb has reached a rather horrible level.

"Since this is the case, it seems that I can't hide myself." Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth, the star wheel in the dantian turned and changed, the starry sky law appeared behind him, the surrounding space suddenly dimmed, and countless bright stars shone. At the same time, they are connected to each other into a line and combined into a mysterious pattern.

With the emergence of the Starry Sky Law, an incomparably profound and tyrannical aura also swept away, containing a sense of dominance that swallowed the sky and the earth.

The starry sky law forms a layer of arc-shaped splendid light mask, which envelops Zhuo Bufan.

Boom boom boom!

Countless purple energy bombs tore through the air and bombarded on the gorgeous light mask, bursting out bright energy flowers.

Facing the bombardment of the purple light bomb, the energy mask was solid, except that there were layers of ripples on the surface.

"Little guy, do you think it's safe to hide inside?" Fretta shook her head and said with a grin. Suddenly her body was like a remnant cloud blown away by the wind. The next moment she appeared in front of the mask, with a dark purple fist in her hand. The energy was pressed **** the star mask.

Zhuo Bufan's pupils shrank slightly, and Frita's face full of horror and grin appeared in his sight, and when his palm was pressed, the star mask actually sank, and there was a faint sign that it was about to burst.

"Take it to death, little mouse."

Frita opened her mouth and roared, the energy in her body rushed into her palms, and there were visible cracks on the star mask, which directly exploded into countless energy fragments, eroding in the air like snowflakes.

Suddenly, Fretta caught the arc of Zhuo Bufan's left lip that was slightly upturned, and that arc actually made him feel a strong sense of uneasiness.

Whoops Whoops Whoops Whoops Whoops!

In the void, bursts of blood suddenly burst out, suddenly coming from all directions in the space, leaving strange traces of blood in the air.

"What is this?" Fretta's expression changed slightly.

Eighty-one Shura blood thorns have been hidden in the armor of the blood demon. This time, when Frieta was brought to the side, the other party had no time to react; the blood thorns were entangled like silk cocoons, and the **** traces were like silk. Wrapped Frita's whole person in it.

The blood-red cocoons are still spinning, becoming denser and denser.

Shura secret technique, whispering world.

"Who is the little mouse now?" Zhuo Bufan ridiculed, the blood evil aura contained in the 80 blood peaks, not to mention that after being refined into a'life and death level' magic weapon, that might be among the ranks of the life and death magic weapon. Can also be ranked at the top level.

The coercion of the law of life and death envelops Flita. Even though Flita is a metal body, it will also be affected by a strong evil spirit after having a ‘sanity’.

The situation took a turn for the worse, and the practitioners of the machine race and the human race looked at this scene, either surprised, excited, or perturbed...

"Just now, Shadow Killing Hou deliberately showed that the enemy was weak and led Flitta to approach him rashly, and he had already prepared his trump card." Pengyu Realm Sovereign said softly: "Not only is the strength strong, but the scheming mind is so calm, there will be something in the future. achievement."

Pengyu Realm Sovereign and Zhuo Bufan are a bit of a "festival", and being able to comment on Zhuo Bufan in this way shows that Zhuo Bufan's performance has completely admired him.

The remaining four sub-domain masters, although they are quite'criminal' to Zhuo Bufan because of the Lei family's affairs, but Zhuo Bufan's strength at this moment has shocked them. If they are replaced by them, I am afraid they will be done in one round. Died in Frita's hands.

"Asshole, you want to stop me with this magic weapon?"

Suddenly, Flitta’s cold and violent roar sounded inside the blood-red silkworm cocoon, and then a golden light suddenly penetrated the ‘cocoon’.

"Huh?" Zhuo Bufan's pupils suddenly shrank.

The golden light is exactly the golden tail behind Frita, which can actually penetrate the shackles of the world of whispering. The two are close to each other. In addition to this sudden attack, Zhuo Bufan has no time to defend, and the tip is a cone-shaped gold. The tail pierced the silkworm cocoon, then plunged into Zhuo Bufan's abdomen, and the blood immediately gushed out.

Zhuo Bufan flew out directly and fell heavily to the ground.

As Zhuo Bufan’s true essence evacuated, the cocoon that wrapped Flita gradually disappeared, and Flita’s whole body was not scarred in the sky, like the strongest man in the universe, staring at Zhuo with cold eyes full of hatred. Uncommon, Barring his teeth said with a smile: "Little mouse, you can force me to use my tail to attack. You are already amazing, now you should be dead."

Zhuo Bufan himself was wearing the armor of the blood demon, and his body had been condensed to the ninth level of the Shura body. It was extremely hard. The opponent's golden tail actually pierced the armor and his abdomen one after another. Although it did not hurt the internal organs, the blood was overflowing from the lower abdomen. It was already like him. He has suffered the most serious injuries in many years.

"Really a tricky guy." Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth.


Frita disappeared in place, with a distorted and perverted grin on his face, he appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan again. He was tired of this ‘sticky’ state and was about to completely kill this celebrity powerhouse.

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