Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2808: The coveted chapter

Chapter 2809 the coveted heart is clearly revealed

"Zhuo Bufan, you really think that we dare not make a move, so that we dare to cause trouble again in my Jinpeng clan." The fourth elder's eyes were as cold as Xuanbing, and Yu Guang glanced at the broken arm of the Jinfan Realm Emperor. Force fluctuations surged out.

Zhuo Bufan looked at him indifferently, and smiled contemptuously: "You Jinpeng clan really regard me as a fool? The Jinfan Realm emperor led me into the trial cave, and opened the cave killing formation. If there is no instruction from you, the four elders, he shouldn't How to activate the cave mansion killing array, right?"

The four elders and the other three elders changed their expressions slightly. Although they did not directly participate in this matter, the four elders gave the Jinfan Realm Emperor the lore formation order by giving acquiescence to this matter.

It's just that the results now make the four elders look ashen, as if they are in their throats, but they can't say anything to refute them.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan’s strength was too strong. He defeated Jin Yan with one move. Jin Yan was a strong man who stepped into the realm of the realm with one foot. Zhuo Bufan is just the pinnacle of the realm of the realm king. There is a difference of two realms between the two. , But was abruptly wiped out the gap by the latter.

In fact, the tenth barren seal was extraordinary and unattractive. It was ready to be used as a killer's mace. I didn't expect to meet the Jinyan master just after coming out of the cave. This barren seal is a one-time use item, and it can naturally explode with powerful power.

In doing so, Zhuo Bufan also had his own plan. There was only one move to defeat the Lord of the Jinyan Realm, so as to make the Jinpeng Patriarch feel the pressure and also allow the Jinpeng Clan to curb some of their secretly small actions.

"For the sake of the Jinfan Realm Emperor's gift to me the profound spirit pill for life, I will not kill him, but if he breaks one of his arms, even as punishment." Zhuo Bufan's voice was cold, and his eyes fell on the face of the Jinyan Realm Lord. , Smiled slightly: "Jinyan Lord, I will laugh at your space ring, and there is one more sentence for you. Sometimes, don't overestimate your own strength and be the best bird, otherwise the consequences will be uncomfortable. ."

The pale-faced Jinyan Realm Master heard Zhuo Bufan's words, angrily attacked his heart, his face flushed, opened his mouth again, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

After Zhuo Bufan said these words, he waved his palm, and a force of strength was wrapped around Yinya and Yinyue curled up on the stone platform. Then, his figure swept away and flew towards his mansion in the Jinpeng clan.

The four elders stood on the spot, their faces slightly beating. This time the Jinpeng clan was self-defeating, and the Jinpeng clan not only had the children of the Jinpeng clan, but also some spies arranged by other groups. Obviously, this matter could not be completely sealed off, I believe Soon, the news will reach the other seven clans.

"Trash!" The four elders turned their heads and stared at the Realm Emperor Jin Fan, hating iron for not being a steel road.

Jin Fanjie emperor knelt down with a thud, smashed two pit marks on the stone platform with his knees, and said: "Four elders, I'm sorry, this matter is my fault, I am willing to accept any punishment."

"It's useless to say it now. Let's go to see the patriarch and report to him." The elder frowned and said in a deep thought.

Immediately, the figures of the four elders disappeared and teleported away directly.

In the valley, countless figures also flew away through the air one after another, this matter will also spread to the Jinpeng clan at a very fast speed.

"The King of Shadow Killer, I will remember this account first. One day, I will be ashamed." Jin Yan gritted his teeth, his eyes resentful like a snake, watching the direction of Zhuo Bufan's disappearance.

Within the Jinpeng clan.

"What are you talking about, the trial cave house left by my ancestors of the Jinpeng clan was destroyed? The profound spirit pills in it were all obtained by Zhuo Bufan?" Chief Jinpeng was furious when he heard the report from the four elders and placed him on the armrest of the throne. The palm of the upper hand was slightly hardened, and the solid stone armrest instantly cracked and turned into dust and fell.

"Moreover, even Jin Yan was defeated by one of his moves. The power used by that kid is very strange, containing powerful barren power." The elder frowned.

"Why is this guy staying in my Jinpeng clan? It's deceiving too much... Not only did he kill Jinpeng Langjun and the Golden Wing Realm Emperor, but he also stole my pill for trial in the cave." The third elder gritted his teeth.

"Although the patriarch, Saint Xia Ling and Lord Zulong want to protect him, our Jinpeng clan is not a soft persimmon that anyone can knead. Let us take action and directly obliterate him." The second elder's eyes flashed with cold light and said in a cold voice.

"Patriarch, this matter is all my fault. The lore formation order should not be handed over to the Jinfan Realm Emperor, otherwise it will not cause such a big trouble." The fourth elder bowed his head and said with guilt.

Patriarch Jinpeng heard what the four of them said, and only felt upset, and waved his hand and said, "Okay, now that it has happened, there is no way you can turn your head. All four of you should go back first and tell people not to provoke the kid."

The four elders looked at each other, not knowing why the most hot-tempered patriarch tolerated Zhuo Bufan so much, the four saluted and retired, and ran out of the clan hall.

"The King of Shadow Killer relied on the protection of Saint Xia Ling and Lord Zulong, so he dared to be unscrupulous in my Jinpeng Clan. I don’t know why the patriarch had to be afraid, so he directly beheaded him. People are already dead, Saint Xia Ling and Lord Zulong. I definitely won't go to war for a dead person and my Jinpeng clan." The third elder with the hottest personality among the four said in a cold voice.

"I look at the back of the kid should not be as simple as we thought." The elder shook his head and sighed.

In the family hall.

Patriarch Jinpeng stood up from the throne, looked at the figure of the four elders leaving, sighed deeply, and muttered to himself: "If only the Xia Ling saint and the ancestor dragon old man, how could this seat be so indulgent? , The key is Jiang Chen behind him...A single knife at a distance of ten light-years can damage the ancestor's quasi-sacred artifact. Once that man is angered, the entire Jinpeng clan may be destroyed."

In front of the clan hall, the space was distorted, and a mirror image appeared, a figure sitting on the spire of the tower overflowing with light, it was the saint ancestor of the Jinpeng clan.

"Old ancestor." Jin Peng patriarch said with great respect.

The figure sitting cross-legged slowly opened his eyes, and sighed as if there was nothing, and said: "I already know what happened. I need to retreat and repair the pagoda. You are now the patriarch of the Jinpeng clan. You should handle the affairs of the clan. "

"Ancestor, I'm just wondering why Zhuo Bufan refuses to leave the Jinpeng clan, and Jiang Chen is supporting him, I dare not force him out at all." Jinpeng Patriarch's tone was somewhat aggrieved.

The ancestor of Jinpeng said: "This kid is a hard bone. If it weren't the enemy of my Jinpeng clan, I would admire him a lot. If he stays in Jinpeng clan, he should be coveting my Jinpeng clan's treasure."

"What?" Patriarch Jinpeng stared.

"How dare this kid covet my Jinpeng clan's treasure?" The Jinpeng chief had a furious expression, and his expression was cold. Let's see what this guy wants to do."

The mirror image is folded left and right, and finally becomes a vertical line, disappearing.

Jinpeng Clan Chief Xu squinted his eyes, his eyes flashed with cold light, and he swept away and left the clan hall.

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