Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2809: Three Wishes of the Silver Fox Clan's Secret

Chapter 2810 Three Wishes Of The Silver Fox Clan's Secret

Jinpeng clan, a small courtyard in a mountain peak.

"Yinyue, kowtow to the adult quickly, thank you for your life-saving grace." Yinya touched the little boy's head and said repeatedly.

Zhuo Bufan sat upright in the courtyard. He saw the two of them saying they were about to kneel down for himself. He had received the influence of the correct values ​​of modern society. Zhuo Bufan was not used to this kind of kneeling and saluting at every turn.

The two were bending their knees to kneel down, and suddenly only felt a light breeze supporting them, making them stand up.

"No need to salute, I'm not used to letting people kneel down." Zhuo Bufan said.

Yinya and Yinyue were very grateful to the adult in front of them. If Zhuo Bufan hadn’t saved them, they would definitely have died at the hands of the silver mythical creature, and after Zhuo Bufan’s battle with Jinyan, they would be able to take them away. The two were moved.

"Who are you guys anyway?"

While Zhuo Bufan asked, he also looked at the two of them. Yinya is an old man with a good foundation. He should have been a strong man before. As for the little boy who looks like a porcelain doll, he has blue eyes and faint pupils. The silver rune condensed, obviously belonging to the blood of a special group.

"Master Hui, we are members of the Silver Fox tribe. We have always lived in the territory of the Barbarian Monster tribe. However, we were attacked by the Silver Wolf tribe and the tribe members suffered heavy casualties. Together with the Silver Fox tribe's chief, we also lost their lives in that tragic battle."

"I was responsible for leading a team to **** the queen and the little prince. After a **** battle, I finally broke through the encirclement. Finally, I brought the queen and the little prince to here and took refuge in the Jinpeng clan.

While listening, Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly, his gaze fell on the little boy. The little boy was about ten years old. His face was immature. He should be the little prince that Yinya said, "How did you become like this?"

"Although we succeeded in breaking through the encirclement, the queen was already badly injured, and I was also badly injured. Later, my subordinate silver mythical creature rebelled and killed the queen and took control of the remaining silver fox tribe. It is also an adult. See you in the mine. Scene."

Yinya said, her eyes glowing with blood red, and she obviously hated the betrayal silver mythical creature.

The little boy hung his head, squeezed his fists tightly with his palms, and his eyes were red, trying to keep himself from crying.

This kind of encounter is worthy of sympathy!

"I can help you, but everything in this world needs equal exchange." Although Zhuo Bufan sympathizes, he is not the kind of sympathetic person after all, and after hundreds of years of practice, his mood is as firm as a rock.

"Exchange?" Yinya looked confused, he and the little prince didn't have any treasures worthy of fascinating this big man.

Zhuo Bufan pointed to the little boy's neck, wearing a chain and a silver pendant in the shape of a beast tooth, "Give me this thing, I can satisfy your three wishes."

"Is the silver fox tooth pendant? This is a treasure passed down by the successive kings of our silver fox clan." Yin Ya hesitated slightly.

The little boy gritted his teeth, his little hand grasped the pendant in front of his neck, pulled it forcefully, then pulled it off, then opened his palm and passed it to Zhuo Bufan.

There was also a wry smile at the corner of Yinya's mouth. The Silver Fox tribe was already destroyed. What's the use of keeping things? Besides, this big man could kill them and take the treasure, but now he promised to meet their three wishes and exchange pendants. Generous enough.

The silver pendant exudes bright silver light, flying up in the air, and falling on Zhuo Bufan's palm.

A peculiar fluctuation spread from it, causing Dezhuo Bufan to quietly pass a trace of joy in the depths of his eyes.

"Three wishes, let's talk about it." Zhuo Bufan withdrew his thoughts from the pendant, with his hands on his back, looking at Yinya and Yinyue, and asked.

Yinyue raised her head, her immature face with a tough look, she said: "I want to avenge my mother's queen, and let the silver mythical creature pay the debt."

"This is the first wish. I can help you realize it. Don't rush to say the remaining two wishes. Think carefully. Opportunities don't always fall on you." Zhuo Bufan nodded and said.

Yinyue opened her mouth and didn't make a sound, obviously after hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, she abruptly held back the following words.

Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly, and the space suddenly squirmed, a dagger with a foot-long blood-red dagger lingering in the eerie blood.

Yinya opened his pupils wide, and from this blood thorn, even a warrior like him who had been tempered on the battlefield could feel a terrifying smell of blood.

"Take revenge to yourself, bring this Shura blood thorn, and come back to me after killing the silver mythical creature." Zhuo Bufan's hand condensed a mark, like a butterfly, and flew to the little boy's arm and white arm. Immediately there was a blood mark.

The Shura blood spur returned to the dark space again, but he would always protect him by his side.

Yinya and Yinyue left, and they rushed towards the mining area where the Silver Fox tribe was located.

"Foster father, can we really kill Yinya and avenge my mother?" Yinyue left the small courtyard, her tense nerves finally relaxed, looking at Yinya, and asked a little nervously.

"We have witnessed the strength of that big man. Believe him, he will change our destiny." Yinya's eyes were full of doting, rubbing the little boy's hair, and said: "You personally avenge the prince, Silver Fox People of the clan will regard you as king."

"Yeah." Yinyue bit her small steel teeth hard, her eyes gradually firm.

A stone-built palace was built in the mining area where the Silver Fox tribe is located.

Although the silver fox tribe needs to work hard every day to dig ore, at least they can survive here, and this stone palace is now the bedroom of the silver fox patriarch, silver mythical creature.

In the past few days, the silver mythical creatures are very uneasy. Yinyue awakens the pupil of the silver moon. This is the legend of the silver fox tribe. Once anyone awakens the pupil of the silver moon, it means that he will become the king of the silver fox tribe.

What's more important is that Yinya and Yinyue were taken away by a big man. If that big man wants to avenge the two, he has only one dead end.

After a few days of panic, Yin Yu finally found that the two hadn't come back, and the big man didn't come to trouble him, and the anxiety in his heart gradually calmed down.

"Damn it made me worry for several days. As long as the two of them dare to come back, I will kill them first." Yin Chong cursed.

Next to them, two beautiful girls from the Silver Fox tribe knelt on the ground, and they were beating his legs with their little hands. Hearing the cursing of the silver mythical creature, the two girls trembled slightly and their faces were pale.

The silver mythical creature's strength is now the strongest among the silver fox clan. Although the silver fox clan complains, no one dares to provoke his majesty.

"Sir Yinyi, Yinya and Xiaowang... that **** is back." Suddenly, a guard ran outside and knelt on the ground and said.

When the silver mythical creature heard this, he kicked a girl from the silver fox clan next to her. The girl's face was full of blood, and her whole body was trembling with pain. He suddenly rose to his feet and said with a look of uncertainty on his face: "Are you sure not You're wrong, only the two of them came back, didn't you follow other people behind, right?"

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