Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2822: The Warcraft Legion regards death as home

Chapter 2823 the Warcraft Legion regards death as home



Suddenly, in this area, there was a loud roar again, and the children of the Dragon Clan and the children sent by the other eight ancient tribes were instantly energetic, offering magic weapons one after another, running their vitality, staring vigilantly. A dark cloud gathered in front of it like a monster.

These monsters seem to be wise, and have always wanted to break through the defensive line they formed and attack the dragon altar behind them.

In the past six months, dozens of fierce battles have erupted almost every month, and each time they have been firmly guarded by the dragons, but as more and more monsters gather, this kind of resistance has become more and more difficult. Others The eight altars also fell into this difficult situation.

Every cultivator holds the weapon in his hand, or the giant axe, or the flying sword, or the pagoda, or the spear and scythe, with red bloodshot eyes, staring at the monsters ahead, their brothers, sisters, and relatives. Perhaps all my friends were killed in the claws of these beasts, and they hated all of them very much.

"It's still the old tactics. Brother Qifeng and Brother Bai Yao take the lead, and we will assist from the left and right." Qing Huan also called out two flying swords. The two flying swords were pierced with green and water-like patterns. They are also two life and death magic weapons. Fei Jian, "As long as we hold on for a few more days, Lord Zulong will definitely destroy the ancient demons."

Qifeng King, Bai Demon King, Thunder King, Ji Caicai and others also nodded vigorously.

This ninth altar is the most important, because there are ancestral dragon blood in this altar, and the blood condensing formation left by a generation of ancestor dragons seals the devil energy of this planet. Once the altar is broken open, the suppressed devil energy is released Coming out will loosen the seal of the ancient demon again, and make the demon beast even more violent.

In addition to the Dragon tribe, Song Hua from the Bat Python tribe and Yan Jing Yan Yu from the Drought Man tribe are also on this line of defense.

"Sister, wait for us to stay together, and we can't let these monsters enter the dragon altar." Yan Yu looked at Yan Jing with a firm expression.

Yan Jing said lightly: "Well, pay attention to safety. These monsters are attacking more and more violently. Be careful."

"It would be great if the little **** was here. With him, we have one more powerful combat power. These monsters don't run away obediently." Yan Yu said suddenly.

"He will definitely come, he will come." Yan Jing murmured with a smile upon hearing the words.

And at this time, the roar of the beasts became more frequent, the sound was ear-splitting, and then like an army of iron hoofs, four-hoofed beasts collapsed on the ground, the earth trembled, swept countless dust and smoke, and flying beasts neighed in the sky. The shock made the air rippling with layers of waves.

The entire front was stretched for about tens of thousands of miles. There were monsters on the ground and sky, all roaring and roaring. These monsters eroded by demonic energy only had killing in their eyes. They were not afraid of death. They spit out energy spheres, or wind blades, fireballs, etc. The law of frost is overwhelming.

There are hundreds of thousands of beasts, and there are only tens of thousands of practitioners, but the practitioners all have methods, all magic weapons, and countless brilliant magic weapons are shining brightly. The powerful spells and martial arts are killing these monsters without money. .

Screams and angry roars resounded throughout the world.

Hundreds of beasts in the front were bombarded by magic spells and some top martial arts, and they were directly turned into mud, but the beasts at the back were not afraid at all, but attacked at a faster speed.

Qifeng Wang and the others were holding a long spear in their hands, and the powerful vitality on their bodies burst out wildly. The body had turned into a beam of light and rushed into the group of monsters. The tip of the spear pierced the air, tearing the space, and piercing through the four. The throat and eyes of the monster head, one in and one out, can be retracted freely, without wasting a trace of excess power, the tip of the spear is drawn out, bringing up a continuous flow of blood.

This kind of battle tests endurance, and it explodes too quickly, but it will consume too much energy.

"Be careful!"

Qing Huan let out a soft cry.

Just when Qifeng King turned over three monsters in succession, on the left and right, two were about the size of a humanoid, with two hind limbs gripping the ground, and two forelimbs assaulted like a monster with a mantis blade. This kind of monster is called'Blood Wind Mantis'. , Not strong, but good at sneak attacks, naturally close to the law of the wind, fast as lightning, people are invincible.

Qifeng Wang Gang pierced through the head of a crustacean monster. Hearing Qing Huan's exclaim, it was too late to draw out the tip of the gun.

Suddenly, two streams of light flashed past, and the two'Blood Wind Mantises' split into two from the middle, blood was flowing out, and the forelimbs still inertia patted Qifeng Wang Yuanli's shield with sharp claws, but the strength was obviously not enough, directly Shattered by the Yuanli shield.

Qifeng King suddenly turned his wrist, and the force of rotation accumulated the gun barrel, shook the carapace monster deliberately stuck with the gun head into countless pieces of flesh and blood, looked back at Qinghuan, and smiled slightly.

After half a year of fighting side by side, everyone was extremely skilled in cooperation, and King Qifeng and King Bai Yao dared to hand over their backs to Ji Caicai and Qing Huan.

This kind of fierce battle did not rush to think too much. Everyone relied on their own reactions and cooperated with each other to deal with Warcraft together.

"His mother, the strength of these monsters has improved a lot." The Demon King Bai held a green shovel in his hand and chopped a monster's head along the way, smashing the latter's head to pieces, and scattered his brains.

Ji Caicai has mastered the magic weapon for more than ten months, and he controls so many magic weapons at the same time. Although the power is insufficient, the victory is enough to limit the attacks of the beasts and let the Demon King have no worries.

Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, a dull voice sounded near Qifeng King and Bai Yaowang and the others, everyone raised their heads slightly, only to see a huge humanoid beast stepping onto it.

The faces of all four changed.

This humanoid monster is one of the leaders of this group of monsters. It is the pinnacle of the realm emperor realm. It is extremely powerful in both physical strength and strength.

The dragons and the realm masters of the eight ancient tribes all went to the ancient magic seal forbidden area to help the ancestor dragon seal the ancient demons. Although the remaining strong also had realm kings strong, they obviously could not deal with this same realm peak. The World of Warcraft can only be held back.

After half a year of fighting for this humanoid monster, it was discovered that the four members of Qing Huan cooperated closely and caused the most damage to the monster. This time it actually went directly to them.


The humanoid monster suddenly fell from the sky with a fist. The speed was extremely fast. A concave arc of air flow formed on the surface of the fist. The sharply compressed air pressure caused the ground to burst instantly. Several cultivators and monsters with a little strength were directly shattered.

"Oops, Bo Yao resists together!" Qifeng Wang suddenly changed his face when he saw this, and roared.

The two handed out a long spear and a green shovel. At the same time, they gathered their strength on the weapon, turning the weapon into a hundred meters in size, and violently collided with the fist that fell like a meteorite, and the wave of punches spread in a ring shape. In an instant, countless beasts and practitioners flew up, and dozens of miles around became empty.


Both Demon King Bai and King Qifeng flew out at the same time, their faces pale as paper, their mouths opened, and a mouthful of blood spattered.

Two weapons and magic weapons were also blasted off and plunged into the ground.

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