Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2823: Qianzhang Dikui Mo

Chapter 2824 Qianzhangkui Demon Flag Peak King Breakthrough

"Brother Qifeng!"

"Brother Bo Yao!"

The two girls, Qing Huan and Ji Caicai, were shocked. The fist fell just now and the Yuanli shields on their bodies were shattered. They were also thrown upside down by the violent wind for dozens of miles. They saw Qifeng King and Bai Yao King injured. , The two women's pretty faces changed color, and they flew to Qifeng King and Bai Yao King's side.

Qifeng King and Bai Demon King stood up, wiped off the blood that overflowed from the corners of their mouths, and even mobilized the power to repair the wounds of the internal organs. Both shook their heads, and then looked solemn, looking at the giant humanoid monster in front, with very ugly expressions.

Many practitioners in the vicinity have also seen this scene, and they all watched it with divine consciousness, and they were very nervous and worried.

Practitioners have strong spiritual minds, and if you separate a ray of spiritual mind to watch the battle here, it will not affect your own battle.

"This guy's strength has become a lot more powerful, his mother." The demon king Bai's palms burst into suction, and he sucked the green shovel and spear inserted into the ground, and held it in his hand again.

King Qifeng also stretched out his palm and held the sucked spear in his hand again, his slender fingers clasped the barrel of the gun tightly, his eyes burst out with two beams of light, and said: "This humanoid monster is very special. It just entered the world half a year ago. Only in the early stage of the Emperor Realm, I see it devours the corpses of other beasts every time it fights. I can't imagine that its strength has improved so quickly, and its size has also become larger. This guy is difficult to entangle!"

"What to do? If we don't solve this guy, our defense line may be broken." Ji Caicai gritted her silver teeth nervously, worried.

On the other side, Song Hua and Yan Jing Yan Yu both discovered this humanoid monster-Kui Mo.

The three of them shook and besieged the monsters around them, and quickly swept towards King Qifeng and others.

"King Qifeng, do you want to ask for help from the brothers of the other eight altars, they also have a few powerful men at the peak of the Realm Emperor Realm." Song Hua frowned and asked.

Qifeng Wang shook his head and said: "The current situation of the other eight altars is not optimistic. Here, let us give it to us. We can't increase the pressure on them. Moreover, our dragon clan is not so easy to be defeated."

After all, King Qifeng flew directly into the air, the vitality in his body surged crazily, his body bloomed with green diamonds, cyan dragon scales emerged from his skin, his feet and hands, waist and abdomen, including his neck and cheeks were all cyan. Wrapped in dragon scales, the breath in the body rose rapidly.

"Boundary Emperor Realm?" Song Hua was slightly surprised, "I didn't expect King Qifeng to break through?"

In the past six months, there have been dozens of life-and-death battles every month, and the strength of painstaking cultivation will also increase, but it is far from this kind of life-and-death battle. In the battle of life and death, practitioners are also the easiest to break through the shackles of cultivation. After half a year of hard work, Qifeng King also successfully broke through the realm of the emperor yesterday.

"Even though Brother Qifeng broke through, it was just a breakthrough after all, and the realm has not yet been stabilized. This Kui Mo is already the strength of the Realm Sovereign Realm at its peak stage." Bai Yaowang said, his eyes were also very worried.

"I am attacking head-on, and you are here to assist me!"

King Qifeng held the long spear in his hand, and the blue light bloomed on the long spear, and a true dragon with cyan vitality gathered on the barrel of the spear, faintly uttering the sound of dragon chanting.

"Brother Qifeng, be careful." Qing Huan and Ji Caicai also reminded.

Qifeng King’s eyes burst into battle, staring at the Kui Mo in front of him, and the spear in his hand shook violently, tearing the space apart, and the rich vitality gathered on the spear, accumulating strength, and a blue dragon turned into a blue dragon from the tip of the spear. It burst out, and the dragon chant resounded throughout the world. The dragon race was originally the bloodline of the peak group of the universe, and those beasts were slightly taken aback when they heard the dragon chant.

Although these monsters have been eroded by demonic energy and have no sense of intelligence, there is still an instinctive fear of dragons in their bloodlines, and they all show a trace of fear.


Qifeng Wang opened his mouth, and a thunderous roar sounded from his throat.


The blue dragon gushing from the tip of the spear quickly swept towards the quiver like a stream of light. It was fast and rushed to the thunder. However, this kind of dragon sound was also much less deterrent for high-level beasts like quimo. The blue dragon flying by, Kui Mo blasted out again with a punch, hitting the Yuanli blue dragon heavily.

The shock made Yuanli Qinglong's body trembled, and even the light on his body dimmed a bit.


Kui Mo roared, and unexpectedly stretched out two palms and claws at the same time, with sharp thorns on the fingertips, lingering scarlet devil energy, pinched the void, unexpectedly grabbed this Yuanli Azure Dragon head and tail, and then forcefully moved to both sides. One tore it tore it abruptly, turning it into an elemental force to break the world.

"Naughty animal!" Qifeng King yelled, his feet smashed into the void, his body was like a comet, bursting towards the Quimon, and the spear in his hand was handed out, or violently stabbed, smashed, swept, a series of majestic Long Yuanning The final move blasted towards Quimo's body.

Quimo has a large body, a large target, and naturally poor agility, and once he dodges, these attacks will fall on other monsters on the ground, so it can only resist.

But Quimo was not only large, but also covered with soft armor like snake scales. These fierce and unstoppable attacks left only a few white marks on its body, and even his defenses could not be cracked.

"Blue Dragon Ascendance Spear Technique!"

Qifeng Wang's blood was tumbling, and his Yuanli was surging like a surging sea.

The marksmanship dances and is airtight, and the laws of the world are drawn in it. After reaching the realm of the emperor, they condense the wheel mark of the universe, and the use of moves can also arouse the power of the laws of the world. This is also the realm of the realm king and the emperor. The biggest gap between the realm, even the strength of the pinnacle of the realm king and the power of the early realm of the emperor, there is a huge difference.

Because the realm emperor has already condensed the'universe wheel', the body can sense the laws of heaven and earth, and can exert great power with every move, except of course, except for the perverted evildoers like Zhuo Bufan, no matter how powerful the Yuanli is, Or the physical strength is far more than the average realm emperor.

The overwhelming gun marks swayed and blasted on Quimo's body. Although it did not cause much damage, it also prevented the latter from advancing.

And those dancing gun marks haven't disappeared yet, instead they remain in the air.

"Qinglong Demon Spear!"

Qifeng King was exposed again, the dragon scales on his arm wriggled with the muscles, and the original force was poured into the gun barrel. The tip of the gun was pointed at the left eye of Quimo, and the gun marks in the remaining space instantly condensed into a cyan light. , Detonated fiercely.

Upon seeing this, Kui Mo wanted to raise his hand to resist. Although it was a monster, although his physical body was very strong, his eyes, ears, and throat were all weaknesses. Moreover, King Qifeng had already been promoted to Realm Sovereign Realm, and this attack was not to be underestimated.

But when Kui Mo wanted to raise his hand, he found that several Yuan Li Ping practiced like ropes bound his palms. These Yuan Li Ping practiced were Qing Huan, Ji Cai Cai, Song Hua, Yan Jing Yan Yu and others taking advantage of it. When Kui Mo and Qifeng Wang played against each other, they were arranged in advance.


With a roar, the scarlet devil qi in both the palms of Kui Mo was surging, which shook off Yuan Li Pi Lian, and caused Qing Huan and the others to fly upside down, their faces pale and blood spilled from their mouths, but it was obviously a little late, waiting for it to lift its palms. At that time, a burst of bright blue light from the tip of the gun hit his left eye.

Although Kui Mo closed his eyelids in time, and there were soft scales on his eyelids, it was not as strong as the soft scales in other places, and his eyes were weak and very fragile. For a time, the gun marks of Qingyuan shot into his left eye, and blood was like a fountain violent. Gush.

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