Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2863: The first person to gather herbs in the mountains

Chapter 2864 Qin Zheng, a Herb Gatherer in the Mountains

After only telling a few friends, Zhuo Bufan left the Taoist Academy quietly. The mystery of cultivation can be felt not only by enlightening the laws of the sky, but also from the universe. After viewing the archives in the Dianzang Pavilion for ten years, Zhuo Bufan has a firmer confidence.

"Forty years in Xingkong Taoyuan, only four years have passed outside. If you can stay in Xingkong Taoyuan to practice, you can outperform many people outside in terms of time alone." Zhuo Bufan sighed.

Because the Daoyuan belongs to an independent universe in the "Daoyuan Secret Realm" and cannot communicate, Zhuo Bufan immediately sent a message to Long Geyue, his parents, and Ye Zi when he left the Daoyuan, about his current situation, and of course he was going to return home. , But didn't tell them.


Riding on the Blood Python, the cosmic ship that had accompanied him for many years turned into a blood line in the vast starry sky, drifting away, and quickly flew towards the place where Zhuo Bufan was born.


On an ordinary planet.

The continuous mountain range is like a giant beast crawling, the strange peaks in the mountain range are steep and the trees towering into the sky.

At the foot of one of the mountains, only a few dozen households live here. At this moment, it is at noon that white smoke is slowly rising from the roofs of each house and spreading open.

"Old lame man, this is about to eat lunch, and you want to go to the mountain to collect medicine?"

"Hey, the old lame has no daughter-in-law. Whoever cooks for him can just eat two wowotou and pad his stomach."

"Old lame man, don't go too deep. I heard that there are monsters in our'Bamboo Forest Mountain' recently. Be careful to catch you and eat, haha."

There are less than a hundred people living in this unnamed small mountain village. The ancestors have lived here for generations, and they are very familiar with each other. Some people ridiculed when they saw an old man with a rickety figure and a ragged body carrying a basket on his back.

The old lame is a well-known bachelor in the village. When he was young, he didn't ask for a wife. When he was old, he was lonely. He usually seldom speaks. He often goes to the mountains to collect medicines and sell them in the town in exchange for a few money.

Hearing these people's words, the old lame man just laughed and didn't say anything, limp and walked towards the mountain.

In the mountains, there is a forest of lush bamboos, the bamboo leaves are lush after the rain, and the air is full of the fragrance of soil and bamboo leaves.

In this dense bamboo forest, one can only see the old **** walking towards the depths alone, leaving a series of footprints of different shades on the moist mud ground behind him after the rain.


Every time he walked, the old lame would stop, and then his rickety waist would bend a little further, coughing deeply.

"I don't know how long this body can last?" The old lame man murmured to himself, and stepped forward again.

He just walked like this. He walked, walked, and walked straight for a few hours, the sky has gradually dimmed, and some stars can be seen faintly emerging from the sky in the distance.

"Well, that's it. I found a'Wick Vine' here a year ago. It was not fully mature at that time, and it should be ready to be picked now." Finally, when he reached a cave, the old lame stopped his footsteps and looked away. Looking at the dark cave, muttering to himself.



There was a low muffled hum from the cave.

In the dark cave, there are two red rays of red light shining suddenly, like two red lanterns. Accompanied by the sound of footsteps, a four-hoofed wild beast slowly walked out, and the wild beast has black and yellow mottles on its body. With dry hair, the eyes of the two beasts are as red as blood, and there are sharp claws on all four hooves.

A brutal beast, it should be a brutal beast that is not weak in strength.

It also spotted the old lame man standing outside the cave, his nostrils suffocating and groaning two white breaths, the beast pupils with bloodthirsty rays, suddenly all four hoofs grabbed the ground and jumped forward, the moist soil under the hoofs After it fluttered, its speed was very fast, like a flash of lightning, two forelimb meat hoofs quickly ejected ten slender claws, glowing with a little bit of cold light.

Ten sharp claws seemed to tear the old lame into pieces.

The old lame man stood on the spot, as if he realized it later. He raised his head when the opponent flew over, but his slightly muddy eyes were extremely calm.


The wild beast, which was less than half a foot away from the old lame, suddenly split from the middle of the forehead, and the whole body was divided into two, because of the inertia, both corpses flew to a place ten meters behind the old lame, and fell heavily to the ground with blood and water. The dirt, but a closer look, there was no blood on the old cripple.


The old lame man seemed to turn a blind eye to all this, and he coughed again, covering his mouth and bowing.

After a while, he seemed to recover.

Then, continue to walk into the cave.

The night enveloped the mountains, and countless stars appeared densely and shiningly. Suddenly, a space fluctuated violently. A spaceship suddenly appeared from that space fluctuation. A white figure flew out of the spaceship, and then the spaceship was put into its own space ring. .

This white figure is a woman with extremely beautiful appearance. The perfect figure is difficult to conceal even in a long skirt. The skin is like snow, and the exquisite facial features give people a very amazing feeling. She has long ice blue hair hidden in it. With two pointed ears.


The woman turned into a streamer and swept towards the mountains below.

Falling in front of a cave, she looked at the savage beast that was lying not far away and its body was divided into two halves, and then looked into the cave.

In the cave, a figure slowly came out, limped under his feet and walked outside, crouching like a dead old man in his line.

"The son." When the woman saw this person, a pair of icy blue eyes instantly filled with mist.

"Why are you here?" The old lame man looked at her, frowning slightly, "Didn't I let you leave the Star Alliance and find a place where no one knows to live incognito?"

The woman shook her head vigorously, "My son, I have been looking for you for four years. If you hadn't left your soul imprinted on my magic weapon, I might not have been able to find you."

"You should know who I am? Why are you still looking for me? If someone from the Star Alliance finds out, you will only have a dead end." The old lame frowned.

"My life was originally saved by you. If you hadn't saved Qin Zheng back then, I'm afraid I would have died in the hands of the enemy. Qin Zheng's life is already the son of the son." Qin Zheng pursed his thin lips, a little distressed. Looking at the man in front of him, compared with the vigorous, elegant and confident in the past, it is indeed distressing, "In any case, Qin Zheng will never leave the son."

The old lame man was startled and said: "I thought that all women in the world are so affectionate, but now I am so downhearted and wanted by the Star Alliance again. I never thought you could still be loyal to me."

This old lame man is not someone else, but the Daoist who was physically destroyed by Zhuo Bufan in the Dragon Clan.

"My son, how did you become like you are now?" Qin Zheng asked with concern.

"Since the Dragon Clan was seriously injured by Zhuo Bufan in World War I, it not only ruined my Dao body, but also damaged my soul. I can only find the physical body of a mountain villager to live in, hiding here like a mouse for the past four years." A look of resentment flashed in Daojun's eyes, "But one day, I will double the shame of today to Zhuo Bufan."

"Now that the Star Alliance has issued a wanted order, there should be many practitioners looking for your trace." Qin Zhengdai frowned, worried.

"The universe is vast, I want to hide, it is not so easy for them to find me, but this mortal body is not suitable for me, I have to reconsolidate the body, first leave here before speaking." Daojun said.

"Well, son, I will try to help you reshape your body." Qin Zheng nodded vigorously.

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