Chapter 2865 the blue planet walks the world

After half a year of starry sky journey, after passing through the space teleportation array of the Profound Realm, Zhuo Bufan, who was driving the Blood Python, finally arrived in the Milky Way. In a vast starry sky, Zhuo Bufan swept out of the spacecraft, and then took the Blood Python back. Space ring.

"Oh, Planet Probe!"

Zhuo Bufan saw a beautiful blue planet from a very long distance. There were tens of thousands of satellites floating outside the planet, rotating steadily following trajectories, radiating hundreds of thousands of kilometers, and exploring outer space.

These satellites are not only high-tech, they also have traces of formations. The formations and technology are combined. Once any practitioners and spaceships or warships enter the starry sky, they will be sensed for the first time.

Moreover, there are spaceships flying in and out around.

"I have been away for almost 700 years. In the past 700 years, my spiritual energy has revived, martial arts have prevailed, and trade channels have been opened to some surrounding ascetic planets. I don't know what it looks like now?" Zhuo Bufan's lips outline a slight smile. .


He disappeared in place and teleported directly to a bustling city street in Longguo.

Zhuo Bufan walks on the streets where people come and go, but the people around him seem to be invisible. With Zhuo Bufan's powerful mental power, he can directly shield the spirits of other people. He seems invisible, and he can't be seen or noticed. The presence.

Zhuo Bufan returned to Jinzhou and walked in the place where he lived. The villa has not been changed at the beginning and has been retained. It is exactly the same as it was hundreds of years ago. When he was young, he and Ye Ziqin lived in this villa. There is protection, and all of them are warriors.

"Hundreds of years in a flash, it really feels like yesterday."

Zhuo Bufan stood on the vast lake, looking at the villa where he lived with Ye Ziqin, then disappeared in place, and came to a ruin with broken walls. Around the ruins, high-tech buildings stood tall, but the ruins were incompatible with the surroundings.

"Back then, the sword-shaped battleship of Lord Mu's Xiaohou came to the earth, and the entire community was burned. Even Yuan Shuang and Yu Yu were buried among them. I promised that Ye Jun would resurrect them if he had the strength, but now...I don't have that ability." Zhuo Bufan stood above the waste and looked down, sighing helplessly.

When he came back this time, Zhuo Bufan didn't notify his friends, he just wanted to come back and have a look, and then understand the mystery, not wanting to break the peace of Blue Star.

In the following days, Zhuo Bufan was like an air man. He went to see where he had been, remembering the days that had passed.

"Mom, I will definitely become a martial artist like my father in the future, join the Dragon Soul or Kyushu Martial Arts Hall, and go outside to kill monsters."

"Well, you have to study hard, or you won't even pass the culture class, let alone become a martial artist."

"En, my target is the Dragon Soul Tang Sheng, as powerful as him, and can easily kill an S-level monster."

Zhuo Bufan looked down. A mother and son passed by a small tree-lined road. Hearing their conversation, he smiled slightly and said, "Now, should it be the prosperous age of martial arts?"

Dragon Soul and Kyushu Martial Arts Center are the strongest martial arts organizations in the Dragon Kingdom, and the strongest martial arts forces in the entire Blue Star. Together with the Dragon Kingdom, they have become the strongest nation in the Blue Star.

"Tang Sheng?" Zhuo Bufan was slightly puzzled, and directly extracted the memory from the little boy's mind. "It turned out to be Tang Suo. When I met him in Yanlong, he was a martial arts wizard. I didn't expect to become a galaxy now."

Blue Star has its own set of training systems-physical training, vitality, reincarnation, generals, king of martial arts, emperor of martial arts, and sage of martial arts (Star River level).

"The Galaxy class has just stepped into the threshold of practitioners. Blue Star has entered the era of aura recovery for only a few hundred years. Compared with those planets with hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation history, it is not comparable to those planets with hundreds of thousands of years of cultivation history. It is not bad to be able to give birth to a Galaxy class powerhouse. Now." Zhuo Bufan was silent in his heart.


Zhuo Bufan disappeared in place and appeared on a vast grassland. The wind and grass in the vast grassland saw cattle and sheep. Zhuo Bufan showed his true body. From his appearance, he looked like an ordinary young man in his early twenties with black hair and black eyes. He was slow. Walk slowly on the soft turf.

This time I came back to Lanxing to understand the mystery, and I needed to practice myself, treat myself as an ordinary person, and ask my heart.

He walks without a purpose, never stops, from when the grass is green to when the grass is withered, from spring to summer to autumn and winter, from grassland to mountains, from mountain streams to desert, without a specific goal, just step by step. On the land, enjoy the magnificent scenery of the hometown.

"Usually, I swept hundreds of thousands of kilometers in a hurry, and a teleport was more than tens of millions of kilometers. There is no chance to appreciate these beautiful scenery.

"There are many planets in the universe, and there are many places with magnificent scenery, but how can you compare to your hometown?"

After walking for a full five years, Zhuo Bufan turned himself into an ordinary person, who would be thirsty, sick, and hungry.

When he was thirsty, he walked to the mountain stream and squatted in a stream and took a mouthful of sweet springs. When he was hungry, he picked some wild fruits and wildflowers to chew and swallowed it into his belly. When he was sick, he picked some herbs. Wugan Desert...

"The ocean, the boundless blue ocean." Zhuo Bufan was ragged and unkempt, looking like a first-class tramp.

Standing on the beach, the sea breeze is blowing across the face, with a hint of coolness, looking at the boundless ocean, people's heart suddenly becomes empty and refreshing.

He chopped down some trees with thick arms and cut them into a three-meter-long section, then cut bamboos to remove the branches and leaves, tied them up with some strong wild vines, made a simple raft, and pushed it into the sea.

Sitting on a raft, Zhuo Bufan occasionally took out his own fishing rod to fish in a calm area.

The float shook, Zhuo Bufan quickly took up the line, and caught a yellowish brown spotted money fish about 30 centimeters long, with a pattern similar to a cheetah.

At night, he was lying on the raft, with his head resting on his arms, looking up at the sky full of stars. He has been practicing for hundreds of years. These five years have been the most peaceful days in his heart.

When the storm came, he let the cold rain slap him on his body. As soon as the sun came out the next day, the wet clothes dried up soon.

On this day, the simple raft followed a stream of water and rushed to the shore of a small island, and the rugged reef that emerged from the water directly smashed the raft into pieces.

Zhuo Bufan landed on this island. Many ancient plants grew in the tropical rainforest. Some vines thicker than human thighs climbed among the tall trees. Suddenly, he sensed the human breath ahead.

"Miss, you shouldn't have followed. It's dangerous here. Besides, if I and Lao Li go out, we will definitely be able to catch the'blood leopard'." A group of people gathered in an open space not far away.

There were about fifteen or six people. Except for a beautiful girl, the rest were all men. They were full of vitality, and they should all be warriors who were not weak.

Among them are two middle-aged men with beards under their chins. The vitality aura is the most vigorous, and they should be powerful men of the Wuwang level.

In the Dragon Kingdom, those who can reach the rank of King Martial Arts are extremely powerful martial artists.

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