Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2865: Grandson of the Chen family

Chapter 2866 the Chen family's descendants were in love at the beginning

"I know that you have Uncle Zhang and Uncle Li, and you have gathered so many good players in the family that you should be able to catch the'Blood Leopard', but you also know the situation of the ancestor. The ancestor is critically ill. Dan, the ancestor may not even be able to survive this year, so I am even more anxious to keep me at home." The girl pursed her lips, smiled, and said.

Hearing the girl's words, including two middle-aged men at the martial arts level and dozens of other masters at the military command level, all their expressions changed slightly.

"If it weren't for the Feng family's secret assassination, how could the ancestor be so badly injured? This account must be settled with the Feng family in the future." The middle-aged man named Zhang Daoyuan said angrily.

"The Feng family came out of a good seedling, and he entered the Martial Emperor Realm in just 70 years of cultivation. It may not take a hundred years to break through the Martial Saint Realm, hey." Li Zhiyuan sighed.

The girl bit her silver teeth and said: "It's all because of me. Feng Jia Feng Tong wants to marry me. My ancestor left me to decide. That Feng Tong is a famous **** demon who doesn't know how many girls have been harmed. I naturally refuse to agree. This offends the Feng family."

As everyone was resting and chatting, the two Wu Wang suddenly moved their ears sharply, and suddenly turned their heads and looked back vigilantly.

"Uncle Li, did you find anything?" The girl frowned and said nervously.

"It's not a bloodstained leopard, it looks like a human." Li Zhiyuan frowned and said in a low voice.

I saw a person walking out of the dense woods behind, a man in torn clothes, messy and dry hair, bare feet on the wet ground, and walked towards them.

"So he was a lunatic?"

"This island is undoubtedly a million nautical miles away from the nearest Linhai City. How can anyone appear here?"

"To drive him away, maybe it was a spy sent by the Feng family."

Li Zhiyuan and Zhang Daoyuan also became vigilant. The presence of a person on this small remote island for no reason is indeed suspicious.

"Uncle Li, don't..." The girl suddenly stood up and walked towards the scruffy weirdo.

"Miss, be careful." Li Zhiyuan and Zhang Daoyuan both shouted, their bodies turned into afterimages, and there were still shadows on the spot, but the deity had already arrived in front of the girl, and both of them stared at the weird person in front of them vigilantly.

Once they detect something wrong, both of them will kill the weird person as soon as possible.

"My name is Chen Yi, this uncle... How come you come here, this island is very dangerous for monsters." Chen Yi looked at the weird man in front of him. He couldn't see his face with shaggy beard, but his outfit felt like a very old man. Big people.

"I came here as I walked," Zhuo Bufan said.

Chen Yi blinked her eyes and was a little surprised. Judging from the latter's voice, she seemed to be young, "You seem to be young. Uncle Li will bring him a set of clean clothes and washing supplies, right?"

"Miss, this person doesn't know the details, but he suddenly appeared here. It looks weird. We still have business to take care of. Leave him alone." Li Zhiyuan frowned. While speaking, he and Zhang Daoyuan both used mental energy to investigate Zhuo. Uncommon, there is no trace of vitality fluctuation on the opponent, it seems that he should be an ordinary person.

"The ancestor taught us to be kind to others, and Uncle Li should give him clothes." Chen Yi frowned.

Li Zhiyuan and Zhang Daoyuan looked at each other, and then a little helpless, immediately Li Zhiyuan took out a set of clothing from the space ring in his hand and handed it to Zhuo Bufan.

Space rings are very common among practitioners, but those who can use space rings at Blue Star have extraordinary identities.

However, this kind of space ring is very small, unlike Zhuo Bufan's space ring that can be put into a spaceship casually.

Between Zhuo Bufan's change of clothes, Li Zhiyuan said, "I've already explored it. I'm an ordinary person."

"With the strength of the two of us, unless we are a strong person above the Martial Saint Realm, we can completely hide our breath. If the other party is really Martial Saint Realm harmful to us, there is no need to hide our strength. All of us together are not his. Opponent." Zhang Daoyuan took a sip of water and said.

"I know that the two uncles are worried, but you also said that he is an ordinary person. It is impossible for the Feng family to send an ordinary person to follow us?" Chen Yi smiled lightly, "What's more, our action is very secretive, the Feng family's. People refuse to know our whereabouts."

"I hope I can find the blood-stained leopard and hurry back." Li Zhiyuan nodded.

Zhuo Bufan changed into a set of clothes, a set of martial arts weapons, spiritual food, and also shaved off the stubble and restored his youthful appearance.

"Ah, not an uncle, but a young man?" Chen Yi opened her mouth slightly surprised when she saw it.

"Thank you girl." Zhuo Bufan said.

"Are you hungry, do you want to eat something?" Chen Yi couldn't help feeling sympathy when seeing that the other party was about his age, and he was living so desperately.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head, "I don't eat anything. I don't know if there is any alcohol. I haven't drunk for a long time. My mouth is a little greedy."

"Uncle Zhang." Chen Yi turned his head and looked at Zhang Daoyuan.

"Also drink?" Zhang Daoyuan slapped a flat sheepskin water bag to him, and said, "Boy, we are here to do business. Don't get in the way. If you are a spy sent by the enemy, I won't be a man. Show mercy."

Zhuo Bufan took the water bag, opened the cork, took a sip, "The wine is good."

As if he didn't hear Zhang Daoyuan's words behind, Zhang Daoyuan snorted coldly.

"By the way, who are you?" Zhuo Bufan asked while looking at Chen Yi.

"We are from the Chen family." Chen Yi said.

When Zhuo Bufan heard the words, he was puzzled, "Which is the Chen family?"

"You don't know?" Chen Yi said with a smile, "It is normal if you don't understand. Now the Long Kingdom Zhuo family is considered a top family. It is said that their ancestors were the masters of the Kyushu Martial Arts Museum. Earth, I heard that the ancestor of the Zhuo family came forward to kill the star master of the dragon."

"The current head of the Zhuo family is Zhuofang. Although our Chen family is not comparable to the Zhuo family, it is also a family with a famous name in the Long Kingdom." Chen Yi said, with a hint of pride on her face.

"Miss, what did you say to this stupid boy? He didn't understand after you said it." Zhang Daoyuan interrupted.

Chen Yi smiled, showing two rows of white teeth.

Zhuo Bufan simply leaned on a tree pole to drink, and quietly extracted Chen Yi's memory with mental energy, his eyes suddenly changed slightly, "It turns out that it is her offspring...Chen Qingai."

After the spiritual energy is revived, everyone can practice, and the life span of human beings is greatly increased, and the life span of a martial king can reach five hundred years.

Chen Qingai has lived as long as a thousand years by swallowing elixir and practicing.

From Chen Yi’s memory, Zhuo Bufan learned that after he left, Chen Qingai graduated from Harvard and did not marry into a wealthy family. Instead, he married a Ph.D. who studied biology and later founded a business group. The scholar and Ph.D. had no interest in business. , Chen Qingai is devoted to academic research, and Chen Qingai has a great business plan, with some help from Ye Jun. After all, Chen Qingai and Zhuo Bufan have some love.

"With her strong character, it's not surprising to let future generations follow her surname Chen." Zhuo Bufan said silently.

"This Chen Yi is her great-great-great-granddaughter and one of her favorite juniors. Chen Qingai was seriously injured by the Feng family's attack, so she sent people here to find the blood-stained leopard's demon pill to heal her injuries."

Through Chen Yi's memory, Zhuo Bufan already knew a lot of information.

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