Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2889: More than a million demon crystals

Chapter 2890 more than a million demon crystals

I saw that Zhuo Bufan's right arm was wrapped with purple lines. These lines wriggled like flowing water, turning his entire palm into purple, easily penetrating the barrier of the formation, causing the formation to rippling.

The engraved on the formation is a demon pattern that is different from the human law pattern, but the oldest in the world is the dark pattern. The inscriptions mastered by both the demon race and the human race are all evolved from the dark pattern.

Zhuo Bufan is the Nine Seals Underworld Pattern Master, this kind of formation is placed in front of him, quite a bit like playing a big sword in front of Guan Gong.


A soft drink was spit out from Zhuo Bufan's mouth, and the tough and indestructible formation barrier instantly cracked, and the cracks continued to spread in all directions.

"Did you break the formation?" Jiang Ling opened his little cherry mouth slightly, with a look of astonishment all over his pretty face. If you let the young talents in the city of Fire see them, they would be moved by them. After all, this girl has something to do with her personality. It's careless, but that appearance is quite not weak.

Underground secret room.

The red hyena saw the red light flashing on the floating monster skull and finally dimmed, and the fangs in his mouth burst and curved, and he rushed out of the secret room with a swish and appeared in the courtyard of the mansion.

Obviously Zhuo Bufan and Jiang Ling didn't expect that the red hyena would not run away, but instead waited for them here.

The two flew down.

"Miss Jiang, this lord." The red hyena actually bowed his hands, with an extremely respectful attitude.

"Red Hyena, you secretly arrested the demon girl and sold it in prison. Do you know that this is an explicit ban by the Demon Temple, and it is a felony that caught your head." Jiang Ling's cold eyes burned with anger, imagining this ugliness The pig demon hugged the delicate and flowery girls in his arms and ravaged them. That kind of picture is really disgusting.

"Miss Jiang, although the Demon Palace prohibits such obscure things in the Demon Realm, I am not alone!" Red Hyena quibbleed, "Besides, I am also instigated by others, and I am also in trouble."

"Difficulty, you are also worthy of evil monsters like you?" Jiang Ling glared at him, disdainfully.

"These girls were all caught by the Yanhu clan. It was Qin Gang, the second son of the Yanhu clan. He was the messenger behind the scenes. If Miss Jiang wanted revenge, she would go to the Yanhu clan." Chi Shu Lian begged for mercy.

Yanhu Qin Gang threatened him to kill the Pig Monster Clan once he was exposed, but the Red Hyena wanted to live even more. Only when he was alive would he have a lot of food and beauties for him to enjoy. When he died, he would have nothing.

As long as he can survive, he will immediately return to the Pig Demon Clan to move with his clansmen. The demon domain is vast and vast, and the Yanhu Clan is the first family in the city of flames, but it will be beyond the reach.

"Yanhu clan, I knew that Qin Gang was not a good thing, a nest of snakes and rats." Jiang Ling bit his silver teeth.

The Scarlet Hyena raised his head and his gaze fell on Zhuo Bufan. He could sense the aura of the Silver Fox tribe on Zhuo Bufan. A trace of doubt appeared on his face. The most powerful tribe of the Silver Fox tribe was exterminated a long time ago. Why? Such a strong will be born.

"My lord, as long as you spare my life, I can dedicate all the treasures I have collected over the years to you, about one million demon crystals, just to survive." Chi Hyena pleaded.

One million monster crystals?

This is a lot of money, and ordinary Yaozu Jiehou doesn't have so many possessions.

It is also the red hyena who has made a lot of money by selling the demon girl in these years, and even more generously, bought a half-life magic weapon to save his life.

The red hyena was extremely anxious, and his head was full of cold sweat. He knew that Zhuo Bufan was the strongest. As long as he let go of Jiang Ling, he couldn't help him. He could even betray the Yanhu clan, so why not be afraid of the Biling clan.

"One million demon crystals is indeed a good number." Zhuo Bufan rubbed his chin and said in deep thought.

Red Hyena was immediately overjoyed when he heard the words, and was about to kowtow. Suddenly he heard Zhuo Bufan's words: "But you have done too much evil, and I can still get a million monster crystals by killing you."

"What? Still want to kill me?" The red hyena's face changed suddenly, his eyes were red and his mouth opened, and he spit out a black object, which was huge. It turned out to be an eight-toothed rake. "If you don't let me live, I will die together."

Zhuo Bufan's sword eyebrows clustered, his arm shook, and a beautiful cold light was drawn on the spear, and the cold light pierced the eyebrows of the pig demon red hyena. The blood gurgled down, and the skull shook into a paste that even the soul was wiped out.

"Dead, just killed Jiehou Chi-na with just one shot?" Jiang Lingnao opened his eyes wide.

"Go and rescue Xiao Sang and the girls who were trapped in prison, I'll go in and take a look." Zhuo Bufan said with his spear back and looked at Jiang Ling.

"Okay, okay." Jiang Ling returned to his senses, and even turned around and flew away towards the dungeon.

Zhuo Bufan stepped into the mansion, and there was a huge pig demon corpse in the courtyard behind him. The pig demon Red Hyena, who was so fierce and famous in Fire City, was completely exasperated.

"My lord is forgiving..."

"My lord, please forgive us, we are all persecuted by the red hyena."

"We were all arrested. If we don't serve him, we will die."

As soon as the red hyena died, the women from Jinwu Cangjiao all came out, all knelt on the ground and their eyes were flushed with tears.

"This pig demon will enjoy it. It has built such a luxurious mansion and has captured so many beautiful women." Zhuo Bufan shook his head and sighed, "You all go, the red hyena is dead."

After the women knelt and thanked them, they ran out of the mansion in a hurry.

Zhuo Bufan walked towards an underground secret room deep in the mansion. Those so-called defensive formations were very vulnerable to him. He controlled the universe and supervised a world. No matter what kind of secrets, he could not escape his supervision. This is also the universe and mystery. Usefulness.

For example, the spatial ring that isolates the divine consciousness, divine consciousness wants to explore only two conditions, either get the ring to erase the divine consciousness restriction on it, or kill the original owner of the ring.

But Universe Mystery Supervision is not needed, and some formations that isolate the divine mind cannot isolate the mystery!

Zhuo Bufan supervised the pig demon Red Hyena and found that there was nothing valuable in his space ring, and all his treasures were placed in the basement secret room.

Pushing open the two heavy stone doors, Zhuo Bufan walked into the secret room. The secret room was large with many monster skulls suspended in the middle. The skulls were densely covered with cracks and three large boxes were placed in the corners.

"These monster skulls should be the magic treasure of the formation, a half-life and death-level magic treasure." Zhuo Bufan just glanced at the three boxes in the corner and waved his palms, the box opened, and the inside shone with brilliance. , Are all treasures collected by the main red hyena, and transparent crystals of various colors are piled up in one of the boxes, which are the monster crystals.

The demon crystal is a kind of spar abundantly produced by the demon clan, it is of great benefit to their cultivation, and it is also the most popular currency.

Whoosh whoosh! With Zhuo Bufan's hand, these boxes flew into his space ring.

Most practitioners like to put treasures in the space ring because it is convenient, but the red hyena is greedy for money, he likes to pile up treasures, and he has to look at it a few times a day to be satisfied.

Just when Zhuo Bufan was about to leave the secret room, a light curtain suddenly appeared out of thin air.

"Red Hyena, how dare you betray me!"

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