Chapter 2891 the invitation of Jiang Ling from the Demon Palace

Zhuo Bufan paused in his footsteps, raised his head and looked, and saw a token floating in the sky. The light curtain was projected from the token, and there was a handsome young man in costume looking at him angrily.

"Who are you, you are not a red hyena? What about the red hyena?" the man in costume in the picture frowned and asked.

Zhuo Bufan's mouth raised a faint smile, "Oh, you said that pig demon? It's dead, and the body is still in the courtyard."

"It's you who is good for me? Don't you be afraid that my Yanhu clan will crush you to ashes..." The man in Huafu's eyes suddenly became cold and sharp, staring at Zhuo Bufan.

"It's better to swallow this kind of threat." Zhuo Bufan raised his hand, his fingertips exploded and shot a Yuanli fingerprint that directly smashed the token.

The token shattered, the light curtain disappeared naturally, and the face of the man in Chinese clothes in the scene was quite ugly at the last moment.

"That guy should be the second son of the Yanhu clan, Qin Gang. It's inevitable to get into trouble in the Demon Realm, but he didn't expect to come so quickly." Zhuo Bufan smiled indifferently and left the secret room.

After the fifteen generals of the Agni gang died, many of them began to flee, and the entire Agni gang was even more distracted after learning that the pig demon Red Hyena had died.

Jiang Ling and Xiao Sang had rescued the women who were trapped in the dungeon. There were hundreds of people from various groups of beautiful women.

When these women learned that the Agni gang had been destroyed, and the pig demon Red Hyena had died, all of them were happy from the bottom of their hearts, and they all cried with red eyes.

"Thank you, my lord, for your life-saving grace."

"Thank you girl."

"The little girl doesn't want to repay, if the girl is a son, the little slave is willing to repay with her body..."

These women were all thanking Jiang Ling. Jiang Ling's face was red and a little embarrassed. Those little bosses, including the Red Hyena, died under Zhuo Bufan's spear, but she didn't help much.

"Cough cough." Zhuo Bufan coughed slightly, "You don't have to report it with your body."

When Jiang Ling and Xiao Sang saw him coming, they all turned to look at him.

"What are you going to do with these women?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

"I have notified the Demon Hall of the Blazing Fire City. They will soon send people to investigate. As for these women, they will also be handed over to the Demon Hall. The Demon Hall will be responsible for sending them back to their respective groups." Jiang Ling said, killing Chi in Zhuo Bufan. She had already informed the Demon Hall branch of the city of raging fire.

Behind the Agni gang there is a messenger behind the scenes, and the red hyena is just working for others. The Demon Temple must investigate this matter severely.

"Xiao Sang, what are you going to do?" Zhuo Bufan asked, looking at Xiao Sang.

"I, I plan to follow the son. Both my parents were killed by the Iron Rhino tribe. I have been wandering hoping to find the Silver Fox tribe to take in..." Xiao Sang gritted his teeth, lowered his head slightly, and said in a low voice.

"Then you will follow me temporarily, and I will take you to the Silver Fox tribe." Zhuo Bufan said. He also wanted to learn more about the Silver Fox tribe from Xiao Sang. It would be better if he could find Yinyue's sister smoothly.

Zhuo Bufan is going to leave here with Xiao Sang.

To get rid of the pig demon and the red hyena to save people was just easy, he still had more important things to do.

"Wait a minute." Jiang Ling shouted when the two were about to leave.

"Huh?" Zhuo Bufan looked at her suspiciously.

Jiang Ling took a deep breath, a pair of blue diamond-shaped pupils with a somewhat struggling color, and said: "Zhuo Bufan, are you good at attacking formations?"

"Didn't you see all of them just now?" Zhuo Bufan said.

"I want to invite you to help in my clan. You need to crack the formation. As long as you can crack the formation, I can give you a lot of demon crystals." Jiang Linglian said, and she was worried that Zhuo Bufan would refuse.

Zhuo Bufan was silent for a moment. He did need a lot of demon crystals. At that time, he would need to consume the demon crystals to resist the coercion of the demon qi to go to the'Monster Ancestor Forbidden Area'. One of the three major families in the city, the background should be quite rich.

Like the pig demon, the red hyena, who has accumulated so many treasures can not buy a mansion in the city of fire.

"Okay, but I have other important things. I can't delay too much time." Zhuo Bufan said in deep thought.

"No problem, it won't delay you a lot of time." When Jiang Ling heard Zhuo Bufan's answer, his pretty face showed joy.

The three of them waited for about half a tea time at the camp of the Agni gang. A team of people from the sky broke through the wind from a distance. There were about dozens of people, all wearing fiery-red standard armor, and each of them was repaired above the general level. Therefore, the temperament of the lineup is by no means comparable to the rabble crowd of the Agni gang.

Demon Temple Law Enforcement Team!

"Master Zong." Jiang Ling recognized the commander in charge, and said, "The Burning Fire gang privately imprisoned girls of all races and sold them, and these girls are the ones who were imprisoned by him."

Zong Yuan looked at the messy Fire Gang, nodded, and immediately fell on Zhuo Bufan and sensed that he was a member of the Silver Fox tribe. The latter sensed a subtle sense of danger.

Zong Yuan is the law enforcer of the Demon Hall branch of the Fierce Fire City. He is the peak powerhouse of the Realm of Realm, and his strength is good.

"Where is the Pig Demon Red Hyena?" Zong Yuan asked.

"Dead, it's in the mansion over there." Jiang Ling pointed to the mansion behind the valley.

The four men behind Zong Yuan flew over immediately, and after a while they returned with the body of the red hyena and placed the body of the red hyena on the ground.

"One shot penetrates the head, one shot is deadly?" Zong Yuan looked at the wound in the center of the red hyena's eyebrows, his pupils contracted slightly, even he was not sure to kill the red hyena with a single shot.

"Who killed the red hyena?" Zong Yuan frowned and asked.

"I killed it." Zhuo Bufan said.

"The strength is good, you can kill the red hyena with a single shot." Zong Yuan nodded, guessing in his heart that Zhuo Bufan must be a genius of the Silver Fox tribe, perhaps he has mastered some powerful secret technique.

Jiang Ling said: "The red hyena said before he died that he was instigated by Qin Gang, the second son of the Yanhu clan. Master Zong, please be sure to investigate clearly and not let the messenger behind the scenes get away with it.

"It has something to do with Qin Gang of the Yanhu clan? Miss Jiang can't say anything without evidence, but our Demon Hall will carefully investigate it. If it is really related to the Yanhu clan, our Demon Hall will not let it go." Yuan solemnly said, "As for these women, I will bring them back to the Demon Temple and then send them back to their tribes."

"Thank you Lord Zong, I will return to the city of flames first." Jiang Ling nodded and arched his hands.

Immediately, Zhuo Bufan, Jiang Ling, and Xiao Sang directly turned into three streamers, leaving three tails of light in the sky, and quickly flew towards the city of Agni.

"Master Zong, Miss Jiang Ling doesn't know the truth or not, what if she has something to do with the Yanhu clan?" a subordinate frowned and asked.

Zong Yuan looked stern, "What about Yanhu clan even if it is the first clan in the city of flames? Why is my monster clan unable to achieve complete unity? It is because some people are only caring for their own interests to mutilate other groups. Three orders and five applications to prohibit the slave trade, if this matter has something to do with the Yanhu clan, hum, you won’t be able to escape!"

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