Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2942: The amazing speed of redstone

Chapter 2943 Redstone's Astonishing Speed

Until Zhuo Bufan swooped down, he could feel that behind him, there was a gaze watching him, making him feel like a man on his back. This woman might be quite troublesome in the future, at least in Zhuo Bufan's heart, he was unwilling to provoke Luo Mo.

"Commander, there is a personal genius." Huo Ding, a burly man who has been cold and cold, said suddenly.

"Before it's time to get started, I heard that Jiang Chen has exchanged a lot of places for the Star Alliance geniuses to enter the demon realm. Among them, five places are allocated to the geniuses of the realm king realm. The potential of these realm kings should be great. , Let's go down first." Luo Mo retracted his sharp eyes, and his voice was extremely cold even when facing his own person.

Even Tan Yu and Huo Ding, two powerhouses who are frightening in the Demon Clan, had to put away their jealousy when they stood beside Luo Mo. They knew how terrifying the latter was going crazy.

Whoosh whoosh!

The three streamers disappeared in place and dived directly below the canyon.

Zhuo Bufan was the first to jump down the canyon, and he found it extraordinary when he first came into contact with the clouds and fog. These clouds and fog have a strong coercion. Every thread is heavy. It takes a lot of energy to break through the clouds and fog. The canyon is like The depth is not bottomed, and the more the pressure goes down, the stronger the pressure. This kind of pressure is very familiar to him, and generally only the saints can have it.

Ordinary practitioners contacted Xia Ling Saint and others, and they all deliberately reduced the pressure, otherwise the pressure would be released at will, and ordinary practitioners would not be able to bear it.

After crossing the barriers, Zhuo Bufan found that there were stone platforms extending from the stone walls on both sides of the canyon. On the stone platforms, there were some strong monsters who practiced cross-legged, and after sensing the presence of Zhuo Bufan, these powerful monsters all opened up. Opened his eyes and glanced at him, it was obvious that the Master Xuanwujie had notified them in advance, so they were not surprised either.

World King, World King!

The people who first met Shitai for cultivation were Realm Kings, who swallowed the traces of holy energy that permeated the canyon, refined them, and consolidated their strength.

After 100,000 meters below the canyon, what I met were some powerful men who stepped into the realm of the emperor, and the pressure in the air became more intense, and there was even a hint of red mist in the air, which contained a hint of red mist. With a very strong evil spirit.

"That's..." Zhuo Bufan looked down, his eyes gathering vitality.

I saw a red stone the size of a basketball court below the canyon, rising with rich blood energy, just glanced at Zhuo Bufan and then retracted his gaze, his eyes stinged.

That huge redstone should be contaminated with the blood of the saint. The saint is the strongest existence of this era. It is eternal and immortal, and bloodshed is also impossible. It is no wonder that it carries such a terrifying pressure to be contaminated and penetrated by the holy blood.

Previously, those strong cultivators chose different regions to practice according to their different strength levels. The strong ones who reached the Realm Sovereign Realm barely managed to maintain a steady state of mind and practice, while the ordinary Realm Sovereign came here, and the pressure alone cannot make people calm. , Let alone quiet practice.

Zhuo Bufan found a stone platform and flew away, then sat down cross-legged, emptied his mind, swallowed a trace of blood mist that surged in the canyon, the tip was as thin as a needle, and it was swallowed directly to the dantian, rumbling... The breath and a powerful force washed the whole body, flowing through the limbs and hundreds of skeletons and countless meridians.

Finally, through the movement of the meridians, after removing the evil energy in it, the pure energy enters the dantian, slowly condensing the vitality vortex.

"The power of a single holy energy is equivalent to the power of 10,000 stars?" Zhuo Bufan was shocked.

If you continue to absorb it, you can condense a large number of Yuanli vortexes in the dantian. Since he knew that Junior Brother Jiang Chen had gathered 10,000 yuan of vortex before choosing to break through the Realm Emperor, Zhuo Bufan also set himself a demanding goal. Before this goal was reached, he I don't want to break through, because once I break through, I can't regret it.

After reaching the realm of the realm emperor, it is impossible to condense the elemental force vortex again.

Moreover, this blood-red mist also contains a strong evil spirit. For ordinary practitioners, it is extremely uncomfortable to bear these evil energy. First, the evil energy must be suppressed and then purified, and finally the pure holy energy power is absorbed again.

A trace of pure holy energy is comparable to some treasures of heaven and earth.

Zhuo Bufan didn't have this trouble. He had already accepted the inheritance of the Asura Realm Master and cultivated evil spirits. Not only would these evil energy enter the body without any harm, but it can wash the evil spirit body, and the absorption speed far exceeds that of others.

About Mozhan tea time, a vortex of vitality was condensed, and it was extremely solid.

At the same time, Luo Mo also took Huo Ding and Tan Yu down. They also sat cross-legged on the stone platform in the same area, and began to absorb the holy energy that permeated the canyon. Time passed, and then there were three more figures from there. Falling from the top of the canyon, all of them breathed extraordinary. The three of them were the pinnacles of the Realm Emperor, and one of them stared at Zhuo Bufan with bitter eyes.

Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes and saw three figures falling on three stone platforms. One of them was a burly figure with black curly hair all over his body. He nodded slightly to him. He was one of the four kings of the Black Bear Realm Emperor, and Zhuo Bufan was also separated from him. Kong slightly nodded, and Zhuo Bufan had a good impression of the latter.

The other has muscles like a horned dragon, with two giant axes behind his back, and two fangs in his mouth. He should be one of the four kings, Tieshan Realm Emperor, but a wild boar demon.

"Oh oh, the newly recruited guy from Lord Gu, Shadow Killer? It's just the pinnacle of the realm king. Poison demon you are really embarrassing." Tieshan Realm Emperor glanced at the poison demon realm emperor, and made no secret of the mockery in his tone. , Naturally, he didn't pay attention to Zhuo Bufan either.

As for the last one, it is naturally the Poison Demon Emperor who has had a hatred with Zhuo Bufan. His body is snake-tailed and his eyes are quite cruel. For the latter's eyes, Zhuo Bufan directly chose to ignore it, and said that the other party was obstructed by the command of the Xuanwu Master. He didn't dare to shoot at him, even if he insisted on doing it, the outcome would be difficult to determine.

"Humph." The Poison Demon Realm Emperor hummed coldly, and simply closed his eyes and began to absorb the holy energy.

According to the stronger the strength, the faster the speed of absorbing the holy energy, like Tieshan, the black bear, and the poisonous emperor, it only takes half a stick of incense to absorb the holy energy, while other emperors need a stick of incense or even longer. Obviously The strength of these three kings is stronger, and it is easier to suppress the evil spirit mixed in the holy energy.

The absorption speed of Tan Yu and Huo Ding is not much different from that of the Black Bear Realm Emperor and others, but Luo Mo's absorption speed of holy energy is far more than that of the three. He can absorb three rays of holy energy in half of the incense, so he wants to be stronger. .

But as time went by, many people noticed a strange place and opened their eyes one after another. All their eyes converged to one point. There was a black-haired and black-eyed young man sitting cross-legged, absorbing a ray of blood red holy energy. , The tea time will swallow ten ray of holy spirits.

This speed far surpasses Luo Mo and the others, and this black-haired and black-eyed young man is not someone else, it is Zhuo Bufan.

You don’t need to suppress evil spirits. On the contrary, evil spirits have a good effect on physique tempering. Zhuo Bufan swallows holy energy ten times faster than ordinary realm emperors, and he is still the pinnacle of realm kings. This scene has made many monsters strong. The color of surprise, even if it was Tieshan Realm Emperor who had despised Zhuo Bufan from the beginning, at this moment, his pupils had shrunk slightly, and the contempt on his face had gradually receded.

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