Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2943: Ice Mixed Olympics

Chapter 2944 the ice mix mystery refuses to admit defeat


Luo Mo also noticed something strange, slowly raised his eyelids, and then fell on a stone platform not far from the opposite side. A figure sat on the stone platform, standing still, and ten wisps of blood red holy energy flew into him at the same time. Body, and is quickly absorbed by it.

Tea time can absorb ten wisps of holy energy at the same time, which is three times faster than her.

"Is there any magic weapon to restrain evil spirits?" After Luo Mo was slightly surprised, that cold pretty face appeared puzzled. Suddenly, she saw Zhuo Bufan stand up and looked down thoughtfully. Sensing her gaze, Zhuo Bufan raised his head slightly and looked at her, with a curve on the corners of his lips, but this curve made Luo Mo slightly uncomfortable.

Zhuo Bufan’s absorption speed is already very fast, but he has not reached the limit. The deeper the canyon, the stronger the holy energy. He hesitated, and suddenly he swept down like an arrow. This behavior naturally caused a lot of consternation. His eyes vibrated again, and he had to go down, where although the holy energy was strong, the blood evil aura and holy power were also stronger.

"Don't be proud in front of me." Luo Mo suddenly stood up, and Tan Yu and Huo Ding next to her were slightly startled and opened their mouths. In the end, the two of them did not speak. According to their response to the leader Understand that the latter's eagerness to win, once they make up their minds on something, they cannot persuade them.

Luo Mo's figure swept away, and he also swept down the canyon.


Zhuo Bufan’s divine mind had already sensed Luo Mo’s breath. After watching it, he saw the latter’s long icy blue hair flying in the wind, and his body was wrapped in some special icy blue light. The blood suffocation in the canyon was still She was frozen to pieces and turned into nothingness without getting close to her body.

"It's such a strong chill. Even the suffocation can be frozen. The mystery of ordinary ice properties should not be so strong. She should master the'Ice Mix Mystery' as one of the top mysteries." Zhuo Bufan thought in his heart, of course he was not too surprised, Luo Mo He was the pinnacle of the Realm Emperor Realm and was sent to the Demon Realm by the Demon Race, and he was the leader, his strength was beyond doubt.

It's just that the latter's aggressiveness made Zhuo Bufan a kind of smile.

Sure enough, the deeper the gorge is, the pressure of the evil spirit and holy energy is getting stronger and stronger, and what makes Zhuo Bufan feel uncomfortable is that there is a scent of evil in these evil spirits, and every time the evil energy enters the body, it must be wiped out first. The evil air in it was only able to absorb the pure holy air.

"I'm afraid that the stone was not only stained with the blood of the Night White Sage, but also the blood of the enemy fell on it." Zhuo Bufan muttered in his heart. The skin has grown out of fine scales, densely covering all parts of his body. At that, the evil spirit had little effect on him, but Shengwei's pressure did not weaken in the slightest.

The saint was angry, and the corpses fell a million, the galaxy collapsed, even if it was only the holy blood, there was a terrifying will coercion.

"It's too greedy to chew, it's not that easy to continue down, and it's even life-threatening." Suddenly, a voice sounded in the canyon.

Near the bottom of the canyon 10,000 meters, there is an extended stone platform. On the stone platform sits a thin man with white hair and white eyebrows, dressed in a snow-white robe, and on his knees is a sword that is as dark as ink. A glance at the past will give people the illusion that his whole body is only black and white.

The four kings under the main seat of Xuan Wujie, Tieshan Realm Emperor, Poison Demon Realm Emperor, Black Bear Realm Emperor, this one wanted to be the first of the four kings-Bai Chi Realm Emperor.

This strong man from the Eagle Clan, proficient in kendo, is the first of the four kings to attack and fight.

Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly to the other party, and said hello. A master like this is very arrogant, and it's good to say something to remind him.

He still flies downward, five kilometers from the bottom of the valley!

Three kilometers!

One thousand meters!

Luo Mo's eyebrows in the rear gradually frowned as the holy pressure continued to increase. Obviously, dealing with the evil spirit made her a little uncomfortable, especially the evil atmosphere mixed in it was quite laborious to wipe off, and she had to resist the power of the saint. Pressure.

There are some icy blue silk threads hidden in a pair of clear and beautiful eyes, gradually converging to the pupils.

Squeezing the white jade palm, he had an unyielding character since he was a child. Luo Mo looked at the figure that had reached the bottom of the valley, bit his silver teeth, speeded up again, and swept directly to the bottom of the valley.

As Luo Mo and Zhuo Bufan swept into the bottom of the valley, Tan Yu, Huo Ding, and many monsters powerhouses stared. Although the holy energy below is rich, the pressure is stronger, and it simply resists the invasion and attack of evil spirits. The pressure of holy energy can make people immobile, let alone absorb holy energy at the same time.

For example, when diving into the bottom of the sea, the deeper the water pressure, the more restraint, how to fish.

Of course, not everyone can sneak directly into the bottom of the valley, like some weak realm kings who dare not go down at all, the evil aura and coercion below can cause them to be seriously injured, let alone absorb the holy aura to practice.

"Hmph, thinking that the holy energy below is strong, he went down, overwhelming kid." The Poison Demon Realm Emperor snorted coldly, and he was naturally quite hostile to Zhuo Bufan.

He is one of the four dignified kings. Not only did he fail to regain the face of the Demon Scale Clan, but he became a stepping stone to Zhuo Bufan's fame. He was only to blame for his carelessness. If he didn't look at Qing Zhuofan at first, he would directly use the strongest means to kill him. , Where can be as aggrieved as it is now.

From the beginning to the end, the Poison Demon Realm Sovereign didn't think Zhuo Bufan could defeat him. He lost, but because of his carelessness, he still had a lot of hole cards left.

"We can all go to the bottom of the valley, but at the bottom of the valley, we need to separate most of the vitality and spiritual power to fight the pressure, and the speed of absorbing the holy energy is not as good as here." Tieshan Realm Emperor also said.

The Black Bear Realm Emperor also nodded in agreement.

Many powerful monsters swept down and stopped at a stone platform about one million meters away from the bottom of the valley. From this distance, they could see the situation underneath. They all wanted to see if Zhuo Bufan and Luo Mo could absorb the holy energy at the bottom of the valley. .

Zhuo Bufan fell on the bottom of the valley, the soil was scarlet, without any vitality or vegetation, three kilometers away from him, stood a huge uneven red stone, that strands of holy energy and evil spirits spilled from it. Come out, and most of the evil aura and holy aura are permeating the bottom of the valley.

After falling, I felt like my body was in the mud, suppressed everywhere.

"Oh?" Sensing a figure falling behind him, Zhuo Bufan touched his nose. He couldn't help feeling a little helpless. This woman's personality was a bit too strong and she was unwilling to lose half a point to herself, and this kind of stubborn and strong personality is extremely similar to Ye Zi's. It’s no wonder that the two can become good friends and girlfriends.

"The pressure is so strong that all actions are hindered, even if you don't deliberately absorb it, the wisps of evil aura will penetrate into the body everywhere, and a lot of energy is needed to erase the evil aura from it." Luo Mo'e frowned, and his icy blue eyes flowed. Chill, looked at the vague figure in front of him, the former seemed to be under less pressure than her.

Zhuo Bufan sits in the same place, where the evil spirit and holy energy are strong enough. According to his estimation, it will be enough to condense a thousand yuan force vortex in five days. The holy energy is the most domineering energy between heaven and earth, which is transformed into the power of stars in the Dantian. The cohesive elemental force vortex has a better effect than any celestial treasure.

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