Chapter 2951 Death Gobi

At the entrance of the Silver Fox Village, many members of the Silver Fox tribe gathered around Princess Hongyun, and everyone was watching Princess Hongyun, because Lord Hongyun and Zhuo Bufan went to bury the holy abyss to risk the rise of the Silver Fox tribe. Opportunity, everyone understands that the place is extremely dangerous, and the future is unknown.

"Princess Hongyun be careful." Dianthus said with red eyes, looking at Princess Hongyun.

"Don't worry, this time I will be with Master Bai Yuan and Master Zhuo. There will be no danger. I will definitely bring back to the ancestors." Princess Hongyun's sharp face was smeared with a beeswax light arc, her soft hair shaved her shoulders. Bend back with a soft arc, that beautiful face with a heart-warming smile, for the expectation of the people, she will definitely do her best.

Xiao Sang waved his small hand at Zhuo Bufan among the crowd: "Master Zhuo, be careful all the way."

Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly, then looked at Princess Hongyun and said: "Princess Hongyun, we are going to go to the Pantheon Palace first."

Princess Hongyun tapped her head lightly, her charming peach blossom eyes made Zhuo Bufan uncomfortable. Seeing Zhuo Bufan's dodge gaze, the former actually covered her vermilion lips with her jade hands, and said with a smile: "Master Zhuo, you and I don't have to see you so much , Just call me Hongyun, besides, this time I go to Death Gobi, I want you to take care of me."

"Well, Red Cloud, White Ape, let's go." After Zhuo Bufan said, the three of them turned into three streams of light and disappeared, and swiftly rushed towards the Pantheon Palace.

A large number of people have gathered in the Plaza of the Pantheon, and there are locust-like figures around the sky flying towards the square. Except for the four kings under the main seat of Xuan Wujie, many people in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons have reached the realm of the realm emperor and the realm king. The strong, some of whom are nearing their life, want to take a chance, and some have the confidence to survive, and want to go to the Gobi to find treasures to enhance their strength.

Zhuo Bufan, Hongyun, and Bai Yuan followed the crowd to settle down in the square. After seeing Zhuo Bufan, some of the strong monsters smiled at him or nodded. Obviously the latter came to Ten Thousand Demon Valley. It's not long, but the recent fame is extremely loud, even some unruly guys are unwilling to easily provoke this strong man who shelters the silver fox tribe.

"Lots of people." For the first time, Hongyun saw so many powerful men in the Ten Thousand Demon Valley, and saw many people nodding and smiling at Zhuo Bufan in favor, feeling quite touched in his heart, when the Silver Fox Clan was the strongest. I am afraid that she is not qualified to stand here, not to mention the fact that the Silver Fox Clan is unremarkable in the Ten Thousand Demon Valley, if it weren't for Zhuo Bufan's sake, she didn't even have the qualification to stand here.

"There are still a few old guys I know. They are probably the same as me. Their life expectancy is approaching. They are ready to fight for a chance." Bai Yuan looked around and sighed. No one knows where the end of the practice is. , No matter how strong, the end of life will be one day.

"Although the danger of death in the Gobi is less than that of the Burial Sacred Abyss, it is relatively speaking. Death in the Gobi is very dangerous. Many emperors may fall. Red clouds and white apes. If you encounter life and death danger, I will not save you. Now I can decide whether or not to go together. If I regret it, I can give you some treasures." Zhuo Bufan spoke to the two of them.

Although he knew Hong Yun and Bai Yuan, they hadn't had a fateful friendship. If he really encountered a danger that could threaten his life, Zhuo Bufan would not be able to save the two.

"My life expectancy is approaching, and I will die if I don't fight." Bai Yuan didn't care, shrugging his shoulders.

The corners of Hongyun's slightly thin mouth raised a fascinating arc, and his voice was like a silver bell. He said, "Although our silver fox clan is sheltered by Lord Zhuo, I think no one will deliberately provoke us, but external things. After all, one day it will disappear. If you want to protect the safety of the group and let the Silver Fox tribe gain self-esteem, you still need your own strength in the end."

He felt uncommon for Hongyun's remarks, and nodded in agreement. Anything outside would be unreliable after all. People can only rely on themselves and grasp the things in their hands to make people feel at ease.

About Mozhan tea time, the people and horses preparing to go to the Gobi of Death and the Holy Burial Abyss this time have gathered, about a thousand people or so, gathered in the square vast, Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt a gaze, and could not help turning his head to look. There were three people standing in the distance, it was Luo Mo, Tan Yu, and Huo Ding, and the slightly cold gaze emanated from Luo Mo's eyes.

Luo Mo's face is not weaker than Hongyun, but they are two completely opposite temperaments and personalities. Hongyun is like a frosty flower, while Luo Mo is more like a cold thorny ice flower, exuding a kind of coldness all over his body. Meaning.

As if perceiving Zhuo Bufan's gaze, Luo Mo simply retracted his gaze and turned his head slightly, leaving his face to face Zhuo Bufan.

"People are here, ready to die in the Gobi!"

An illusory huge ice mask appeared above the sky, and the vast voice spread across the fields, followed by a wave of spatial fluctuations covering the entire square. Everyone did not resist this fluctuation, and the master of Xuan Wujie controlled the power of the space and directly led it. Thousands of people disappeared in the Pantheon Square.

Tens of thousands of kilometers away from the Ten Thousand Demon Valley, a space trembled violently, and immediately thousands of figures appeared in this wilderness. The Lord Xuan Wu had already mastered the'rules of the avenue' and led thousands of people to carry out tens of thousands of people. The kilometer teleportation is not too difficult.

Zhuo Bufan, Hongyun, and White Ape appeared with everyone in this wilderness, and an aura that made Zhuo Bufan so familiar with immediately swept over. Although this aura is very weak, Zhuo Bufan is certain that this is unique to the Flame Demon Clan. The evil aura, wanting to come as he guessed, the enemy of the Ye Bai Sage of the Demon Race millions of years ago was a supreme of the Flame Demon Race.

"I feel that my Yuan Li repels the aura of this space." Princess Hongyun frowned, obviously she also felt the evil aura.

"This is due to the weakening of the evil aura in the Gobi of Death. In normal times, the suppression power will be stronger. We can't absorb the vitality of the heavens and the earth at all. We can only rely on the vitality vortex to recover by ourselves, so many strong people died here. The main reason is that the Yuanli is exhausted." Bai Yuan had entered the death Gobi, and the sound transmission explained to the two of them.

Unable to absorb the vitality supplement between the heavens and the earth, it can only rely on the vitality vortex to recover its speed will slow down a lot. If you fight, the more powerful the vitality, the more dominant it will be.

"It seems that my advantage in this area is relatively large. The absorption of holy energy from the red stone has made my vitality vortex reach five thousand, even if the strength of the strong power of the realm emperor is only one-fifth of mine. One." Zhuo Bufan murmured in his heart.

Five thousand Yuanli Vortex, halfway to the goal of "10,000 Yuanli Vortex" customized by Zhuo Bufan.

The more Yuanli vortex, the faster the recovery speed.

In front of the crowd, a vague figure gradually solidified, and his posture was long and thin. A master of Xuan Wujie appeared in plain clothes and an ice mask. His eyes were swept away from everyone, and his voice said with a blank voice: "You can find treasures in the Gobi of Death. , The Burial Holy Abyss is in the depths of the Gobi of Death. The closer you get to it, the greater the danger. You don't have to go to die. Even if I go to Bury the Holy Abyss, it is very dangerous."

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