Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2951: Blue butterfly flower

Chapter 2952 Blue Butterfly Flower

Everyone nodded secretly after hearing the warning from the Master Xuanwujie. They naturally knew how dangerous and terrifying the Holy Burial Abyss was. It is dangerous for those who are strong in the realm of the realm to enter there. They only dare to enter when the danger of the Holy Burial Abyss decreases, let alone them. , Once in, there is death but no life.

Naturally, what the Lord Xuan Wujie came to Bury Saint Yuan was looking for is not an ordinary rare treasure. What he wanted to seek was an opportunity to step into the opportunity of the saint, like Bai Jiao Yuan Crimson Eye Demon Lord and Qishan League White Tiger Realm Master. Here, for the sake of it is also a ray of chance for sanctification.

"Well, if you can come here, you must be prepared to sacrifice your lives. Whether you can get the opportunity to go further or die here depends on your own luck." After the last sentence of the Lord Xuanwujie, his body shape disappeared in place again. .

The Master Xuan Wujie should have moved away from the Holy Burial Abyss. A shocking battle a million years ago almost destroyed the northern border of the Demon Region, and the rules in this area were destroyed and shattered, unless he had a very deep grasp of the mysteries of space. In order to teleport.

After the master of Xuan Wujie left, thousands of strong monsters also began to group into groups, usually close or close friends or friends form a small team, a team of no more than ten people, it is not a human to venture out to hunt for treasures. More is better. On the contrary, if there are too many people, the speed of advancement will be slowed down, the search area will become smaller, and if the treasure is not found, it will be contradictory.

Even more afraid of being stabbed by someone after the treasure is in hand, so only the closest ones will form a team, or they would rather choose to act alone.

With the formation of a team, these teams also swept out of formations and swept away towards the vast expanse of the wilderness and the Gobi. The four kings under the main seat of Xuan Wujie also led a few good players who took refuge in them, one after another. go with.

"Let's go too." Zhuo Bufan looked in one direction of the Gobi, and transmitted his voice to Hong Yun and Bai Yuan. The three of them rushed up and quickly swept towards the direction chosen by Zhuo Bufan.

The crowds of people scattered, and soon disappeared from the line of sight.

"Commander, where are we going?" Hoding looked at Luo Mo and asked.

"Over there." Luo Mo looked in one of the directions and moved. Huo Ding and Tan Yu glanced at each other, and were slightly taken aback. Luo Mo chose the same direction as Zhuo Bufan, and the two quickly followed.

The thousand-person team that originally appeared was completely dispersed throughout the desolate Gobi. Because the rules of this area were broken, they could not teleport unless they reached the realm of the realm. Everyone could only fly honestly. In addition, the vitality was also unable to move. External supplement.

These two harsh conditions alone have greatly weakened the strength of the practitioner, not to mention the other dangers in the death Gobi.

"You don't need to be too fast. Divine thoughts are useless here. You can only look for treasures with the naked eye." Zhuo Bufan's trio of people skimmed at low altitude, and at the same time transmitted voices to Hong Yun and Bai Yuan. It was comparable to ordinary world masters, but the rules in this dead Gobi were shattered, and the divine consciousness would immediately disappear when it radiated, which was useless.

"Bai Yuan, do you remember where you got your finger bones?" Zhuo Bufan spoke to Bai Yuan.

Where you get your finger bones, there may be other gains.

Bai Yuan nodded, but his expression became a little dignified: "Well, I remember where it is, but that place is more dangerous. There is a shrine over there. I only dare to move around on the edge and dare not approach it. I move around. Got the phalanx at the time."

"Okay, go and take a look first." Zhuo Bufan said.

Since I came to Death Gobi to look for treasures, where can I not bear any risk, there is no such good thing in the world.

The white monkeys pointed the direction, the three of them speeded up the flight, and the vitality consumed by the flight was always in balance with the recovery. After all, in such a dangerous area, it is uncertain when to encounter a danger. Only by maintaining the best condition at all times can it cope with all sudden changes. Hair situation.

"It's almost there, right over there!" Bai Yuan said suddenly.

Zhuo Bufan and Hongyun looked into the distance, and a blue dot appeared in the distance. As they continued to advance, the blue dot immediately turned into a lake, like countless blue diamonds scattered on this desolate Gobi, showing a kind of The dreamlike beauty, together with the sky dome, was soaked into a flaming sea blue.

The three of them came to a distance of 100 meters from the edge of this blue lake, and they could see some fog lingering in the sea of ​​flowers, and the so-called blue diamonds were actually blooming blue flowers, without stems and leaves, just floating in the air. , Each blue flower has three symmetrical rhombus petals, which is beautiful and moving.

Under this visual feast, even the relatively high-tempered Hongyun beautiful eyes showed obsessive colors, and the tight and pretty face was slightly relaxed, showing a charming and moving smile.

"What is this?" Hong Yun's breathing was stagnant, and his eyes were astonishing.

"The legendary blue butterfly flower sea turned out to be true." Bai Yuan was also taken aback for a moment, and then recovered. "There is a legend in the Death Gobi. It is said that the wife of the'White Sage of the Night' is named Lan Die. A human woman, the two got married after falling in love. Because of the hatred of the Yao family and the human race, Ye Bai was chased and killed by some strong monsters until Ye Bai became a saint. All the strong people of the Yao race were silent, and no one dared anymore. Oppose."

The human race and the monster race have hated countless years, and marrying a human woman would indeed be shameless by the monster race, but when Ye Bai became a saint, those opposition voices disappeared completely, and the monster race was more important to the survival of the strong. Laws and rules are also made and broken by the strong.

"There was a shocking battle a million years ago. It is rumored that the wife of the Yebai Sage, Blue Butterfly, also died here. Every time the Burial Abyss opens, a strange flower will appear here. This kind of flower has no fragrance, holy and noble. , Everyone named this flower'Blue Butterfly'."

"The information I got from some ancient books and rumors, as for the true or false, is unknown."

Bai Yuan explained to the two.

"This Yebai Sage should love his wife very much, otherwise he will still insist on staying with his wife in the face of all the strong opponents and hunts of the Yao Race." Hong Yun was quite moved and muttered softly.

Zhuo Bufan looked at the gorgeous blue diamond-like flowers, and he was a little moved. Isn't he and Ye Ziqin right? The Demon Race and the Star Alliance have been hostile for hundreds of thousands of years. If the relationship between him and Ye Ziqin is announced, I am afraid it will be too. After being chased by all the powerhouses of the Demon Race and the Star Alliance, if one can possess the strength of the'White Sage of the Night', then all the rules can be broken.

Vaguely, Zhuo Bufan perceives the slight fluctuations of the phalanx in the spatial ring, and he wants to feel some familiar auras, and through this fluctuation, Zhuo Bufan feels some vague guidance, as if there is something in front of him that is attracting him.

"Go in and take a look. Everyone stay vigilant and don't fly too fast." Zhuo Bufan looked forward, his deep pupils drew a hint of light, and immediately took the lead to swept forward, Bai Yuan and Hong Yun closely following him on both sides. .

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